Beam-combinable, high-power, narrow-linewidth Yb-doped fiber amplifiers are presently being evaluated as high energy laser weapons where the rapid turn-on of the amplifiers is critical. These amplifiers are optically pumped at the narrow 976nm, high-absorption peak of ytterbium. The fiber amplifier turns on when the emission spectra of the diode pump modules significantly overlap the 976nm Yb absorption peak. The thermal wavelength tuning behavior of two types of laser diode sources was analyzed to predict the cold-start turn-on-time of a fiber amplifier. Turn-on-times of ~4ms and ~4s were predicted for a fiber amplifier employing a laser diode bar directly attached to a micro-channel cooler and a single emitter package cooled by a cold plate, respectively.
KEYWORDS: Connectors, High power fiber amplifiers, Polarization, Optical amplifiers, Collimation, Semiconductor lasers, Fiber couplers, High power diode lasers, High power fiber coupled lasers, High power fiber lasers
In the most developed fiber amplifiers, optical pump power is introduced into the ~400μm-diameter, 0.46NA first cladding of the double-clad, Yb-doped, gain fiber, using a (6+1):1 multi-mode fiber combiner. For this configuration, the core diameter and numerical aperture of the pump delivery fibers have maximum values of ~225μm and ~0.22, respectively. This paper presents the first fiber-coupled laser-diode pump module emitting more than 1kW of claddingmode- stripped power from a detachable 225μm, 0.22NA delivery fiber at 976nm. The electrical-to-optical power conversion efficiency at 1kW is ~50%. The FWHM spectral width at 1kW output is ~4nm and has an excellent overlap with the narrow absorption spectrum of ytterbium in glass. Six of these pump modules attached to a (6+1):1 multimode combiner enable a 5-6kW, single-mode, Yb-doped fiber amplifier.
Copper-based micro-channel coolers (Cu-MCC) are the lowest thermal-resistance heat-sinks for high-power laserdiode
(LD) bars. Presently, the resistivity, pH and oxygen content of the de-ionized water coolant, must be actively
controlled to minimize cooler failure by corrosion and electro-corrosion. Additionally, the water must be constantly
exposed to ultraviolet radiation to limit the growth of micro-organisms that may clog the micro-channels. In this
study, we report the reliable, care-free operation of LD-bars attached to Cu-MCCs, using a solution of distilledwater
and ethanol as the coolant. This coolant meets the storage requirements of Mil-Std 810G, e.g. exposure to a
storage temperature as low as -51°C and no growth of micro-organisms during passive storage.
We present a novel, high-power stack of 20% fill-factor, 976nm, laser-diode bars, each directly attached to an enhanced lateral-flow (ELF), copper-based, water-cooled heat-sink. The heat-sinks contain mounting screws that form a kinematic mount to minimize detrimental mechanical-stress on the diode bars while also providing beneficial, double-side cooling of the bars. A stack of 18-bars, emitting 2.54kW, was constructed to validate the technology. Using standard optics and a polarization multiplexer, a 320μm diameter, 0.3NA focus is achieved with a 6-bar stack that robustly couples 450W, with a ~67% coupling efficiency, from a passive, 400μm, 046NA doubleclad fiber.
The slow axis (SA) divergence of 20% fill-factor, 980nm, laser diodes (LDs) have been investigated under short pulsed
(SP) and continuous (CW) operation. By analyzing the data collected under these two modes of operation, one finds that the SA divergence can be separated into two components: an intrinsic divergence and a thermally induced divergence. At low injected current and power, the intrinsic SA divergence is dominant while at high power their magnitudes are approximately equal. The thermal gradient across the broad stripe is negligible under SP operation and, the SA divergence increased at a much slower rate as a function of injected current, thereby increasing the brightness of the LD by 2X. SRL has redesigned microchannel coolers that remove the thermal gradient under CW operation thereby eliminating the thermally induced SA divergence resulting in LDs that are 2X brighter at 300W/bar.
