1 March 1998 Performance analysis of M-ary signaling in fiber optic code division multiple access communication systems with modal noise
M. Meenakshi, Chenniappan Ravichandran
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Performance analysis of M-ary orthogonal signaling in multimode graded index fiber optic channels is considered. An APD is used for detection and {0,1%}-valued optical orthogonal codes with auto- and cross-correlation coefficients of unity are used as addressing sequences in the analysis. Signal-dependent shot noise, modal noise in the fiber, receiver thermal noise, and multiple-user interference noise are included in evaluating the BER probability. The BER probability is evaluated by assuming the receiver output statistics are Gaussian. The results of the numerical analysis reveal the following: (1) At fixed bit rate and transmitted power, the BER probability achieved byM-ary orthogonal signaling is significantly lower than that of the binary signaling scheme, (2) the system can withstand a higher level of modal noise without significantly degrading the system for a large number of active users, (3) the effect of modal noise on the BER probability can be further reduced by using higher values of M compared to the baseband binary case, and (4) an optimum value exists for the mean gain of APD at which the BER probability is minimum.
M. Meenakshi and Chenniappan Ravichandran "Performance analysis of M-ary signaling in fiber optic code division multiple access communication systems with modal noise," Optical Engineering 37(3), (1 March 1998). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.601708
Published: 1 March 1998
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