Staging of cancers and selection of appropriate treatment requires histological examination of multiple dissected lymph nodes (LNs) per patient, so that a staggering number of nodes require histopathological examination, and the finite resources of pathology facilities create a severe processing bottleneck. Histologically examining the entire 3D volume of every dissected node is not feasible, and therefore, only the central region of each node is examined histologically, which results in severe sampling limitations. In this work, we assess the feasibility of using quantitative photoacoustics (QPA) to overcome the limitations imposed by current procedures and eliminate the resulting under sampling in node assessments. QPA is emerging as a new hybrid modality that assesses tissue properties and classifies tissue type based on multiple estimates derived from spectrum analysis of photoacoustic (PA) radiofrequency (RF) data and from statistical analysis of envelope-signal data derived from the RF signals. Our study seeks to use QPA to distinguish cancerous from non-cancerous regions of dissected LNs and hence serve as a reliable means of imaging and detecting small but clinically significant cancerous foci that would be missed by current methods. Dissected lymph nodes were placed in a water bath and PA signals were generated using a wavelength-tunable (680-950 nm) laser. A 26-MHz, f-2 transducer was used to sense the PA signals. We present an overview of our experimental setup; provide a statistical analysis of multi-wavelength classification parameters (mid-band fit, slope, intercept) obtained from the PA signal spectrum generated in the LNs; and compare QPA performance with our established quantitative ultrasound (QUS) techniques in distinguishing metastatic from non-cancerous tissue in dissected LNs. QPA-QUS methods offer a novel general means of tissue typing and evaluation in a broad range of disease-assessment applications, e.g., cardiac, intravascular, musculoskeletal, endocrine-gland, etc.
In this paper we introduce Spatially Aware Expectation Maximization (SpAEM), a new parameter estimation method which incorporates information pertaining to spatial prior probability into the traditional expectation- maximization framework. For estimating the parameters of a given class, the spatial prior probability allows us to weight the contribution of any pixel based on the probability of that pixel belonging to the class of interest. In this paper we evaluate SpAEM for the problem of prostate capsule segmentation in transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) images. In cohort of 6 patients, SpAEM qualitatively and quantitatively outperforms traditional EM in distinguishing the foreground (prostate) from background (non-prostate) regions by around 45% in terms of the Sorensen Dice overlap measure, when compared against expert annotations. The variance of the estimated parameters measured via Cramer-Rao Lower Bound suggests that SpAEM yields unbiased estimates. Finally, on a synthetic TRUS image, the Cramer-Von Mises (CVM) criteria shows that SpAEM improves the estimation accuracy by around 51% and 88% for prostate and background, respectively, as compared to traditional EM.
Quantitative photoacoustics is emerging as a new hybrid modality to investigate diseases and cells in human pathology and cytology studies. Optical absorption of light is the predominant mechanism behind the photoacoustic effect. Therefore, a need exits to characterize the optical properties of specimens and to identify the relevant operating wavelengths for photoacoustic imaging. We have developed a custom low-cost spectrophotometer to measure the optical properties of human axillary lymph nodes dissected for breast-cancer staging. Optical extinction curves of positive and negative nodes were determined in the spectral range of 400 to 1000 nm. We have developed a model to estimate tissue optical properties, taking into account the role of fat and saline. Our results enabled us to select the optimal optical wavelengths for maximizing the imaging contrast between metastatic and noncancerous tissue in axillary lymph nodes.
