Open Access Paper
28 December 2022 Novel location permutation encryption based on exponential numbers
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Proceedings Volume 12506, Third International Conference on Computer Science and Communication Technology (ICCSCT 2022); 125061H (2022)
Event: International Conference on Computer Science and Communication Technology (ICCSCT 2022), 2022, Beijing, China
The pattern of exponential number can achieve 99% ideal uniformity distribution level and is characterized with quasirandom nature. In this study exponential pattern is modified to possess an ideal uniform distribution property for operating location permutation. Cipher space of the proposed permutation scheme can achieve its factorial function upper bound. Brute-force restoration of permutation belongs to factorial complexity order which is more complex than exponential function. The proposed encryption scheme belongs to lightweight cryptographic function that is applicable to internet of things (IoT). This novel encryption technique can outperform the advanced encryption standard (AES) from the simplicity of algorithm, the availability, generation and distribution of long encryption key, and high confidentiality level points of view.



The fast development of technology and Internet contributes new applications to several emerging areas, which include internet of things (IoT), sensor networks, distributed control systems, and the smart grid. In these areas or environments resource-constrained devices are interconnected to accomplish some tasks, where the communication channel is typically wireless. Data transmission through unsecured wireless channel or public networks can be easily browsed, stolen, tampered, copied, and spread illegally. However, the majority of current cryptographic algorithms, i.e., the symmetric cryptosystems and the asymmetric systems, were designed for desktop or server platforms, which could not fit into resource-constrained devices.

Lightweight cryptographic functions are preferable where platform devices are characterized by limited memory, bandwidth and computing capability. National institute of standards and technology (NIST) initiated a project to solicit, evaluate, and standardize lightweight cryptographic algorithms in Lightweight Cryptography Workshop 2015, and 10 finalists were announced in March 20211. A novel trapdoor one-way permutation function based on operating circular convolution over perfect Gaussian integer sequences (PGISs) was proposed in Reference2. With this property, a hybrid public/private key cryptography scheme based on PGIS can serve as the candidate of lightweight cryptographic function2. More properties, construction and applications of PGISs can refer to References3-8.

In this study we propose a novel location permutation encryption based on a set of exponential numbers, which is considered the lightweight cryptographic algorithm. As defined and addressed in section 2, the pattern of exponential number can achieve 99% ideal uniformity distribution level and is characterized with quasi-random nature9,10. Possessing with these two merits, exponential pattern can be easily modified to become an ideal uniform distribution pattern which is adequate to serve as permutation algorithm for location permutation. Substitution and permutation techniques are still applied to some modern cryptography, i.e., DES and AES. The comparison between AES and the proposed scheme is analyzed in this paper.




Pattern of exponential number

Let ge be an exponential number, where g and e are positive integers. Let ge = dmdm−1d0 denotes the value of ge from taking multiplication upon g with e-1 times, and it demonstrates that ge has m+1 digits. In a base-10 numerical expression the value of the leftist digit is dm × 10m, the second digit is dm−1 × 10m−1, etc., and dn ∈ {0, 1, …, 9}, n = 0, 1, …, m-1.

Definition The pattern of an exponential number is denoted by (ge), where 00075_PSISDG12506_125061H_page_2_7.jpg is defined as the distribution of digits 00075_PSISDG12506_125061H_page_2_1.jpg in an (m + 1)-tuple vector, where dm ≠ 0.

Let’s present two examples. The value 247 = 140737488355328 has 15 digits, and the pattern of 7953, denoted by (7953), is expressed as follows:


Equation (1) indicates that the (7953) pattern consists of 101 decimal digits, which is considered a vector or sequence with 101 elements. There exists neither the explicit relationship between 00075_PSISDG12506_125061H_page_2_3.jpg and 00075_PSISDG12506_125061H_page_2_4.jpg two patterns, nor the relationship between ge and (gh)e, where h is an arbitrary positive integer, n > m, and d0 might not equal to c0. The only method that can derive pattern (CnCn−1C0) from (dmdm−1d0) is through operating multiplication between(dmdm−1d0)and gk = (ekek−1eo), i.e., 247 = 140737488355328 = 70368744177664 × 2, where 246 = 70368744177664.

Though addition chain algorithm might be applied for fast calculating ge and deriving the pattern of ge, the multiplication of two integers is not a linear operation, where the product of two decimal digits can bring overflow to the adjacent next digit, and the overflow is data dependence which can only be analyzed case by case. In other words, there exists no general expression that can describe the relationship between two patterns obtained from two different exponential numbers. More specifically, it is especially challenging to find a set of functions ck = fk (dm, dm−1, … d0), k = 0, 1, …, n, which can be used to describe the relationship between CnCn−1C0 and dmdm−1d0 for arbitrary {ci} and {di} two sets.

