Tara M. Fortier
Proceedings Volume Quantum Sensing, Imaging, and Precision Metrology II, PC1291229 https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3012386
Over the past 20 years optical frequency combs have been a powerful and enabling technology in the context of time and frequency measurement [1,2]. Their main claim to fame has been their cen-tral in the development of optical atomic clocks [3,4] and the realization of clock comparisons [5-7] to support redefinition of the SI second [6] and tests of fundamental physics [4-5]. Optical frequen-cy combs, based on modelocked lasers, combine ultrafast optical techniques and laser phase stabili-zation to permit coherent harmonic synthesis of atomic references across hundreds of terahertz in the optical domain [6]. Photo-mixing and nonlinear frequency conversion of the laser pulse train can be used to extend the synthesis range all the way to the XUV [7], to the MID IR [8], and down to the electronic domain [9], allowing for the realization of broadband synthesis across much of the electro-magnetic spectrum. The unique capabilities of optical frequency combs: low phase noise, low timing-jitter, spatial coherence, broad optical bandwidth, frequency resolution, efficient frequency conversion have led to a plethora of applications beyond atomic clocks. In my tutorial I will discuss how optical frequency comb sources are used for both precision optical and microwave synthesis and metrology and discuss their function and performance in the context of various time/frequency applications.
[1] Fortier T.M. and Baumann E., “20 years of developments in optical frequency comb technology and applica-tions,” Communications Physics 2, Article number 153 (2019).
[2] Diddams D.A., Vahala K., and Udem T., “Optical frequency combs: Coherently uniting the electromagnetic spec-trum” Science 369, 6501 (2020).
[3] Udem, T., Holzwarth, R. & Hänsch, T. W. Optical frequency metrology. Nature 416, 233–237 (2002).
[4] Ludlow, A. D., Boyd, M. M., Ye, J., Peik, E. & Schmidt, P. O., “Optical atomic clocks,” Rev. Mod. Phys. 87, 637–701 (2015).
[4] Rosenband, T. et al. “Frequency ratio of Al+ and Hg+ single-ion optical clocks; metrology at the 17th decimal place,” Science 319, 1808–1812 (2008).
[5] BACON collaboration: “Frequency ratio measurements at 18-digit accuracy using an optical clock network,” Nature 591 (2021).
[6] Riehle, F., Gill, P., Arias, F. & Robertsson, L. “The CIPM list of recommended frequency standard values: guide-lines and procedures. Metrologia,” 55, 188–200 (2018).
[6] Jones, D. J. et al. “Carrier-envelope phase control of femtosecond mode-locked lasers and direct optical frequency synthesis,” Science 288, 635–639 (2000).
[7] Gohle, C. et al. “A frequency comb in the extreme ultraviolet,” Nature 436, 234–237 (2005).
[8] Keilmann, F., Gohle, C. & R. Holzwarth, R. “Time-domain mid-infrared frequency-comb spectrometer,” Opt. Lett. 29, 1542–1544 (2004).
[9] Fortier, T. M. et al. “Generation of ultrastable microwaves via optical frequency division,” Nat. Photon. 5, 425–429 (2011).