My Prius just turned over , which means it is due for its second regular maintenance check after the first one at . I am a proud owner of this rare green car on Taiwan Island. People often stop me to ask about whether it has sufficient power to accelerate, climb hills, and sustain high speed, and whether the legendary gas mileage is real. Every time I fill the tank and look at the average gas mileage for the tankful, I feel good not because of the savings in my pocketbook but for the savings of release and the resources of the planet Earth. Is this the only thing I can do? As someone who knows a little bit about physics and energy, I pay attention to things like turning off unnecessary lights and appliances, optimizing the settings on my air conditioners, dehumidifiers, and heaters, eliminating the waste of paper and paper products, recycling my garbage, and keeping my computers and cars longer. But as a lithographer, what can I do to help preserve this planet? The first things that come to my mind are to use energy-efficient exposure tools, develop cleaner processes, reduce waste of consumables, extend the life of equipment, etc. These are win-win situations for my company as well as your company and the planet Earth. But, are these the only things we can do? What can you do as a micro/nanolithographer, a MEMSer, a MOEMSer, a technologist, an engineer, or a scientist? We know more about energy and the impact of careless or deliberate contaminations. We have a bigger responsibility to treat this Earth well, for ourselves, our colleagues, and our fellow dwellers on this planet. readers and authors alike, you can write to us with your ideas on how to preserve our planet using your fields of expertise. We will publish your ideas in the Communications section after a standard review process. Your ideas will not only have an educated and responsible audience; they will be archived for people to read and follow forever. Happy reading! |