High brightness, laser-diode bars are required for efficient coupling into small-core optical-fibers. Record power and
brightness results were achieved using 20% fill-factor, 980nm, 1cm-wide, 4mm cavity-length bars. Lifetimes of single
bars, operated CW at 200W and 20°C, exceed 1000hr. Due to superb thermal management, the power conversion
efficiency (PCE) exceeds 60% at 200W output power. Similar lifetime and PCE were obtained for a 3-bar stack
emitting 600W output power.
A record, 940W, CW output-power has been achieved for a single, 1cm-wide, 5mm cavity-length, 77% fill-factor,
940nm, laser-diode bar operated at 900A and 20°C heat-sink temperature. The slope efficiency below 400A is 1.2W/A
and the peak power-conversion efficiency is 70%. The laser bar was attached to a novel EPIC (Enhanced Performance
Impingement Cooler) heat-sink which has a heat removal capacity exceeding 3kW/cm2. Constant current operation at
580A (~600W), 20°C over a period of 100hrs was also demonstrated. These record results are, in large part, due to the
record low thermal resistance of 0.060K/W, about a third that of micro-channel coolers.
A record, 250W, CW output-power has been achieved for a single, 1cm-wide, 3.5mm cavity-length, 20% fill-factor,
976nm, laser-diode bar operated at 20°C. The remarkable laser-bar performance was in part the result of a novel
EPIC (Enhanced Performance Impingement Cooler) heat-sink with a thermal resistance of 0.16K/W. The superb
thermal management resulted in record brightness for a laser bar, i.e. a slow-axis divergence of 10° (95% power
containment angle) was achieved at 200W output-power. A coupling efficiency of ~74% into a 200μm core, 0.22NA
fiber was achieved.
KEYWORDS: Semiconductor lasers, Near field optics, Near field, Electroluminescence, Scanning transmission electron microscopy, Interfaces, Crystals, Laser optics, Diodes, Aluminum
The present model of formation and propagation of catastrophic optical-damage (COD), a random failure-mode in laser
diodes, was formulated in 1974 and has remained substantially unchanged. We extend the model of COD phenomena,
based on analytical studies involving EBIC (electron-beam induced current), STEM (scanning transmission-electron
microscopy) and sophisticated optical-measurements. We have determined that a ring-cavity mode, whose presence has
not been previously reported, significantly contributes to COD initiation and propagation in broad-area laser-diodes.
KEYWORDS: Semiconductor lasers, Near field optics, Optical resonators, Active optics, Optics manufacturing, Electronics, Diodes, High power lasers, Absorption, Laser scattering
Detailed reliability studies of high-power, CW, broad-area, GaAs-based laser- diodes were performed. Optical and
electrical transients occurring prior to device failure by catastrophic optical-damage (COD) were observed. These
transients were correlated with COD formation as observed in laser diodes with an optical window in the n-side
electrode. In addition, custom electronics were designed to fault-protect the laser diodes during aging tests, i.e. each time
a transient (fault) was detected, the operating current was temporarily cut off within 4μs of fault detection. The lifetime
of fault-protected 808-nm laser-diode bars operated at a constant current of 120A (~130W) and 35°C exceeded similar
unprotected devices by factors of 2.
A simple Q-switch, consisting of a rotating planar-mirror where the reflectivity of portions of the surface are high and
the reflectivity of the remaining portions are low, is reported. This novel Q-switch is demonstrated using a fiber laser.
Using two meters of single-mode, 5 &mgr;m core, Yb-doped fiber, a 40% fiber Bragg-grating (FBG) at 1064 nm, and a
single-mode diode-pump at 976 nm, a fiber laser with a threshold power and slope efficiency of approximately 25 mW
and 33% was achieved, respectively, with the rotary mirror held stationary at the high-reflectivity region to form part of
the laser cavity. With the mirror rotating at a fixed speed of 7200 rpm, pulses with a 140 ns full-width-half-maximum
(FWHM) at a repetition rate of 480 Hz were observed. At an optical pump-power of 80 mW, the average power from
the Q-switched fiber laser was 3.5 mW resulting in a calculated, peak pulse-power of 48.6 W.
