20 May 2006 Evaluation of logistic and economic impacts of hybrid vehicle propulsion/microgrid concepts: demonstration of LOCSS applied to HE HMMWV in future unit of action
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Computer models have been developed and used to predict the performance of vehicles equipped with advanced fuel and power train technologies such as hybrid electric or fuel cells. However, simulations that describe the interaction of the vehicle with the rest of the vehicle fleet and infrastructure are just emerging. This paper documents the results of an experiment to demonstrate the utility of these types of simulations. The experiment examined the business case of fielding hybrid electric, high-mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicles (HE HMMWVs) in a future Army organization. The hypothesis was that fielding HE vehicles would significantly reduce fuel consumption due to the economy offered by the HE technology and reducing the number of generators as a result of using the vehicles to generate electrical power. The Logistical and Combat Systems Simulation (LOCSS) was used to estimate differences in fuel consumption and associated equipment during a 72-hour operation with and without HE HMMWVs. There was a 25 percent reduction in fuel consumption over the systems examined. However, due to the relatively low density of the HE vehicles in the organization, the total difference in fuel consumption was not operationally significant; and the savings in fuel costs did not overcome the additional procurement costs over a twenty-year life cycle.
© (2006) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Michael Farrell, Lisa Tiberi, Joseph Burns, and Thomas B. Udvare "Evaluation of logistic and economic impacts of hybrid vehicle propulsion/microgrid concepts: demonstration of LOCSS applied to HE HMMWV in future unit of action", Proc. SPIE 6228, Modeling and Simulation for Military Applications, 62280B (20 May 2006);
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