1 July 1990 Kinoform for VLSI clock distribution calculated by nonparaxial phase retrieval
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Proceedings Volume 1319, Optics in Complex Systems; (1990)
Event: 15th International Optics in Complex Systems, 1990, Garmisch, Germany
Kinoform for irregular space-variant nonparaxial optical interconnection (01) was calculated by the generalized error-reduction algorithm (ERA). Diffraction limited spots easy to align for detectors of 10 im width and diffraction efficiency r 34 were obtained for the binary kmoform case. This approach is fast takes into account the incident beam intensity distribution and an equalization of the intensity between spots is easy. However the resulted surface relief is complicated. NONPARAXIAL KINOFORM SYNTHESIS Free-space Ols for clock distribution will require a low f-number (F/i) holograms due to expected detector sizes of 10 m x 10 im and typical laser diode (LD) light divergence angles of 30 and iS . Large field angles needed to obtain large fanouts and to deflect beams towards detectors located near the chip boundary also cause that paraxial conditions are not satisfied. Kinoforms which are computer generated phase holograms afford possibilities for Ols with complicated detector patterns and high . Free-space nonparaxial propagation can be described by the operator N FT QFI where Fr U f Uexp(-ikcxx1 ) dx1 U(x1) is the complex amplitude in the kinoform plane Q is the spectrum phase shift operator QFJ'' U exp ( ikz I 1 - 2 ) j''U k 2 vt/A X is the wavelength is the normalized spatial frequency and z is the separation between planes. N is an unitary transform because we may neglect evanescent waves in
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Zbigniew Sikorski "Kinoform for VLSI clock distribution calculated by nonparaxial phase retrieval", Proc. SPIE 1319, Optics in Complex Systems, (1 July 1990);
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