Reliable, high-power, single-mode, GaAlAs/GaAs, laser-diodes in the spectral region of 780 - 900 nm have been designed with procedures developed for telecom-grade, 980 nm, InGaAs/GaAlAs/GaAs pump diodes. Fifteen 808 nm, single-mode laser-diodes, mounted epitaxial-side up onto AlN submounts with eutectic Au80Sn20 solder, have been operated reliably for 3500 hours at 150 mW.
KEYWORDS: Semiconductor lasers, Cladding, Near field optics, Waveguides, Laser damage threshold, Structural design, Absorption, Reliability, Free space optics, Near field
We present a single-mode, 808 nm, AlInGaAs/AlGaAs/GaAs, strained, quantum-well laser with a record low, vertical divergence-angle of 12 degrees and high slope-efficiency of 1.0 W/A. Epitaxial-up mounted
devices have operated with no measurable degradation at 150 mW, 50°C for 3500 hours.
KEYWORDS: Quantum wells, Waveguides, Near field optics, Doping, Cladding, High power lasers, Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition, Semiconductor lasers, Absorption, Carbon
We report results on single-mode, InAlGaAs/AlGaAs/GaAs, 915 nm, lser-diodes operating reliably at 300 mW. The graded-index, separate-confinement, strained, single quantum-well structure was grown by metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition. Carbon, rather than zinc, was used as the p-doping srouce to reduce internal loss and potential reliability issues due to the thermal diffusion of zinc. A threshold current density of 133 A/cm2, internal loss of 2.0 cm-1 and internal quatnum efficiency of 93% were achieved. FOr 1500 μm long ridge waveguide lasers, a record single-mode output-power of 500mW was obtained for devices mounted epitaxial-side up onto AlN submounts using eutectic Au80Sn20 solder. Ten burned-in devices have now been aged at a constant current of 450 mA at 85°C for more than 1500 hours wihtout measurable degradation.
This study examines catastrophic optical damage in failed, single-mode, 980 nm, InGaAs/GaAlAs/GaAs, ridge wave-guide laser diodes. Analysis techniques were selected for their simplicity to provide quick evaluation of material and device quality. The analysis techniques are chemical etching, optical microscopy, infrared microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy.
The long-term reliability of high-power, single-mode, 980 nm, InGaAs/GaAlAs/GaAs, laser diodes is reported. We have performed constant-current aging at at 85°C for three operating currents, 450 mA (~300 mW), 550 mA (~350 mW) and 700 mA (~420 mW). The data for 450 mA aging indicate a total failure rate of less than 250 FITs at a confidence level of 60%. For 550 mA and 700 mA operating currents, no degradation in laser performance within the 5% measurement accuracy of our test equipment have been observed during the first thousand hours of testing.
KEYWORDS: Waveguides, Semiconductor lasers, Near field optics, High power lasers, Absorption, Single mode fibers, Diodes, Aluminum, Thermal effects, Cladding
A ridge-waveguide, InGaAs/GaAlAs/GaAs, 980 nm, pump laser-diode emitting more than 600 mW of kink-free power and a FWHM divergence angle less than 22 degrees using an asymmetric-waveguide structure is presented. No catastrophic optical-damage was observed on p-up mounted devices up to a quasi-CW output power of 2 Watts where the power was limited by thermal effects.
The procedure for demonstrating the reliability of laser diodes used in telecommunications equipment is documented in Telcordia document GR-468-CORE, Issue 1, December 1998. This procedure was intended for low-power single-mode diodes used in fiber-optic transmitters. A small section was added to the procedure to address high-power, single-mode diodes used as optical pumps for fiber amplifiers. Due to the invention of the double-clad fiber optic cavity, the next generation of fiber amplifiers will likely utilize high-power, multimode diode lasers as optical pumps. In this study, we report on the reliability assurance of multi-spatial mode laser diodes emitting 1 Watt from a 100 micron aperture at 915 nm. While additional study is required to verify the results, the present data indicate a total failure rate, combining both sudden and random failures, of less than 1000 FITs for an operational lifetime of 20 years.
