Sea fog is a disastrous weather phenomenon, and the analysis of its radiation characteristics is helpful for satellite monitoring of sea fog, so as to reduce the loss caused by sea fog. Considering the different sensor parameters of different satellite loads, the brightness temperature performance of sea fog in the infrared channels of different satellites is also different to some extent. Based on the multi-channel scanning imaging radiometer observation of Chinese new generation geostationary meteorological satellite FY4A, this paper analyzes the thermal infrared brightness temperature characteristics of sea fog from other observed objects in the middle infrared band of 3.75μm and the thermal infrared band of 10.7μm, as well as their brightness temperature differences between those two channels and the texture roughness in the thermal infrared band. It shows that the brightness temperature of sea fog is close to that of the surrounding clear sky water, lower than that of water clouds but higher than that of ice clouds and mixed clouds in the middle infrared and thermal infrared bands. The brightness temperature difference between the middle infrared and thermal infrared band is between [-5K, -2K] for FY4A. And the texture of sea fog is smooth, its texture feature index TFI10.7 mainly ranges from 0 to 0.7, which is significantly different from water clouds, ice clouds, and mixed clouds. These conclusions are of great significance for the sea fog monitoring application of the FY4A satellite.