Quantitative ultrasound (QUS) estimates derived from power spectra of pulse-echo signals are sensitive to mi- crostructure and potentially can differentiate among tissues. However, QUS estimates do not provide molecular specificity. We investigated the feasibility of obtaining quantitative photoacoustic (QPA) estimates for sensi- tivity to microstructure and chromophores for tissue classification. QPA methods were tested using gel-based phantoms containing uniformly dispersed, black polyethylene spheres (1E5 particles/ml) with nominal mean diameters of 23.5, 29.5, 42.0, and 58.0 μm. A pulsed, 532-nm laser excited the photoacoustic (PA) response. A single-element, 34-MHz transducer with a 12-mm focal length was raster scanned over the phantom to acquire 3D PA data. Normalized power spectra were generated from the PA signals within 2079, moving (50% overlap), 1-mm-cube regions-of-interest (ROIs) to provide three QPA estimates: spectral slope (SS), spectral intercept (SI), and effective absorber size (EAS). SS and SI were computed using a linear-regression approximation to the normalized spectrum in the -6-dB band. EAS was computed by fitting the normalized spectrum in the -20-dB band to the multi-sphere analytical solution. All estimates were correlated with the size of particles dispersed in the phantoms. SS decreased while SI increased with an increase in particle size. EAS was correlated with nominal particle diameter, but particles aggregation and the finite bandwidth of the PAI system resulted in outliers. SS, SI, and EAS for the 23.5-μm-phantom were -0.14±-0.04 dB/MHz, 4.8±1.3 dB, and 25.4±6.3 μm, respectively; the corresponding values for the 58.0-μm phantom were -0.47±-0.03 dB/MHz, 15.6±0.9 dB, and 82.7±0.9 μm.
KEYWORDS: Magnetic resonance imaging, Prostate, Cancer, Image registration, 3D image processing, Artificial intelligence, In vivo imaging, Image segmentation, Biopsy, Stereoscopy
Statistical imaging atlases allow for integration of information from multiple patient studies collected across
different image scales and modalities, such as multi-parametric (MP) MRI and histology, providing population
statistics regarding a specific pathology within a single canonical representation. Such atlases are particularly
valuable in the identification and validation of meaningful imaging signatures for disease characterization in vivo
within a population. Despite the high incidence of prostate cancer, an imaging atlas focused on different anatomic
structures of the prostate, i.e. an anatomic atlas, has yet to be constructed. In this work we introduce a novel
framework for MRI atlas construction that uses an iterative, anatomically constrained registration (AnCoR)
scheme to enable the proper alignment of the prostate (Pr) and central gland (CG) boundaries. Our current
implementation uses endorectal, 1.5T or 3T, T2-weighted MRI from 51 patients with biopsy confirmed cancer;
however, the prostate atlas is seamlessly extensible to include additional MRI parameters. In our cohort, radical
prostatectomy is performed following MP-MR image acquisition; thus ground truth annotations for prostate
cancer are available from the histological specimens. Once mapped onto MP-MRI through elastic registration
of histological slices to corresponding T2-w MRI slices, the annotations are utilized by the AnCoR framework
to characterize the 3D statistical distribution of cancer per anatomic structure. Such distributions are useful for
guiding biopsies toward regions of higher cancer likelihood and understanding imaging profiles for disease extent
in vivo. We evaluate our approach via the Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) for different anatomic structures
(delineated by expert radiologists): Pr, CG and peripheral zone (PZ). The AnCoR-based atlas had a CG DSC of
90.36%, and Pr DSC of 89.37%. Moreover, we evaluated the deviation of anatomic landmarks, the urethra and
veromontanum, and found 3.64 mm and respectively 4.31 mm. Alternative strategies that use only the T2-w
MRI or the prostate surface to drive the registration were implemented as comparative approaches. The AnCoR
framework outperformed the alternative strategies by providing the lowest landmark deviations.
