Poster + Paper
21 August 2024 Preparing for NewATHENA flight production: recent developments in upscaling SPO plate manufacturing technology
Jeroen Haneveld, Bart Schurink, Marko Blom, Mathijs Bosman, Bastiaan van Dam, Arenda Koelewijn, Jan-Joost Lankwarden, Mark Olde Riekerink, Ronald Start, Maurice Wijnperle, Maximilien J. Collon, Ramses Günther, Laurens Keek, Boris Landgraf, Adam Lassise, Paulo da Silva Ribeiro, Aniket Thete, Giuseppe Vacanti, Marcos Bavdaz, Ivo Ferreira, Eric Wille
Author Affiliations +
Conference Poster
Silicon Pore Optics (SPO) are the technology of choice for building the optics of the next generation X-ray observatory NewATHENA (New Advanced Telescope for High ENergy Astrophysics). Over the past 16 years Micronit has, in close collaboration with cosine and ESA, developed and optimized its manufacturing technology for SPO mirrors. Where the initial focus was on the basic process development, the attention then shifted towards optimizing the process to facilitate the ever-continuing quest for a better half-energy width of the optics. In parallel to these ongoing optimization efforts, more recently the focus is also on upscaling the technology/equipment towards a future flight production scenario, where roughly a ten-fold increase in capacity should be achieved, compared to the current production volume per year.

In this paper we present our current state-of-the-art SPO plate manufacturing process. Special attention is given to the recent advancements in optimizing and upscaling the dicing process, the laser-ID labelling process, wafer-scale automated measurements of plate critical to quality parameters, as well as the lithography process for reflective coating lift-off. Furthermore, the different wedging methodologies and the shift from wetbench processing to spray processing are introduced. The combined efforts in all of these areas enable a more automated plate manufacturing process, and an increase in optical performance of the telescope.

Using a combination of process development and upgraded machinery, the future flight production scenario for NewATHENA begins to take shape.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jeroen Haneveld, Bart Schurink, Marko Blom, Mathijs Bosman, Bastiaan van Dam, Arenda Koelewijn, Jan-Joost Lankwarden, Mark Olde Riekerink, Ronald Start, Maurice Wijnperle, Maximilien J. Collon, Ramses Günther, Laurens Keek, Boris Landgraf, Adam Lassise, Paulo da Silva Ribeiro, Aniket Thete, Giuseppe Vacanti, Marcos Bavdaz, Ivo Ferreira, and Eric Wille "Preparing for NewATHENA flight production: recent developments in upscaling SPO plate manufacturing technology", Proc. SPIE 13093, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 130934P (21 August 2024);
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