4 November 1999 Development of a laser-writing system for the fabrication of micro-optical elements
Chao Wang, Yuen Chuen Chan, ChinYi Liaw, Yee Loy Lam
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Proceedings Volume 3898, Photonic Systems and Applications in Defense and Manufacturing; (1999)
Event: International Symposium on Photonics and Applications, 1999, Singapore, Singapore
A laser writing system using a 325-nm UV laser beam for the fabrication of micro-optical elements is developed. The system consists essentially of a laser source, an optical subsystem, a moveable stage, a computer, and an observation and alignment subsystem. The laser writing system is characterized for the resolution of the system and optimal writing conditions, based on the objective of fabricating micro-optical elements. The resolution of the laser writing systems is 1.2 micrometers , obtained with the 40x UV objective lens at a writing speed of 100 micrometers /s, writing height of 6 micrometers and laser intensity of 1 (mu) W. This agrees fairly well with the calculated theoretical value. We have shown that the laser intensity, writing speed, writing height are three major parameters that determine the optical performance of the micro-optical elements fabricated by the laser writing system. The variation of the thickness and linewidth of the written pattern with the different laser intensities, writing speeds and writing heights are discussed.
© (1999) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Chao Wang, Yuen Chuen Chan, ChinYi Liaw, and Yee Loy Lam "Development of a laser-writing system for the fabrication of micro-optical elements", Proc. SPIE 3898, Photonic Systems and Applications in Defense and Manufacturing, (4 November 1999); Logo
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Bragg cells

Laser systems engineering

Photoresist materials

Laser development


Ultraviolet radiation

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