9 November 2018 Enhance the contrast for the terahertz pulse parametric imaging
Haishun Liu, Zhenwei Zhang, Cunlin Zhang
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Owing to the similar absorption between the region of interest and background, an inferior contrast may be shown at the terahertz (THz) image with the reconstruction of unbefitting parameters. In this experiment, due to the small difference of THz pulse between the liver tumor tissue and mirror, the parameter with the sum of the maximum and minimum (SMM) value of the THz pulse was used to reconstruct the THz image. We compared it with the pulse imaging of amplitude (Amp) and maximum (Max) value, indicating that SMM image achieved the best result. K-means and fuzzy c-means clustering results of the two combination parameters (Amp and SMM, Max and SMM) further validate the effect of SMM. The differences of THz pulses from three regions explain the reliable imaging results.
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Haishun Liu, Zhenwei Zhang, and Cunlin Zhang "Enhance the contrast for the terahertz pulse parametric imaging", Proc. SPIE 10826, Infrared, Millimeter-Wave, and Terahertz Technologies V, 1082614 (9 November 2018);
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Image segmentation

Terahertz radiation

Imaging spectroscopy

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