1 September 2015 A novel extrinsic calibration method of ToF cameras based on a virtual multi-cubes shaped object
Lei Ao, Yongqi Liu, Xin Dong, Ze Zhang
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Extrinsic calibration accuracy for time-of-flight (ToF) cameras is affected by accumulated errors which are generated by recognition of conventional objects with multi-characteristics such as checkerboard. In order to eliminate accumulated errors, in this paper, we propose a novel extrinsic calibration method of ToF cameras with a virtual multi-cubes shaped object. First, we establish the model of a 3-axis translation stage composed of three linear translation stages which are orthogonal to each other. Then, a virtual multi-cubes shaped object with multi-characteristics is generated from an optimized combination of multi-motions of the 3-axis translation stage. After recognizing corner characteristics of this multi-cubes shaped object, the proposed method is accomplished by performing the least square method. Our experimental results show that the measurement accuracy of ToF camera is improved from ±10mm to 6.85mm, which is much better than that of the conventional method based on a 2D plane checkerboard. The proposed method has the ability to improve calibration accuracy to a high level. It may find great potential applications in many fields.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Lei Ao, Yongqi Liu, Xin Dong, and Ze Zhang "A novel extrinsic calibration method of ToF cameras based on a virtual multi-cubes shaped object", Proc. SPIE 9576, Applied Advanced Optical Metrology Solutions, 95760L (1 September 2015); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Time of flight cameras

3D metrology


Corner detection

Distance measurement

Phase shifts

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