1 December 1979 Three-Channel High-Resolution TV Image Generation System
J. A. Mays, R. E. Holmes
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This paper discusses the development of a three-channel high-resolution image-generation system consisting of a matrix of three television cameras capable of operating with the output of a single wide-angle (140 FOV) optical probe. The television cameras are capable of correcting the geometric errors of the optical probe, the television display, and the display optics as well as the internal scanning errors of the cameras themselves from an external con-trol panel. The cameras achieved an overall geometric error of less than 0.25 and exhibited a stability of 0.1 %, for a 24-hour period. The three video images, in conjunction with a suitable matrix of displays, are capable of presenting a continuous visual scene 140 deg. wide and 45 deg. high, with a resolution of 2400 television lines per picture width. This program also included a three-channel special-effects generator capable of electronic generation of fog, haze, clouds, and electronic sky for the upper portion of the scene above the model board and operation under day, dusk, and night conditions. The unit also has the capability to enhance cultural lighting which can be accomplished without any change in the model lighting or camera operation. The unit allows for dynamic flight characteristics such as roll, pitch, yaw, and flight above and below clouds across the entire matrix of video scenes displayed.
J. A. Mays and R. E. Holmes "Three-Channel High-Resolution TV Image Generation System," Optical Engineering 18(6), 186626 (1 December 1979). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.7972444
Published: 1 December 1979
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Light sources and illumination



Geometrical optics


In memoriam: Fumio Okano, innovator of 3D display
Proceedings of SPIE (June 05 2014)
Measurement Of Flight Simulator Visual System Performance
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