16 October 2023 A data fusion method based on weight iterative correction
Junjia Yang, Yonggui Zhang
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Proceedings Volume 12803, Fifth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science (AICS 2023); 128032M (2023)
Event: 2023 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science (AICS 2023), 2023, Wuhan, China
In multisensor data fusion, optimal weighted fusion is a better method. In order to solve the weight problem in multisensor data fusion process better, an iterative weight correction method based on the optimal weight distribution principle is proposed. First, the reference sequence is constructed. Secondly, the mean and standard deviation of the measured data of each sensor are determined according to the reference sequence. Finally, the weight value of each sensor in the data fusion process is determined according to the standard deviation.
(2023) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Junjia Yang and Yonggui Zhang "A data fusion method based on weight iterative correction", Proc. SPIE 12803, Fifth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science (AICS 2023), 128032M (16 October 2023);
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Data fusion


Data processing

Monte Carlo methods

Environmental sensing

Information fusion

Distance measurement

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