Kehui Jia, Wei Luo, Wei Zhang, Lina Fan, Jianbing Huang
Optical Engineering, Vol. 60, Issue 07, 077101, (July 2021)
TOPICS: Graphene, Absorption, Thin films, Gas lasers, Laser irradiation, Laser scattering, Carbon monoxide, Raman spectroscopy, Raman scattering, Scanning electron microscopy
Abnormal optical absorption phenomena were observed in as-modified few-layer graphene thin films by 10.6-μm CO2 laser under ambient conditions. Saturable absorption (SA) responses were measured using z-scan technology. The graphene samples showed SA before laser modification, whereas they exhibited reverse SA behavior after laser modification due to the effects of thinning and damage to samples. The shift of 2D peak and appearance of D peak from Raman scattering spectra further confirm the effects of laser irradiation on graphene.