4 October 2024 Hermite-Gaussian imaging with scanning illumination
Aleksandr Duplinskii, Kaden Bearne, Jernej Frank, Alexander Lvovsky
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Super-resolution microscopy seeks to surpass the resolution limit dictated by the diffraction of light. Among the various super-resolution methods, far-field are of the particular interest due to their non-invasive nature. For instance, the substitution of uniform sample illumination with a structured light beam enables resolution enhancement without perturbing the sample. Recent breakthroughs in quantum metrology suggest an alternative path: replacing the conventional intensity measurement in the image plane with spatial mode demultiplexing, also known as Hermite-Gaussian imaging (HGI). In this study, we introduce a novel combined technique that takes advantage from improving both measurement and illumination by implementing HGI within the conventional Image Scanning Microscopy (ISM) approach. Our experimental results demonstrate a 2.5-fold improvement in lateral resolution compared to the generalised Rayleigh limit. The combined approach demonstrates superiority over both ISM and HGI individually, enhancing lateral resolution and minimizing the impact of the artefacts on the final image.
Conference Presentation
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Aleksandr Duplinskii, Kaden Bearne, Jernej Frank, and Alexander Lvovsky "Hermite-Gaussian imaging with scanning illumination", Proc. SPIE PC13148, Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging XXII, PC1314803 (4 October 2024);
Light sources and illumination

Quantum measurement

Quantum experiments

Resolution enhancement technologies

Quantum imaging

Quantum light

Quantum limits


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