4 December 2020 Research on accelerated storage life test for laser detectors
Xiaoyan Zhou, Chenyu Liang, Chao Jiang, Liu Yuan, Fanlin Kong, Yu Qian, Xiaolong Lu, Yuhang Guo
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Proceedings Volume 11617, International Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Technology and Application; 116173E (2020)
Event: International Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Technology and Application, 2020, Nanjing, China
Based on the fact that laser detectors need to be stored for long time but used only once, the research on main stress and acceleration model, which affect storage life was performed. First, design principles for safe accelerated range of stress, stress forcing method and test time for accelerated test were presented, and the way to estimate the type of life distribution. Then, the method of accelerated model parameter evaluation based on maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) were proposed to calculate the accelerated factor. Finally, based on the accelerated factor, the test data was conversed for evaluation of storage life. The research of the paper can be used as a reference for products of the same type to evaluate the storage life.
© (2020) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Xiaoyan Zhou, Chenyu Liang, Chao Jiang, Liu Yuan, Fanlin Kong, Yu Qian, Xiaolong Lu, and Yuhang Guo "Research on accelerated storage life test for laser detectors", Proc. SPIE 11617, International Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Technology and Application, 116173E (4 December 2020);
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