Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X
Editor Affiliations +
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23-26 September 2013
Dresden, Germany
Front Matter: Volume 8899
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 889901 (2013)
Imaging and Biometrics I
Matthew P. Edgar, Baoqing Sun, Richard Bowman, Stephen S. Welsh, Miles J. Padgett
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 889902 (2013)
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 889904 (2013)
Imaging and Biometrics II
M. J. Hobbs, F. Bastiman, C. H. Tan, J. P. R. David, S. Krishna, E. Plis
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 889906 (2013)
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 889907 (2013)
Photonic Devices and Systems
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 88990A (2013)
S. P. Najda, P. Perlin, T. Suski, L. Marona, M. Boćkowski, M. Leszczyński, P. Wisniewski, R. Czernecki, R. Kucharski, et al.
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 88990B (2013)
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 88990C (2013)
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 88990D (2013)
Optical Systems and Components
Richard Hollins, Amy Rudge, Stuart Bennett
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 88990F (2013)
J. S. Cheong, J. S. L. Ong, J. S. Ng, A. B. Krysa, F. Bastiman, J. P. R. David
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 88990G (2013)
How Secure is Quantum Cryptography? Security Proofs and Quantum Hacking
Horace P. Yuen
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 88990J (2013)
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 88990L (2013)
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 88990M (2013)
Hao Qin, Rupesh Kumar, Romain Alléaume
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 88990N (2013)
Practical Quantum Communication: Robust Implementation and Component Development
Hugo Zbinden, Nino Walenta, Olivier Guinnard, Raphael Houlmann, Charles Lim Ci Wen, Boris Korzh, Tommaso Lunghi, Nicolas Gisin, Andreas Burg, et al.
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 88990P (2013)
Benedikt Pressl, Gregor Weihs
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 88990Q (2013)
Damien Stucki, Samuel Burri, Edoardo Charbon, Christopher Chunnilall, Alessio Meneghetti, Francesco Regazzoni
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 88990R (2013)
Daniela Frauchiger, Renato Renner
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 88990S (2013)
Quantum Communication over Networks, Long-Distance Fiber Links, and Atmospheric Channels
Peter van Loock
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 88990U (2013)
Ross J. Donaldson, Robert J. Collins, Vedran Dunjko, Partick J. Clarke, Erika Andersson, John Jeffers, Gerald S. Buller
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 88990X (2013)
Unattended and Unmanned Technologies and Systems I
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 889912 (2013)
Toby P. Breckon, Anna Gaszczak, Jiwan Han, Marcin L. Eichner, Stuart E. Barnes
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 889913 (2013)
Eric Itcia, Jean-Philippe Wasselin, Sébastien Mazuel, Matern Otten, Albert Huizing
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 889914 (2013)
Anthony W. Isenor, Richard Cross, Sean Webb, Anna-Liesa S. Lapinski
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 889915 (2013)
Unattended and Unmanned Technologies and Systems II
Stefan Becker, Arno Voelker, Hilke Kieritz, Wolfgang Hübner, Michael Arens
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 889916 (2013)
Olegs Mise, Toby P. Breckon
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 889917 (2013)
Unattended and Unmanned Technologies and Systems III
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 889919 (2013)
Marcus Heimann, Maximilian Liesegang, Norbert Arndt-Staufenbiel, Henning Schröder, Klaus-Dieter Lang
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 88991A (2013)
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 88991B (2013)
Frédéric Dambreville
Proceedings Volume Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence; and Quantum Security II; and Unmanned Sensor Systems X, 88991C (2013)
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