18 May 2006 Application of multistatic inversion algorithms to landmine detection
Ali Cafer Gürbüz, Tegan Counts, Kangwook Kim, James H. McClellan, Waymond R. Scott Jr.
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Multi-static ground-penetrating radar (GPR) uses an array of antennas to conduct a number of bistatic operations simultaneously. The multi-static GPR is used to obtain more information on the target of interest using angular diversity. An entirely computer controlled, multi-static GPR consisting of a linear array of six resistively-loaded vee dipoles (RVDs), a network analyzer, and a microwave switch matrix was developed to investigate the potential of multi-static inversion algorithms. The performance of a multi-static inversion algorithm is evaluated for targets buried in clean sand, targets buried under the ground covered by rocks, and targets held above the ground (in the air) using styrofoam supports. A synthetic-aperture, multi-static, time-domain GPR imaging algorithm is extended from conventional mono-static back-projection techniques and used to process the data. Good results are obtained for the clean surface and air targets; however, for targets buried under rocks, only the deeply buried targets could be accurately detected and located.
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Ali Cafer Gürbüz, Tegan Counts, Kangwook Kim, James H. McClellan, and Waymond R. Scott Jr. "Application of multistatic inversion algorithms to landmine detection", Proc. SPIE 6217, Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets XI, 621724 (18 May 2006); Logo
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Detection and tracking algorithms

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Optical spheres

Land mines


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