1 June 1993 Automatic registration of aerial photographs and digitized maps
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We have developed a method of matching and recognizing aerial road network images based on road network models. The input is a list of line segments of an image obtained from a preprocessing stage, which is usually fragmentary and contains extraneous noisy segments. The output is the correspondences between the image line segments and model line segments. We use attributed relational graphs (ARG) to describe images and models. An ARG consists of a set of nodes, each node representing a line segment, and attributed relations between nodes. The task of matching is to find the best correspondences between the image ARG and the model ARG. The correspondences are found using a relaxation labeling algorithm, which optimizes a criterion of similarity. The algorithm is capable of subgraph matching of an image road structure to a map road model covering an area 10 times larger than the area imaged by the sensor, provided that the image distortion due to perspective imaging geometry has been corrected during preprocessing stages. We present matching experiments and demonstrate the stability of the matching method to extraneous line segments, missing line segments, and errors in scaling.
S. Z. Li, Josef Kittler, and Maria Petrou "Automatic registration of aerial photographs and digitized maps," Optical Engineering 32(6), (1 June 1993). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.134184
Published: 1 June 1993
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Cited by 6 scholarly publications.
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