This paper describes a novel, high-brightness, multi-laser- diode system that provides great flexibility for use in a wide array of applications. The system consists of eight individual, field-replaceable laser diodes, whose outputs are optically combined to provide a collimated beam. Field replaceability of the diodes and mechanical robustness of this system make it particularly suitable for highly demanding environments. CW optical power greater than 90 Watts at 915 nm was focused to a spot size of 140 X 130 micrometer and a numerical aperture of 0.22 NA. This high CW power density (approximately 5 X 105 W/cm2) was achieved by polarization coupling of two multi-laser-diode systems. Optical power in excess of 52 W was obtained from a single-end pumped, grating stabilized Yb:fiber laser at 1100 nm. This paper will also present results on digital printing, CD-RW disk initialization and solid-state laser pumping. A unique feature of this system is the ability for direct-diode coupling to fiber, eliminating any splicing or connector- related losses.
The development of didoe-pumped self-frequency doubling (SFD) YCA4O(BO3)3 (YCOB) crystals doped with ND3+ or YB3+ ions offers an attractive alternative to traditional intra-cavity doubling techniques using a separate non-linear crystal. Here, we summarize the progress of scaling SFD lasers to higher powers. Moreover, we examine the potential and limitations of these devices. While SFD lasers are potentially more compact and less costly, scaling to higher powers in the visible region requires careful assessment of mode matching and cavity mode brightness. Combining optical gain and frequency conversion in the same material requires a compromise between the ideal cavity mode for mode matching and generating the largest available power density of the laser mode for optimum frequency doubling. The lack of adjustment of the cavity mode inherently limits scaling of SFD laser operation when using low brightness high power laser diodes. We have employed a new source developed by Polaroid Corp. using multiple high-brightness laser diodes to investigate the potential of increasing SFD laser output. We have then compared the efficiency of this novel pump technique to a single diode pumped system to determine the importance of brightness of the pump source to SFD operation.
Progress in the growth of the rare earth calcium oxyborate crystals has now generated a new class of laser materials that can be used as both a laser host and a nonlinear frequency converter. Laser action and self-frequency doubling (SFD) has been observed with both 10% and 20% Yb3+-doped YCOB crystals. Laser operation was obtained in a hemispherical linear cavity, end-pumped with a tunable cw Ti:Sapphire or a 980 nm laser diode pump source. Under Ti:Sapphire pumping at 900 nm, an output power of 230 mW and a slope efficiency of 29% was obtained using the 10% doped sample. Laser action was seen at 1050 nm. Laser operation of the 20% sample had a maximum output power of approximately 300 mW with a slope efficiency of 35.8% at 1088 nm. Laser action was not obtained at the peak of the fluorescence emission (approximately 1030 nm) in this crystal as a consequence of self-absorption on the short- wavelength side of the emission band. Diode-pumped operation at the narrow absorption peak of 977 nm was achieved and early results show an improved slope efficiency of 34% in comparison to the 10% doped crystal under Ti:Sapphire pumping. We have also observed self-frequency doubling in Yb3+:YCOB. The 20% Yb3+:YCOB crystal used for this test was cut with a phase-matching angle of 36.22 degree(s). The self-frequency doubling efficiency was low due to the absence of any frequency selective elements in the cavity to narrow the linewidth of the fundamental emission. The SFD emission occurred at 543 nm.
Development of the oxyborate Nd3+:YCOB has brought about the realization of single crystal elements under diode pumped operation for compact simple, solid state lasers producing visible laser emission. Efficient laser action and self-frequency doubling (SFD) has been obtained for both Ti:Sapphire and diode pumped operations. Comparable results were obtained for a hemispherical linear cavity with a 2% output coupler for fundamental operation. The fundamental output power of the Nd:YCOB under Ti:Sapphire pumping was in excess of 400 mW with a slope efficiency of 44% with approximately 1 W absorbed. Utilizing high brightness laser diodes, over 350 mW of fundamental output power has been obtained with a slope efficiency of 51% for similar absorbed powers. Efficient SFD operation was demonstrated in both pumping modes with no output coupling at the fundamental wavelength and high transmission of the second harmonic using a 5% doped Nd:YCOB crystal. Output powers of approximately 60 mW at 530 nm were obtained with both Ti:Sapphire and laser diode pumping.
