17 March 2023 Enabling GaN based MicroLEDs using leading-edge single wafer MOCVD technology (Conference Presentation)
Aniruddh Parekh, Bumjoon Kim, Soo Min Lee, Swaminathan Srinivasan, Drew Hanser, Anil Vijayendran
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MicroLEDs are making rapid progress as the next generation display technology due to high brightness, higher power efficiency and better contrast as compared to existing LCD and OLED based display technologies. MicroLEDs are being introduced into large displays and smart watches and are expected to penetrate other display segments including those for AR/VR applications within the next five years. The MOCVD technology needed for GaN based microLEDs must deliver on the industry’s stringent performance requirements of material quality, uniformity and low defectivity while reducing costs via high throughput, yield, and low operating expenses. A large operating process space (in terms of pressure, temperature, and growth rates) is needed for optimization of device stacks, with excellent boundary layer control over the full process range. In this talk, we discuss the latest status of Gallium Nitride based epitaxy for microLEDs using single wafer deposition technology.
Conference Presentation
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Aniruddh Parekh, Bumjoon Kim, Soo Min Lee, Swaminathan Srinivasan, Drew Hanser, and Anil Vijayendran "Enabling GaN based MicroLEDs using leading-edge single wafer MOCVD technology (Conference Presentation)", Proc. SPIE PC12441, Light-Emitting Devices, Materials, and Applications XXVII, PC1244108 (17 March 2023);
Gallium nitride

Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition

Semiconducting wafers


Display technology

Control systems


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