Ground-based telescopes require useful and productive instruments to stay relevant in astronomy. The Kitt Peak Ohio State Multi Object Spectrograph (KOSMOS), originally on the Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO) 4-meter Mayall Telescope, is a long-slit and multi-object, low-resolution spectrograph. KOSMOS was acquired by the Astrophysical Research Consortium (ARC) for the Apache Point Observatory (APO) ARC 3.5m telescope, implemented redesigns to the instrument, and renamed KOSMOS II. The instrument was integrated into the ARC 3.5m's operational environment by adding a Nasmyth port adapter, a cart with truss for mechanical support, and telescope user interface (TUI) software. Upgrades include slit-viewing guiding, internal calibration lamps, heat exhaust, and a new cryostat. Since 2021, KOSMOS II has proven capable of the high-throughput, low-resolution spectroscopy required by the ARC 3.5m user community. This paper describes the design updates and revisions made to the instrument along with measurements of its performance.