7 March 2022 FreezEye Tracker: novel fast and precise multitasking platform for tracking eye movements
Author Affiliations +
Proceedings Volume PC11941, Ophthalmic Technologies XXXII; PC1194101 (2022)
Event: SPIE BiOS, 2022, San Francisco, California, United States
We present a novel platform for eye tracking showing high speed and accuracy in a wide range of realizable visual tasks. The optical setup consists of the scanning laser ophthalmoscope, the actual tracker (the FreezEye Tracker), and a visual projector for task presentation. The MEMS-based tracker scans the retina with a framerate of 1.24 kHz, providing high angular and temporal resolution. Advanced algorithms allow for precise reconstruction of the eye trajectory covering the range of movements from small microsaccades to high amplitude saccades. The high quality of the generated data provides an abundance of data potentially useful for diagnostic purposes.
Conference Presentation
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Szymon Tamborski, Michal Meina, Maciej M. Bartuzel, Krystian Wróbel, Maciej Nowakowski, Joanna Gorgol, Krzysztof Dalasiński, Anna Szkulmowska, and Maciej Szkulmowski "FreezEye Tracker: novel fast and precise multitasking platform for tracking eye movements", Proc. SPIE PC11941, Ophthalmic Technologies XXXII, PC1194101 (7 March 2022);

Optical tracking


Projection systems

Reconstruction algorithms


Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy

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