The pattern of ge is unpredictable, which is characterized with quasi-random nature. In Reference9 entropy was applied to evaluate the uniformity level of exponential decimal patterns. Regardless of whether the base element is a prime or a composite number, it showed that pattern with length larger than 90 can reach 99.9% uniformity level9.


Complexity hierarchy

As described in Reference10, those algorithms that can be performed in polynomial time are considered efficient algorithm, and those algorithms that can only be performed in exponential time are inefficient algorithms. We can present a hierarchy of increasing complexity orders as follows:


Taking the execution time of solving factorial function with input size n = 30 as an example, it is still infeasible for the current computing system, which is 8.4 × 1014 centuries10.



With the unpredictable quasi-random property, the pattern of exponential number can be applied to provide the desirable security to the resultant ciphertext, when plaintext is encrypted using a set of exponential numbers {ge}11. This study presents a novel location permutation encryption scheme using patterns of 00075_PSISDG12506_125061H_page_2_6.jpg. However, we should modify these patterns to match the ideal uniform distribution requirement to enable permutation application, and the detailed analysis of this encryption scheme is addressed in the following subsections.


Construction of ideal uniform pattern

Let N = 10n + m be the number of decimal digits of an exponential pattern, where n > 0 and 0 ≤ m ≤ 9. The procedures of obtaining a pattern with the ideal uniform distribution based on arbitrary exponential pattern are summarized as follows:

(1) The first 10n digits of an exponential pattern are grouped into n blocks, where each block has ten digits, and we discard the rest m digits from this pattern.

(2) We should check the existence of repeating decimal digits from the first digit till the last one in each block, and delete all repeating digits which are appeared at the later locations in this block. We make a record the number of digits that are deleted in each block.

(3) We should insert the same number of decimal digits which are deleted in Step (2), and these decimal digits are chosen in ascending order from the rest of other ten decimal digits that are not appeared in each block. In this step, ten decimal digits appear exactly one time in a 10-tuple block throughout the entire n blocks.

(4) We can index these n blocks sequentially with subscript number {0, 1, 2, …, n-1}, respectively, to identify the actual locations when the associated block is applied for operating permutation, where the block indexed by k indicates that ten decimal numbers of this block should add 10k to denote ten locations at the interval between 10k and 10k + 9.

From these four steps we can obtain a new pattern of length 10n with the same number of ten digits {0, 1, 2, …, 8, 9} within this pattern, and this implies that new pattern can match the ideal uniform distribution requirement, where 00075_PSISDG12506_125061H_page_3_1.jpg, ∀i∈{0,1,2,…,8,9}.

Let’s take the (2312) pattern as an example for demonstration the procedures of creating an ideal uniform distribution pattern. In equation (2), the (2312) pattern consists of 94 digits, and we would discard the last four digits 2096, which are underlined, to form a new pattern with 90 digits. New pattern can be grouped into nine blocks, and we would use the first block for demonstration the above procedures. In the first block, 3 and 9 two digits appear three times 8343699359, where the latter two 3 and two 9 digits are underlined indicating that these four repeating digits should be deleted from this block. This results in 00075_PSISDG12506_125061H_page_3_4.jpg. Among ten decimal digits only six digits {8, 3, 4, 6, 9, 5} appear in this block, thus we should insert the remaining four digits {0, 1, 2, 7}, which are arranged with ascending order, to the end of 834695 to form a new 10-tuple block. We use expression 00075_PSISDG12506_125061H_page_3_2.jpg to present this operation, where these four digits are overlined for identification. The operation of other eight blocks is similar to the first one, from which we derive a new pattern of length 90, denoted by [2312].


To make a link between the 90 digits of an ideal uniform distribution pattern [2312] and a set of ordered {0, 1, 2, …, 89} locations, here [2312] is indexed by a set of subscript numbers k ∈ {0,1,2,…, 8} indicating that ten digits of each block should add the value 10k, respectively, to present the actual ten locations of the associated block, i.e.,




However, we would omit the subscript number from the pattern to simplify the expression of formula and to operate adequately the location permutation, and the ideal uniform pattern based on exponential number 312312 is expressed as follows:


Except the patterns of (2312) and [2312], Table 1 presents also the patterns of (7953), [7953], (7954), and [7954] for comparison.

Table 1.

