16 March 2023 Metrology and alignment solutions applied for pancake lenses used in VR systems (Conference Presentation)
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A current challenge for VR headsets producers is to reduce the weight and size of headsets. One very promising approach is the use of pancake lenses that help reducing the weight of the VR lens system but at the same time significantly increase the optical quality. Due to their complexity pancake lenses confront manufacturers with many challenges in testing and fabrication. TRIOPTICS´ expertise in active alignment and optical metrology enable our customers to create better pancake lenses for the challenges of tomorrow.
Conference Presentation
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Patrik Langehanenberg, Jan-Hinrich Eggers, and Daniel Winters "Metrology and alignment solutions applied for pancake lenses used in VR systems (Conference Presentation)", Proc. SPIE 12449, Optical Architectures for Displays and Sensing in Augmented, Virtual, and Mixed Reality (AR, VR, MR) IV, 124490L (16 March 2023);

Optical alignment


Aspheric lenses

Chemical elements

Imaging systems

Optics manufacturing

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