Aluminum-free laser diodes are InGaAsP/GaAs devices whose epitaxial layers do not contain aluminum. Studies comparing the GaAslAs/GaAs and InGaAsP/GaAs high power laser diodes allegedly indicate that aluminum-free lasers are more reliable due to a reduction of dark-line defects, sudden failures, and gradual degradation. The improved reliability of aluminum-free lasers is presumed to result from the elimination of oxidation of the aluminum-containing epitaxial layers of the laser facets. In this presentation, the performance and reliability of GaAlAs/GaAs and InGaAsP/GaAs high power laser diodes will be reviewed and compared. The present data shows that high reliable GaAlAs/GaAs lasers can be produced with good manufacturing practices.
A multiple channel optical modulator provides a means of parallel information processing and enables fast laser printing. We have studied a multiple channel optical modulator utilizing total internal reflection (TIR) and the electro- optical properties of LiTaO3 crystals. We characterized the multichannel TIR modulator by illuminating it separately with a source of a single mode coherent radiation (a Ti:Sapphire laser), and with a source of multimode radiation (a laser diode). The best contrast ratio (on/off intensity ratio) is 100:1, and a contrast ratio of 20:1 is achieved at a driving voltage as low as 60 V. No significant cross-talk has been observed at a modulation frequency of 10 Hz. We found that the response of the modulator is very strongly influenced by the spatial coherence of the illumination source. We also found the presence of a photorefractive effect induced by the high power density of the impinging light beam. This photorefractive effect is not permanent, and can be recovered if the laser illumination is removed for a period of time.
High power laser diodes have been continuously gaining more practical applications. In the majority of these applications, device performance is a determining factor. However, device reliability determines whether a laser diode can be successfully introduced in a commercial product. We review some device reliability problems and their solutions found through customer experience while supplying packaged high power AlGaAs/GaAs quantum well laser diodes, utilized in medical, high resolution printers. The reliability problems were related to either photo-induced chemical reactions on the output facet leading to visible optical damage or the propensity of the material to rapidly develop dark line defects. To improve the reliability of high power laser diodes, we have performed numerous aging studies, followed by detailed failure mode analysis. Both hermetically packaged devices and devices exposed to air ambient were evaluated. The devices whose parameters deteriorated during aging were examined with optical microscopy, infrared microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, Auger spectroscopy, residual gas analysis and also electron beam induced current. We report the results of the failure mode analysis and suggest solutions to eliminate failures of high power laser diodes.
We have assessed the structural perfection of as-fabricated light emitting devices using cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy and high resolution transmission electron microscopy. We have used the electron beam induced current and cathodoluminescence techniques to evaluate the electrical activity of the structural defects. Results indicate that the density of threading dislocations in the device structure is about 1010 cm-2, and they are of edge character. We argue that this high density is a consequence of the coalescence of the AlN islands that form on the SiC substrates. We also discuss the replication behavior of the threading dislocations during subsequency growth. Both the electron beam induced current and cathodoluminescence images show non-radiative recombination regions. We attribute them to the presence of the threading dislocations.
KEYWORDS: Near field, Semiconductor lasers, Laser processing, Waveguides, Near field optics, Reactive ion etching, Laser dentistry, Refraction, Printing, Reliability
GaAs-based, edge-emitting diode lasers have become important light sources for numerous applications, e.g., in ophthalmology and dentistry, pumping of solid-state lasers, and printing on thermal media. The general performance requirements for these devices are high brightness, high reliability, stable optical-characteristics, and low system-cost to performance ratio. Device processing procedures such as dry etching, anodic oxidation, anti-reflection coatings, ion-implantation, and epitaxial growth on non-planar substrates impact the operation of the laser, both positively as well as negatively. The effect of these fabrication procedures on device reliability is discussed where applicable.
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