16 June 2023 Research on the influence of artificial intelligence technology based on big data analysis on modern art creation
Lu Qi
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Proceedings Volume 12703, Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication, and Devices (ICCD 2023); 1270308 (2023)
Event: Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication, and Devices (ICCD 2023), 2023, Hong Kong, China
Today's society is in the era of rapid development of science and technology. With the continuous updating and iteration of artificial intelligence science, visual art has ushered in a new chapter of digitalization and intelligence with the help of powerful computer and network technology. Modern painting is a kind of painting form that gradually matures in the period of extreme development of industrial society. The anti-aesthetic trend of thought embodied in modern painting is a recognized judgment of modern painting. Therefore, this paper will focus on the possibility of diversified expression of visual arts with the help of artificial intelligence related technologies. The art talent education system, newspaper and magazine communication system, art association system, and art criticism system possessed by modern Chinese art all constitute an important part of the art system. The guidance and restriction of the art system enable Chinese art to transcend the imagination and monologue of the individual soul in literati paintings, move towards the value orientation of life and socialization, and form a new realistic tradition of realism, life and popularity. This paper selects a technical branch of the field of artificial intelligence - the field of deep learning. Combining with the manifestation of visual art, it explores the characteristics of intelligent visual art in the context of deep learning, finds its advantages that can be combined with artistic expression, and creates a new form of visual art creation expression based on deep learning.
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Lu Qi "Research on the influence of artificial intelligence technology based on big data analysis on modern art creation", Proc. SPIE 12703, Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication, and Devices (ICCD 2023), 1270308 (16 June 2023);
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Artificial intelligence


Deep learning

Education and training

Machine learning

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