4 May 2007 Passive ultrasonic method for human footstep detection
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Methods of human detection utilizing low-frequency seismic signals (typically below a few hundred Hertz) from footsteps are well known in the literature and in a practice. This frequency band is used for seismic detectors. Different walking styles (regular, soft, and stealthy) result in different vibration signatures in the low-frequency range that limit the maximum ranges for this method of footstep detection. For example, the stealthy walking style was undetectable even a few meters from a seismic detector. Human footsteps generate broadband frequency vibrations in the ground/floor and sound in the air from a few Hertz up to ultrasonic frequencies. The dynamic forces from footsteps that are normal to the ground/floor are the primary cause of the low-frequency component in these signals. Striking and sliding contacts between a foot and the ground/floor produce the high-frequency responses. The physical mechanisms involved in the generation of high frequency signals and the possibility of their application for human footstep detection were investigated by the authors [A. Ekimov, and J. M. Sabatier "Vibration and sound signatures of human footsteps in buildings," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 120, 762-768 (2006)]. The present paper introduces an approach for human footstep detection using a passive ultrasonic method. The passive method employs an ultrasonic sensor that is sensitive to the sound from sliding contacts. Test results for the detection of a walking person indoors and outdoors are presented and discussed.
© (2007) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Alexander Ekimov and James M. Sabatier "Passive ultrasonic method for human footstep detection", Proc. SPIE 6562, Unattended Ground, Sea, and Air Sensor Technologies and Applications IX, 656203 (4 May 2007); Logo
Cited by 14 scholarly publications and 1 patent.
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Signal attenuation

Signal detection

Signal to noise ratio


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