We investigate conditions of excitation and properties of Plasmonic Surface Lattice Resonances (PSLR) over glass substrate-supported Au nanoparticle dimers (~100-200 nm) arranged in a periodic metamaterial lattice, in Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR) optical excitation geometry, and assess their sensitivities to variations of refractive index (RI) of the adjacent sample dielectric medium. We show that spectral sensitivity of PSLR to RI variations is determined by the lattice periodicity (~ 320 nm per RIU change in our case), while ultranarrow resonance lineshapes (down to a few nm full-widthat-half-maximum) provide very high figure-of-merit values evidencing the possibility of ultrasensitive biosensing measurements. Combining advantages of nanoscale architectures, including a strong concentration of electric field, the possibility of manipulation at the nanoscale etc, and high phase and spectral sensitivities, PSLRs promise a drastic advancement of current state-of-the-art plasmonic biosensing technology.