Recent security concerns worldwide have made it necessary to put a large number of people through detailed security inspections in critical infrastructure and border entrances. It is desired to implement inspection processes, which will enhance security while providing improvements in several aspects, such as answering the high throughput at crowded places, standardizing control processes, minimizing operator errors and increasing the feel of security, without making individuals uncomfortable as possible. To answer these requirements, Active Terahertz Imaging Autonomous Biometric Security Access Control and Tracking Gate System, or TRay, integrates various security technologies. TRay offers epassport control, biometric identity check (fingerprint, face etc.) and THz imaging for concealed object detection. During the inspection process, the person using the gate is guided through e-passport control and biometric identity check steps by following a set of instructions, without requiring the assistance of an operator. The person will also be scanned for concealed objects by a THz imaging system. Locations of possible threat objects and contraband, made of metal and, in addition, ceramic, plastic, liquids etc. are identified using object detection algorithms. The system is able to generate a warning in case of a detected object, for further inspection of the location of the body part by security personnel. THz imaging system operates at a standoff distance, which allows scanning to be performed at any point during the inspection process, eliminating the need to use confined spaces for body scanning. Less human intervention and misunderstandings, decreased waiting time at passport/identification checkpoints, improved public satisfaction, standardized control duration, optimized use of space, easy tracking of passenger transitions, generating alarms in case of undesired transitions, 24/7 operation, forged document usage prevention and decreased workload on the security personnel are further advantages of the system, which is unique in terms of the features it combines.