In this work, we present a novel, automated, registration method to fuse magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) images of the prostate. Our methodology consists of: (1) delineating the prostate on MRI, (2) building a probabilistic model of prostate location on TRUS, and (3) aligning the MRI prostate
segmentation to the TRUS probabilistic model. TRUS-guided needle biopsy is the current gold standard for prostate cancer (CaP) diagnosis. Up to 40% of CaP lesions appear isoechoic on TRUS, hence TRUS-guided biopsy cannot reliably target CaP lesions and is associated with a high false negative rate. MRI is better able to distinguish CaP from benign prostatic tissue, but requires special equipment and training. MRI-TRUS fusion, whereby MRI is acquired pre-operatively and aligned to TRUS during the biopsy procedure, allows for information from both modalities to be used to help guide the biopsy. The use of MRI and TRUS in combination to guide biopsy at least doubles the yield of positive biopsies. Previous work on MRI-TRUS fusion has involved aligning manually determined fiducials or prostate surfaces to achieve image registration. The accuracy of these methods is dependent on the reader’s ability to determine fiducials or prostate surfaces with minimal error, which is a difficult and time-consuming task. Our novel, fully automated MRI-TRUS fusion method represents a significant advance over the current state-of-the-art because it does not require manual intervention after TRUS acquisition. All necessary preprocessing steps (i.e. delineation of the prostate on MRI) can be performed offline prior to the biopsy procedure. We evaluated our method on seven patient studies, with B-mode TRUS and a 1.5 T surface coil MRI. Our method has a root mean square error (RMSE) for expertly selected fiducials (consisting of the urethra, calcifications, and the centroids of CaP nodules) of 3.39 ± 0.85 mm.
In medical diagnosis, use of elastography is becoming increasingly more useful. However, treatments usually
assume a planar compression applied to tissue surfaces and measure the deformation. The stress distribution
is relatively uniform close to the surface when using a large, flat compressor but it diverges gradually along
tissue depth. Generally in prostate elastography, the transrectal probes used for scanning and compression are
cylindrical side-fire or rounded end-fire probes, and the force is applied through the rectal wall. These make it
very difficult to detect cancer in prostate, since the rounded contact surfaces exaggerate the non-uniformity of
the applied stress, especially for the distal, anterior prostate.
We have developed a preliminary 2D Finite Element Model (FEM) to simulate prostate deformation in
elastography. The model includes a homogeneous prostate with a stiffer tumor in the proximal, posterior region
of the gland. A force is applied to the rectal wall to deform the prostate, strain and stress distributions can
be computed from the resultant displacements. Then, we assume the displacements as boundary condition and
reconstruct the modulus distribution (inverse problem) using linear perturbation method.
FEM simulation shows that strain and strain contrast (of the lesion) decrease very rapidly with increasing
depth and lateral distance. Therefore, lesions would not be clearly visible if located far away from the probe.
However, the reconstructed modulus image can better depict relatively stiff lesion wherever the lesion is located.
We report preliminary results from our investigation of in vivo prostate elastography. Fewer than 50% of all prostate cancers are typically visible in current clinical imaging modalities. Elastography displays a map of strain that results when tissue is externally compressed. Thus, elastography is ideal for imaging prostate cancers because they are generally stiffer than the surrounding tissue and stiffer regions usually exhibit lower strain in elastograms. In our study, digital radio-frequency (RF) ultrasound echo data were acquired from prostate-cancer patients undergoing brachytherapy. Seed placement is guided by a transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) probe, which is held in a mechanical fixture. The probe can be moved in XYZ directions and tilted. The probe face, in contact with the rectal wall, is used to apply a compression force to the immediately adjacent prostate. We also used a water-filled (acoustic) coupling balloon to compress the prostate by increasing the water volume inside the balloon. In each scan plane (transverse), we acquired RF data from successive scans at the scanner frame rate as the deformation force on the rectal wall was continuously increased. We computed strain using 1D RF cross-correlation analysis. The compression method based on fixture displacement produced low-noise elastograms that beautifully displayed the prostate architecture and emphasized stiff areas. Balloon-based compression also produced low-noise elastograms. Initial results demonstrate that elastography may be useful in the detection and evaluation of prostate cancers, occult in conventional imaging modalities.
