22 August 2024 Ground calibration plan for the Athena/X-IFU microcalorimeter spectrometer
Alexeï Molin, François Pajot, Marc Audard, Marco Barbera, Sophie Beaumont, Edoardo Cuchetti, Matteo D'Andrea, Christophe Daniel, Roland den Hartog, Megan Eckart, Philippe Ferrando, Elias Kammoun, Maurice Leutenegger, Simone Lotti, Jean-Michel Mesnager, Lorenzo Natalucci, Philippe Peille, Jelle de Plaa, Etienne Pointecouteau, Frederick Porter, Kosuke Sato, Joern Wilms, Luciano Gottardi, Vincent Albouys, Didier Barret, Massimo Cappi, Jan-Willem den Herder, Luigi Piro
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This paper describes the strategy and planned implementation of the ground calibration of the X-IFU microcalorimeter spectrometer on-board Athena, the X-ray observatory from ESA to be launched after the mid-2030s. X-IFU is the second generation of space microcalorimeter instrument, and its calibration strategy benefits from the experience acquired on the present Japanese-US built Resolve instrument on-board XRISM. This calibration plan takes into account the reformulation of the Athena mission and its instruments that took place in 2022-23. The X-IFU calibration strategy is presented along with the set of X-ray sources needed for the ground calibration and the the definition of the sequences for using them.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Alexeï Molin, François Pajot, Marc Audard, Marco Barbera, Sophie Beaumont, Edoardo Cuchetti, Matteo D'Andrea, Christophe Daniel, Roland den Hartog, Megan Eckart, Philippe Ferrando, Elias Kammoun, Maurice Leutenegger, Simone Lotti, Jean-Michel Mesnager, Lorenzo Natalucci, Philippe Peille, Jelle de Plaa, Etienne Pointecouteau, Frederick Porter, Kosuke Sato, Joern Wilms, Luciano Gottardi, Vincent Albouys, Didier Barret, Massimo Cappi, Jan-Willem den Herder, and Luigi Piro "Ground calibration plan for the Athena/X-IFU microcalorimeter spectrometer", Proc. SPIE 13093, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 1309310 (22 August 2024);
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