1 December 2009 Vision-based vehicle detection and tracking algorithm design
Junyeon Hwang, Kunsoo Huh, Donghwi Lee
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The vision-based vehicle detection in front of an ego-vehicle is regarded as promising for driver assistance as well as for autonomous vehicle guidance. The feasibility of vehicle detection in a passenger car requires accurate and robust sensing performance. A multivehicle detection system based on stereo vision has been developed for better accuracy and robustness. This system utilizes morphological filter, feature detector, template matching, and epipolar constraint techniques in order to detect the corresponding pairs of vehicles. After the initial detection, the system executes the tracking algorithm for the vehicles. The proposed system can detect front vehicles such as the leading vehicle and side-lane vehicles. The position parameters of the vehicles located in front are obtained based on the detection information. The proposed vehicle detection system is implemented on a passenger car, and its performance is verified experimentally.
©(2009) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Junyeon Hwang, Kunsoo Huh, and Donghwi Lee "Vision-based vehicle detection and tracking algorithm design," Optical Engineering 48(12), 127201 (1 December 2009). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.3269685
Published: 1 December 2009
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Detection and tracking algorithms


Image processing


Optical engineering

Stereo vision systems

Image filtering


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