Our research is intended to develop ultrasonic methods for characterizing cancerous prostate tissue and thereby to improve the effectiveness of biopsy guidance, therapy targeting, and treatment monitoring. We acquired radio-frequency (RF) echo-signal data and clinical variables, e.g., PSA, during biopsy examinations. We computed spectra of the RF signals in each biopsied region, and trained neural network classifers with over 3,000 sets of data using biopsy data as the gold standard. For imaging, a lookup table returned scores for cancer likelihood on a pixel-by-pixel basis from spectral-parameter and PSA values. Using ROC analyses, we compared classification performance of artificial neural networks (ANNs) to conventional classification with a leave-one-patient-out approach intended to minimize the chance of bias. Tissue-type images (TTIs) were compared to prostatectomy histology to further assess classification performance. ROC-curve areas were greater for ANNs than for the B-mode-based classification by more than 20%, e.g., 0.75 +/- 0.03 for neural-networks vs. 0.64 +/- 0.03 for B-mode LOSs. ANN sensitivity was 17% better than the sensitivity range of ultrasound-guided biopsies. TTIs showed tumors that were entirely unrecognized in conventional images and undetected during surgery. We are investigating TTIs for guiding prostrate biopsies, and for planning radiation dose-escalation and tissue-sparing options, and monitoring prostrate cancer.
Brachytherapy using small implanted radioactive seeds is becoming an increasingly popular method for treating prostate cancer. Seeds are inserted into the prostate transperineally using ultrasound guidance. Dosimetry software determines the optimal placement of seeds for achieving the prescribed dose based on ultrasonic determination of the gland boundaries. However, because of prostate movement after planning images are acquired and during the implantation procedure, seeds commonly are not placed in the desired locations and the delivered dose may differ from the prescribed dose. Current methods of ultrasonic imaging do not adequately display implanted seeds for the purpose of correcting the delivered dose. We are investigating new methods of ultrasonic imaging that overcome limitations of conventional ultrasound. These methods include resonance, modified elastographic, and signature techniques. Each method shows promise for enhancing the visibility of seeds in ultrasound images. Combining the information provided by each method may reduce ambiguities in determining where seeds are present or absent. If successful, these novel imaging methods will enable correction of seed-misplacement errors during the implantation procedure, and hence will improve the therapeutic radiation dose delivered to target tissues.
We have developed a family of objective features in order to provide non-invasive, reliable means of distinguishing benign from malignant breast lesions. These include acoustic features (echogenicity, heterogeneity, shadowing) and morphometric features (area, aspect ratio, border irregularity, margin definition). These quantitative descriptors are designed to be independent of instrument properties and physician expertise. Our analysis included manual tracing of lesion boundaries and adjacent areas on grayscale images generated from RF data. To derive quantitative acoustic features, we computed spectral parameter maps of radio-frequency (RF) echo signals (calibrated with system transfer function and corrected for diffraction) within these areas. We quantified morphometric features by geometric and fractal analysis of traced lesion boundaries. Although no single parameter can reliably discriminate cancerous from non-cancerous breast lesions, multifeature analysis provides excellent discrimination of cancerous and non-cancerous lesions. RF echo-signal data used in this study were acquired during routine ultrasonic examinations of biopsy-scheduled patients at three clinical sites. Our data analysis for 130 patients produced an ROC-curve area of 0.9164 +/- 0.0346. Among the quantitative descriptors, lesion heterogeneity, aspect ratio, and a border irregularity descriptor were the most useful; some morphometric features (such as the border irregularity descriptor) were particularly effective in lesion classification.
Ernest Feleppa, J. Ketterling, Andrew Kalisz, Stella Urban, C. Porter, John Gillespie, Peter Schiff, Ronald Ennis, Cheng-Shie Wuu, Judd Moul, Isabell Sesterhenn, P. Scardino
Conventional B-mode ultrasound is the standard means of imaging the prostate for guiding prostate biopsies and planning radiotherapy (i.e., brachytherapy and external-beam radiation) of prostate cancer (CaP). Yet B-mode images essentially do not allow visualization of cancerous lesions of the prostate. Ultrasonic tissue-typing imaging based on spectrum analysis of radio-frequency (RF) echo signals has shown promise for overcoming the limitations of B-mode imaging in distinguishing cancerous from common forms of non-cancerous prostate tissue. Such tissue typing utilizes non-linear methods, such as nearest-neighbor and neural- network techniques, to classify tissues based on spectral- parameter and clinical-variable values. Our research seeks to develop imaging techniques based on these methods for the purpose of improving the guidance of prostate biopsies and the targeting of brachytherapy and external-beam radiotherapy of prostate cancer. Images based on these methods have been imported into real-time instrumentation for biopsy guidance and into commercial dose-planning software for real-time brachytherapy. 3D renderings show locations and volumes of cancer foci. These methods offer exciting possibilities for effective low-cost depiction of prostate cancer in real time and off-line images. Real-time imaging showing cancerous regions of the prostate can be of value in directing biopsies, determining whether biopsy is warranted, assisting in clinical staging, targeting brachytherapy, planning conformal external-beam radiation procedures, and monitoring treatment.
