3 June 2002 Multiphase computer-generated holograms for full-color image generation
Kyong Sik Choi, Byong So Choi, Yoon Sun Choi, Sun Il Kim, Jong Man Kim, Nam Kim, Sang Keun Gil
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Proceedings Volume 4659, Practical Holography XVI and Holographic Materials VIII; (2002)
Event: Electronic Imaging, 2002, San Jose, California, United States
Multi-phase and binary-phase computer-generated holograms were designed and demonstrated for full-color image generation. Optimize a phase profile of the hologram that achieves each color image, we employed a simulated annealing method. The design binary phase hologram had the diffraction efficiency of 33.23 percent and the reconstruction error of 0.367 X 10-2. And eight phase hologram had the diffraction efficiency of 67.92 percent and the reconstruction error of 0.273 X 10-2. The designed BPH was fabricated by micro photolithographic technique with a minimum pixel width of 5micrometers . And the it was reconstructed using by two Ar-ion lasers and a He-Ne laser. In addition, the color dispersion characteristic of the fabricate grating and scaling problem of the reconstructed image were discussed.
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Kyong Sik Choi, Byong So Choi, Yoon Sun Choi, Sun Il Kim, Jong Man Kim, Nam Kim, and Sang Keun Gil "Multiphase computer-generated holograms for full-color image generation", Proc. SPIE 4659, Practical Holography XVI and Holographic Materials VIII, (3 June 2002); Logo
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3D image reconstruction


Computer generated holography

Optical design

Binary data

Fourier transforms

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