Journal of Biomedical Optics

Editor-in-Chief: Brian W. Pogue, University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA

Journal of Biomedical Optics (JBO) is a Gold Open Access journal that publishes peer-reviewed papers on the use of novel optical systems and techniques for improved health care and biomedical research.

On the cover: "Optimization of handheld spectrally encoded coherence tomography and reflectometry for point-of-care ophthalmic diagnostic imaging" by J.J. Watson, R. Hecht, and Y.K. Tao, in Volume 29 Issue 7.

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Featured Content

Impact of signal-to-noise ratio and contrast definition on the sensitivity assessment and benchmarking of fluorescence molecular imaging systems

Elena Kriukova, Ethan LaRochelle, T. Joshua Pfefer, Udayakumar Kanniyappan, Sylvain Gioux, Brian Pogue, Vasilis Ntziachristos, and Dimitris Gorpas

Challenges and advances in two-dimensional photoacoustic computed tomography: a review

Shunyao Zhang, Jingyi Miao, and Lei S. Li

NerveTracker: a Python-based software toolkit for visualizing and tracking groups of nerve fibers in serial block-face microscopy with ultraviolet surface excitation images

Chaitanya Kolluru, Naomi Joseph, James Seckler, Farzad Fereidouni, Richard Levenson, Andrew Shoffstall, Michael Jenkins, and David Wilson

Two-color diffuse in vivo flow cytometer

Amber Williams, Augustino V. Scorzo, Rendall R. Strawbridge, Scott C. Davis, and Mark Niedre

Perspective on quantitative phase imaging to improve precision cancer medicine

Yang Liu and Shikhar Uttam

JBO Hot Topics Webinars

Hosted by JBO Editor-in-Chief Brian Pogue

Previously Published Special Sections

From the Journal of Biomedical Optics

Special Issue on Pulse Oximetry: 50 Years of Inventions and Discoveries in Biomedical Optics (in progress)

Editors: Jana M. Kainerstorfer, Kenneth M. Tichauer, Ton van Leeuwen, Arjun G. Yodh, and Brian W. Pogue

Special Issue Honoring Gabriel Popescu, Pioneer in Biomedical Optics (in progress)

Editors: Randy A. Bartels, Stephen A. Boppart, and Kevin W. Eliceiri

Special Issue Honoring Lihong V. Wang, Pioneer in Biomedical Optics (2024)

Editors: Xueding Wang, Mark Anastasio, Hao Zhang, Sava Sakadzic, Song Hu, and Liang Gao

Polarimetry in Biomedical Optics, Part 2

Editors: Alex Vitkin, Nirmalya Gosh, and Jessica C. Ramella-Roman

Selected Topics in Biophotonics: Translating Novel Photonics Technology into Clinical Applications (December 2023)

Editors: Stefan Andersson-Engels and Peter E. Andersen

Polarimetry in Biomedical Optics, Part 1 (October 2023)

Editors: Alex Vitkin, Nirmalya Gosh, and Jessica C. Ramella-Roman

Short Wave Infrared Techniques and Applications in Biomedical Optics (September 2023)

Editors: Daniel Fried, Mark Pierce, and Darren Roblyer

Seeing Inside Tissue with Optical Molecular Probes (August 2023)

Editors: Nada Boustany, Mark Niedre, and Manojit Pramanik

30 Years of Open Source Monte Carlo Codes in Biomedical Optics (August 2022)

Editors: Qianqian Fang, Fabrizio Martelli, and Lothar Lilge

Tissue Phantoms to Advance Biomedical Optical Systems (July 2022)

Editors: Dimitris Gorpas, T. Joshua Pfefer, and Heidrun Wabnitz

Video introduction to the journal

Journal Details/Metrics:

  • ISSN: 1560-2281
  • CiteScore 2023: 6.4
  • Impact Factor:* 3.0 

      * Source: Clarivate Analytics, Journal Citation Reports (2024)

Author Benefits:

  • Rigorous, prompt peer review (median time from submission to first decision: 27 days)
  • Rapid publication of articles (median time from acceptance to publication: 22 days)
  • Professional copyediting and typesetting
  • Immediate gold open access for all published papers 
  • Articles deposited into PubMed Central at no charge
  • Integration with Code Ocean, a cloud-based code development and publishing platform
  • 5 free downloads from the SPIE Digital Library


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