24 October 2017 Generation of picosecond optical pulse based on chirp compensation
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Proceedings Volume 10457, AOPC 2017: Laser Components, Systems, and Applications; 104570Q (2017)
Event: Applied Optics and Photonics China (AOPC2017), 2017, Beijing, China
Picosecond optical pulses are widely used in optical communication systems, such as the optical time division multiplexing (OTDM) and photonic analog-to-digital converter (ADC). We have proposed and demonstrated a simple method to generate picosecond optical pulse using the mach-zehnder modulator (MZM), phase modulator (PM) and single model fiber (SMF). The phase modulator is used to generate a frequency chirp which varies periodically with time. The MZM is used to suppress the pedestal of the pulse and improve the performance of the pulse. The SMF is used to compensate the frequency chirp. We have carried out theoretical analysis and numerical simulation for the generation process of the picosecond optical pulse. The influence of phase shift between the modulation signals loaded on the MZM and PM is analyzed by numerical simulation and the conditions for the generation of picosecond optical pulse are given. The formula for calculating the optimum length of SMF which is used to compensate the linear chirp is given. The optical pulses with a repetition frequency of 10 GHz and a pulse width of 8.5 ps were obtained. The time-bandwidth product was as small as 1.09 and the timing jitter is as low as 83 fs.
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Xiaofeng Sun, Jiaqian Yang, Shangyuan Li, Xiaoxiao Xue, Xiaoping Zheng, and Bingkun Zhou "Generation of picosecond optical pulse based on chirp compensation", Proc. SPIE 10457, AOPC 2017: Laser Components, Systems, and Applications, 104570Q (24 October 2017);
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