Exponentiations and the associated ideal uniform patterns.

grDecimal exponential pattern (gr) and uniform pattern [gr]Digits No.
(2312)(8343699359, 0660550093, 5555353972, 4812947666, 8145404556, 7488260563, 1280555545, 8038306271, 4852719565, 2096)94
[2312](8346950127, 0659312478, 5397201468, 4812976035, 8145062379, 7482605319, 1280543679, 8036271459, 4852719603)90
(7953)(3751766821, 2099614616, 0081179563, 3018303244, 9042784683, 0885723191, 1997784629, 7835226593, 9421969109, 1016129703,9)101
[7953][3751682049, 2096143578, 0817956324, 3018245679, 9042786315, 0857231946, 1978462035, 7835269014, 9421603578, 1062973458]100
(7954)(2963895788, 7558695546, 6464131855, 0084459563, 4743799899, 6399721321, 0478249857, 5289829009, 2143355596, 1902742466, 081)103
[7954][2963857014, 7586940123, 6413850279, 0845963127, 4739801256, 6397210458, 0478295136, 5289013467, 2143596078, 1902746358]100


Permutation based on idea exponential pattern

Let plaintext be English message with length 9k < N ≤ 10k, where each one of English letters, comma, semicolon, period, blank space and special symbols occupies one location, and these N symbols are indexed by a set of ordered elements {0, 1, 2, …, N-1}. The first step of operating location permutation is inserting 10k - N numbers of “o” to the end of message for matching the same 10k length of an ideal uniform exponential pattern. Taking English sentence “The more you read, the more healthy and brave your spirit will be.” with length 66 as an example, we can add four oooo to the end of this message to become 70 length, which is given by “The more you read, the more healthy and brave your spirit will be.oooo”.

In the second step the contents of message are grouped into k blocks, which are indexed by {0, 1, 2, …, k-1}. Let fk denotes the permutation function of processing the k-th message block by using the k-th block of an ideal uniform pattern. Two permutation functions taken from the first and the eight blocks of [2312] are shown for demonstration, which are




In equation (4) all digit numbers belong eighties, we would like to delete the first digit 8 from f8 to simplify the expression and permutation operation, which derives the following mapping results


The first step of operating location permutation is the partition of plaintext into a set of 10-digit blocks, that is, “The more y| ou read, t| he more he | althy and | brave your spirit will be.oooo”. In this expression, we would use the “,” symbol to indicate the partition instead of the semicolon symbol “,” to avoid the confusion with message, because “,” is considered the content of message. We may apply the first seventy digits of the ideal uniform pattern [7953], which is given by “3751682049|2096143578|0817956324|3018245679|9042786315|0857231946|1978462035”, to operate the location permutation.

The first block “Te more y” results in “e rT emhoy” by operating permutation based on the first ten digits 3751682049, and the second block “ou read, t” becomes “ueoda,r t” based on 2096143578, etc. By operating permutation based on [7953], it derives “e rT emhoy| ueoda,r t | h h eremeo| ltya andh | ruvoarye b | triwpiis | olooeo. bl”.



Local to global permutation

The permutation function fk is a 10-by-10 mapping scheme, where each set of 10 locations within the same block operates location permutation independently, from which the initial cyphertext is derived by combining all blocks collectively. This scheme can achieve only local permutation between a pair of 10 locations from two sets, where the computing load to attack each block by brute force is 10! = 3628800. When plaintext is with 10k length, the computing load can reach only to the amount of O((10!)k).

To enable global permutation through entire domain of message, which is to operate permutation across the whole set of locations {0,1,2,…, N −1}, first the initial cyphertext can be circularly shifted to the right by m ∈ {0,1,2,…, N − 2} steps, then the second location permutation is applied by another ideal uniform pattern. In other words, plaintext is subject to one circular shift and two rounds of location permutation. When i ≥ 1 rounds of circular shift are applied, the cypher space will approach to the amount of (N – 1)(N – 2) … (Ni) ≡ O(Ni), and that of i + 1 rounds of permutation will be proportional to O(Ni · (10!)(N/10)(i+1)).

The proposed “permutation + circularshift + permutation+…” encryption scheme can achieve the complexity level of a factorial function, where O(Ni · (10!)(N/10)(i+1)) → N! for some small i. As shown in Table 2, O(N · (10!)N/5) > N! when 20 < N < 50, and O(N2 · (10!)3N/10) > N! when 60 < N < 120, where the number within the quotation mark (•) indicates the boundary where Ni (10!)(i+1)N/10 > N! on the same row.

Table 2.

Comparison of Ni (10!)(i+1)N/10, AESs and factorial function N!.

