8 July 1994 Two-dimensional blind deconvolution from point zero locations
Pi-Tung Chen, Michael A. Fiddy
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Assuming that 2D bandlimited functions are always nonfactorizable, one can use this property to separate the product of two bandlimited functions into its respective factors. The contour in C2 on which each bandlimited function is zero typically intersects with the real plane at isolated points and the location of these zeros can be used to write a factorizable approximation to the original irreducible complex spectrum. From two differently blurred images, the point zero set from the object's spectrum can be separated from those of the blurring functions by inspection, allowing the object to be reconstructed; examples are given and the importance of this for Fourier phase retrieval is also discussed.
© (1994) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Pi-Tung Chen and Michael A. Fiddy "Two-dimensional blind deconvolution from point zero locations", Proc. SPIE 2241, Inverse Optics III, (8 July 1994);
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Error analysis

Phase retrieval

Data modeling

Fourier transforms

Inverse optics



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