Presentation + Paper
11 September 2024 Design and status overview of TMT telescope structure
Masahiro Sugimoto, Yutaka Ezaki, Kyle Kinoshita, Amir Sadjadpour, Junji Takaki, Yusuke Saruta, Tomoya Hattori, Hayato Hoshino, Yoshihiro Hosokawa, Makoto Endo, Yusuke Sugie, Masaki Haruna, Noboru Kawaguchi, Yasushi Horiuchi, Masaki Tabata, Hiroshi Terada, Seiichi Tazawa, Hirofumi Okita, Koji Omata, Hiroshi Kusumoto, Koichi Okamoto, Masao Saito, Tomonori Usuda
Author Affiliations +
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) is responsible for procuring the Telescope Structure System (STR) of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) and engaged Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (MELCO) to perform the preliminary/final design and production readiness work since 2012. The final design of the TMT STR was deemed completed through a series of external design reviews covering structural and mechanical, controls, and auxiliary systems such as the Segment Handling System (SHS), Aerial Service Platform (ASP), Elevator (ELV), safety, and the seismic isolation system. TMT STR is currently in the production readiness phase and has already passed the Production Readiness Reviews (PRRs) for major rotating mechanical structures. In this paper we present an overview of the design progress of the TMT STR, matured through extensive studies, performance assessments, and design budgets derived from bottoms-up analyses. Additionally, we discuss prototype activities to mitigate risks to performance and manufacturability of complex designs, along with the current programmatic status of the project.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Masahiro Sugimoto, Yutaka Ezaki, Kyle Kinoshita, Amir Sadjadpour, Junji Takaki, Yusuke Saruta, Tomoya Hattori, Hayato Hoshino, Yoshihiro Hosokawa, Makoto Endo, Yusuke Sugie, Masaki Haruna, Noboru Kawaguchi, Yasushi Horiuchi, Masaki Tabata, Hiroshi Terada, Seiichi Tazawa, Hirofumi Okita, Koji Omata, Hiroshi Kusumoto, Koichi Okamoto, Masao Saito, and Tomonori Usuda "Design and status overview of TMT telescope structure", Proc. SPIE 13094, Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes X, 1309408 (11 September 2024);
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Control systems


Thirty Meter Telescope



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