KEYWORDS: Tissues, Elastography, Motion estimation, Error analysis, Finite element methods, Transducers, Ultrasonography, Ultrasonics, Signal processing, Signal to noise ratio
In conventional elastography, strains are estimated by computing gradient of estimated displacement. However, gradient-based algorithms are susceptible to noise. We have developed two new strain estimators to overcome the common limitations of elastography. The first estimator is based on a frequency-domain formulation; it estimates local strain by maximizing the correlation between the spectra of pre- and post-compression echo signals by iteratively frequency- scaling the latter. We discuss a variation of this algorithm that may be computationally more efficient. The second estimator is based on the observation that an extremely stiff region will undergo virtually no strain when compressed, and will exhibit quasi-rigid body motion. As a result, an area with high similarity between the pre- and post-compression signals indicates low strain, and an area with low similarity indicates large strain. We use normalized 2D correlation function to estimate this similarity. This method offers significant advantages for detecting rigid tissues in the presence of large, irregular, non-axial motion. Both the estimators exhibited promising results in simulation and experiments.
Two- and three-dimensional depictions of ultrasound echo signal data have potential for helping to detect and diagnose disease and to plan and monitor therapy. The utilization of very-high-frequency ultrasound and spectrum analysis of radio- frequency echo signals extends the capabilities of ultrasonic imaging for these purposes. Images generated using these techniques can present tissue architecture with exquisite resolution and can provide information on underlying properties of scatterers in the tissue. Changes in properties over time can be used to monitor disease progression or response to therapy. Relating tissue echo-signal parameters obtained from unknown tissue to database values of known tissue types can provide means of characterizing tissue for the purposes of detection or diagnosis and treatment planning. These potential applications are illustrated using examples from plaque, ophthalmic, skin, and prostate studies.
We are developing quantitative descriptors of breast lesions in order to provide reliable, operator-independent means of non-invasive breast cancer identification. These quantitative descriptors include lesion internal features assessed using spectrum analysis of ultrasonic radio-frequency (RF) echo signals and morphometric features related to lesion shape. Internal features include quantitative measures of 'echogenicity,' 'heterogeneity,' and 'shadowing;' these were computed by generating spectral-parameter images of the lesion and surrounding tissue. Spectral-parameter values were generated at each pixel in the parameter image using a sliding-window Fourier analysis. Lesions were traced on B-mode images and traces were used in conjunction with spectral parameter values to compute echogenicity, heterogeneity, and shadowing. Initial results show that no single parameter may be sufficiently precise in identifying cancerous breast lesions; the results also show that the use of multiple features can substantially improve discrimination. This paper describes the background, research objective, and methodology. Clinical examples are included to illustrate the practical application of our methodology.
Spectrum analysis of ultrasonic radio-frequency echo signals has proven to be an effective means of characterizing tissues of the eye and liver, thrombi, plaque, etc. Such characterization can be of value in detecting, differentiating, and monitoring disease. In some clinical applications, linear methods of tissue classification cannot adequately differentiate among the various manifestations of cancerous and non-cancerous tissue; in these cases, non-linear methods, such as neural-networks, are required for tissue typing. Combining spectrum-analysis methods for quantitatively characterizing tissue properties with neural-network methods for classifying tissue, a powerful new means of guiding biopsies, targeting therapy, and monitoring treatment may be available. Current studies are investigating potential applications of these methods that use novel tissue-typing images presented in two and three dimensions. Results to date show significant sensitivity improvements of possible benefit in cancer detection and effective tissue-type imaging that promise improved means of planning and monitoring treatment of prostate cancer.
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