PAPYRUS is an adaptive optics bench setup on the telescope T152, 1.52m diameter, of Observatoire de Haute Provence (OHP, France) since June 2022. This bench has been designed for research and development in adaptive optics and educational purposes. However it gained in maturity since its first light and is now evolving towards an instrumental platform, including infrared capacities (imager, fiber injection module). So equipped, the bench will mature concepts and techniques coupling adaptive optics and their associated instruments, for future systems such as the 2.5m PROVIDENCE system that will also be located at OHP or for the HARMONI instrument to be installed at ELT. PAPYRUS features a four-sided pyramid in front of an EMCCD camera working in broadband visible and a deformable mirror made of 241 actuators. We review here the current status of the bench, its performances and its on-going developments.