3 November 1986 Temperature Stable Boresight Module
Rudolf Hartmann
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Proceedings Volume 0645, Optical Manufacturing, Testing and Aspheric Optics; (1986)
Event: 1986 Technical Symposium Southeast, 1986, Orlando, United States
Laser-guided weapons delivery systems are now well known. Such systems, termed laser designator/sensors, are optical devices which usually include a laser and a near-infrared TV camera, in combination with autotracking capability, a direct-view optical telescope system, and a forward looking infrared (FLIR) nighttime imaging/tracking system. One of the major potential sources of error in optical devices is misalignment of optical elements, particularly optical devices in helicopters and tanks where operating environments are quite severe. Alignment is maintained by boresighting with an optical sub-system called a bore-sight module. The boresight module is optically coupled with the particular designator sensor and tracking system. Most boresight module components provide greatly relaxed angular tolerances that are achieved with Risley prisms. Nevertheless, the problem of their accuracies is not completely solved. While vibrational and weight load errors have been considered, the problem of thermal changes leading to variations in results has gone unsolved. This paper discusses a solution to the thermal distortion problem by providing a zero expansion transfer device, spanning two widely separated optical apertures for mutual boresighting. The boresight module renders two parallel lines of sight in visible, near and far infrared spectra by retro-reflection and auto-collimation. The reflective collimator has diamond-turned aspheric surfaces.
© (1986) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Rudolf Hartmann "Temperature Stable Boresight Module", Proc. SPIE 0645, Optical Manufacturing, Testing and Aspheric Optics, (3 November 1986);
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