Ni (10!)(i+1)N/10i = 1i = 2i = 3AES-128AES-192AES-256N!
N = 202.63 × 1014(3.47 × 1027)    2.43 × 1018
N = 301.43 × 1021([6.85× 1040]) 3.4 × 1038  2.65 × 1032
N = 406.94 × 1027(1.20 × 1054)    8.16 × 1047
N = 503.15 × 1034([1.98 × 1067])  6.28 × 1057 3.04 × 1064
N = 601.37 × 1041[3.13 × 1080](7.14× 10119)3.4 × 10386.28 × 10571.16 × 10778.32 × 1081
N = 705.80 × 1047[4.81 × 1093](3.98 × 10139)  1.16 × 10771.20 × 10100
N = 802.41 × 1054[7.23 × 10106](2.17 × 10159)  1.16 × 10777.16 × 10118
N = 120[6.26× 1080]3.26 × 10159(1.70 × 10238)  1.16 × 10776.69 × 10198

Note: The number marked by quotation mark (•) indicates the boundary where Ni (10!)(i+1)N/10, and [•] mark indicates the proposed scheme outperforms other AES on the same row.

Equation (6) presents the results of operation two rounds of permutation based on [7953] and [7954] two ideal uniform patterns and one circular shift to the right by 25 steps. It is obvious that deriving “rir w etbylooeoispi rb.eoTl eodehouamyh h, er ttloeyare mav oneadhr” from plaintext “The more you read, the more healthy and brave your spirit will be.oooo” is straightforward. However, can one restore “The more you read, the more healthy and brave your spirit will be.oooo” from cyphertext “rir w etbylooeoispi rb.eoTl eodehouamyh h, er ttloeyare mav oneadhr”? when the permutation information of [7953] and [795] are unavailable. It is extremely challenging!



The comparisons between AES and the proposed encryption scheme are summarized as follows:

(1) Confidentiality level of AES depends on long secret key, where key numbers of AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256 are 2128, 2129 and 2256, respectively; while cipher space of the proposed scheme is proportional to Ni (10!)(i+1)N/10, where longer the length N of message contributes higher confidentiality level. Table 2 presents the comparison of complexity function of Ni (10!)(i+1)N/10 and three AESs, which the number within the [•] mark indicates the boundary where the proposed scheme outperforms other three AESs on the same row. It shows that two rounds of circular shift and three rounds of location permutation can achieve higher confidentiality level than AES-128 when message length is N = 30, and it requires only one circular shift and two rounds of permutation when N = 60. To outperform AES-129 and AES-256, only two circular shifts and three rounds of permutation are required when N = 50. In case of one circular shift and two permutation rounds, the proposed scheme outperforms AES-256 when N = 120.

(2) AES defines four transformations, which are the substitution of data using Rijndael S-box, the shifts of data rows, the mixes of columns using a predefined matrix, and the last transformation is performed using the encryption key. AES-256 operates 14 rounds of Add-Round-Key operation according to AES key schedule to ruin any symmetries that may have been introduced by the other steps in the algorithm, thus making it harder to crack. However, the proposed scheme operates i rounds circular shift and i + 1 rounds permutation with i can be as small as 2 or 3, and the encryption and decryption of AES are complicated compared with the proposed scheme.

(3) The security of AES depends on long secret encryption key, and long key requires more processing power and execution time. In addition, the cost and delay imposed by key distribution make the transfer of business communications to IoT or Internet challenging. Location permutation of the proposed scheme is governed by a set of ideal uniform patterns which are obtained from a set of exponential numbers. Thus, security of the proposed scheme relies on the secrecy of exponential numbers. The existence of unlimited exponential numbers contributes great advantage to operate the proposed scheme; however more complex algorithms for generating long encryption keys are required to operate AES. In addition, because each ideal uniform distribution pattern can be uniquely derived from one exponential number, the storage, management and distribution of a set of ideal uniform distribution patterns are equivalent to process and organize a set of exponential numbers 00075_PSISDG12506_125061H_page_6_1.jpg, and it is a less challenging work compared with the counterpart part of AES-256 cryptosystem where all long secret encryption keys are with 256 bits.



A novel location permutation based on a set of exponential numbers is proposed in this study. We show that the proposed permutation algorithm that can achieve the upper bound of operating permutation. The unlimited abundant exponential patterns can be applied to generate the ideal uniform distribution patterns for location permutation. With high confidentiality level and algorithm simplicity, the proposed encryption scheme is considered to be lightweight cryptographic function that is applicable to IoT platform. Finally, the proposed scheme can outperform AES from the simplicity of algorithm, the availability, generation and distribution of long encryption key, and high confidentiality level points of view. The implementation of this novel scheme is our future work.


The research is supported by special projects (new generation of information technology) of ordinary universities in Guangdong Province under no. 2020ZDZX3104.



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Weixuan Xie, Ho-Hsuan Chang, and Jianhui Li "Novel location permutation encryption based on exponential numbers", Proc. SPIE 12506, Third International Conference on Computer Science and Communication Technology (ICCSCT 2022), 125061H (28 December 2022);
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