7 June 2004 Point-by-point thorough photoresponse analysis of CMOS APS by means of our unique submicron scanning system
Igor Shcherback, Tatiana Danov, Boris Belotserkovsky, Orly Yadid-Pecht
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This work shows the progress and demonstrates the measurements performed via a unique submicron scanning system developed at the VLSI systems center in Ben-Gurion University. The system enables the combination of near-field optical and atomic force microscopy measurements with the standard electronic analysis. The obtained signal, i.e., the electrical outcome at each point as a function of the spot position provides a 2D signal map of the pixel response, representing the full 3D charge distribution in the device. This work present the results obtained by thorough scanning of several various pixel topologies of CMOS APS chips fabricated in two different CMOS technologies (the standard 0.5μm and 0.35μm CMOS technologies). We demonstrate that our system use enables a detailed, point by point, quantitative determination of the contributions to the total output signal from each particular region of the pixel. It makes possible to understand the influence of the each component composing the pixel (e.g., logic transistors, metal lines, etc.) which is extremely important for CMOS APS where the pixel structure defines a fill factor of less then 100%.
© (2004) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Igor Shcherback, Tatiana Danov, Boris Belotserkovsky, and Orly Yadid-Pecht "Point-by-point thorough photoresponse analysis of CMOS APS by means of our unique submicron scanning system", Proc. SPIE 5301, Sensors and Camera Systems for Scientific, Industrial, and Digital Photography Applications V, (7 June 2004); Logo
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