This paper describes the successful combination of masking or beam shaping elements based on thin membranes with the thermally ultra-stable properties of the ULE [1] glass substrate material. These kind of elements can be used in transmission in the optical beam path of EUV systems.
By applying a combination of new technologies, thin membranes can be directly manufactured on ULE substrates. The thermal expansion properties of the membrane based transmissive optical elements are dominated by ULE substrate. These elements enable a position stability of features in the range of 10-8/Kelvin for element sizes with a length of up to 150 mm.
The combination of technologies enables also the structuring of features with critical dimensions in the range of 100 nm on the membrane. The features on the membranes are for example absorbing or phase shifting structures or even holes. Holes in the membrane with diameters down to 200 nm have been demonstrated using e-beam based technologies.
These kind of transmissive optical elements could be used in EUV exposure systems, actinic mask inspection systems or other optical systems which are using light in the EUV wavelength range.
EUVL source development at XTREME technologies benefits from the learning gained in previous developments for
EUV Micro Exposure and Alpha Tools. Field data available from operation of these tools represent the basis for
continuous improvement in core technology areas such as plasma generation and forming, component reliability, debris
mitigation and optical performance.
Results from integration and first operation of alpha tool sources are presented in the areas power performance,
component lifetime and debris mitigation efficiency. The analysis results and simulation work of the realized EUV
source concept are discussed and innovative concepts for component and module improvements are introduced. In term
of intermediate focus power, 4W has been achieved. Moreover the factor of 1.6 higher IF power to previous results has
been implied to demonstrate capability for the achievement of more than 5W.
For the Beta-tool and HVM source generations a joint development work between XTREME technologies and Philips
EUV is introduced. The related work is content of another presentation of this conference.
Xenon-fueled gas discharge produced plasma (DPP) sources were integrated into Micro Exposure Tools already in 2004.
Operation of these tools in a research environment gave early learning for the development of EUV sources for Alpha
and Beta-Tools. Further experiments with these sources were performed for basic understanding on EUV source
technology and limits, especially the achievable power and reliability. The intermediate focus power of Alpha-Tool
sources under development is measured to values above 10 W. Debris mitigation schemes were successfully integrated
into the sources leading to reasonable collector mirror lifetimes with target of 10 billion pulses due to the effective debris
flux reduction. Source collector mirrors, which withstand the radiation and temperature load of Xenon-fueled sources,
have been developed in cooperation with MediaLario Technologies to support intermediate focus power well above
10 W. To fulfill the requirements for High Volume chip Manufacturing (HVM) applications, a new concept for HVM EUV
sources with higher efficiency has been developed at XTREME technologies. The discharge produced plasma (DPP)
source concept combines the use of rotating disk electrodes (RDE) with laser exited droplet targets. The source concept
is called laser assisted droplet RDE source. The fuel of these sources has been selected to be Tin. The conversion
efficiency achieved with the laser assisted droplet RDE source is 2-3x higher compared to Xenon. Very high pulse
energies well above 200 mJ / 2&pgr; sr have been measured with first prototypes of the laser assisted droplet RDE source. If
it is possible to maintain these high pulse energies at higher repetition rates a 10 kHz EUV source could deliver
2000 W / 2&pgr; sr. According to the first experimental data the new concept is expected to be scalable to an intermediate
focus power on the 300 W level.
In the paper we give an update about the development status of gas discharge produced plasma (GDPP) EUV sources at XTREME technologies.
Already in 2003 first commercial prototypes of xenon GDPP sources of the type XTS 13-35 based on the Z-pinch with 35 W power in 2π sr have been delivered and integrated into micro-exposure tools from Exitech, UK. The micro-exposure tools with these sources have been installed in industry in 2004. The first tool has made more than 100 million pulses without visible degradation of the source collector optics.
For the next generation of full-field exposure tools (we call it Beta-tools) we develop GDPP sources with power of > 10 W in intermediate focus. Also these sources use xenon as fuel which has the advantage of not introducing additional contaminations. Here we describe basic performance of these sources as well as aspects of collector integration and debris mitigation and optics lifetime.
To achieve source performance data required for high volume chip manufacturing we consider tin as fuel for the source because of its higher conversion efficiency compared to xenon. While we had earlier reported an output power of 400 W in 2π sr from a tin source we could reach meanwhile 800 W in 2π sr from the source in burst operation. Provided a high power collector is available with a realistic collector module efficiency of between 9% and 15 % these data would support 70-120 W power in intermediate focus. However, we do not expect that the required duty cycle and the required electrode lifetimes can be met with this standing electrode design Z-pinch approach.
To overcome lifetime and duty cycle limitations we have investigated GDPP sources with tin fuel and rotating disk electrodes. Currently we can generate more than 200 W in 2π sr with these sources at 4 kHz repetition rate. To achieve 180 W power in intermediate focus which is the recent requirement of some exposure tool manufacturers this type of source needs to operate at 21-28 kHz repetition rate which may be not possible by various reasons.
In order to make operation at reasonable repetition rates with sufficient power possible we have investigated various new excitation concepts of the rotating disk electrode configurations. With one of the concepts pulse energies above 170 mJ in 2π sr could be demonstrated. This approach promises to support 180 W intermediate focus power at repetition rates in the range between 7 and 10 kHz. It will be developed to the next power level in the following phase of XTREME technologies' high volume manufacturing source development program.
U. Stamm, J. Kleinschmidt, K. Gabel, G. Hergenhan, C. Ziener, G. Schriever, I. Ahmad, D. Bolshukhin, J. Brudermann, R. de Bruijn, T. Chin, A. Geier, S. Gotze, A. Keller, V. Korobotchko, B. Mader, J. Ringling, T. Brauner
In the paper we report about the progress made at XTREME technologies in the development of EUV sources based on gas discharge produced plasma (GDPP) technologies and laser produced plasma (LPP) technologies. First prototype xenon GDPP sources of the type XTS 13-35 based on the Z-pinch principle with 35 W power in 2π sr have been integrated into micro-exposure tools from Exitech, UK. Specifications of the EUV sources and experience of integration as well as data about component and optics lifetime are presented.
In the source development program for Beta exposure tools and high volume manufacturing exposure tools both tin and xenon have been investigated as fuel for the EUV sources. Development progress in porous metal cooling technology as well as pulsed power circuit design has led to GDPP sources with xenon fuel continuous operating with an output power of 200 W in 2π sr at 4500 Hz repetition rate. With tin fuel an output power of 400 W in 2π sr was obtained leaving all other conditions unaltered with respect to the xenon based source. The performance of the xenon fueled sources is sufficiently good to fulfill all requirements up to the beta tool level.
For both the xenon and the tin GDPP sources detailed data about source performance are reported, including component lifetime and optics lifetime. The status of the integration of the sources with grazing incidence collector optics is discussed. Theoretical estimations of collection efficiencies are compared with experimental data to determine the loss mechanisms in the beam path. Specifically contamination issues related to tin as target material as well as debris mitigation in tin sources is addressed.
As driver lasers for the LPP source research diode-pumped Nd:YAG lasers have been used to generate EUV emitting plasma. As target material xenon has been employed. Conversion efficiencies have been measured and currently the maximum conversion efficiency amounts to 1 %. The laser driver power of 1.2 kW is currently achieved with a masteroscillator power-amplifier industrial Nd:YAG laser configuration. With this laser, xenon based EUV sources have achieved 10 W EUV power at 13.5 nm emitted into 2π sr solid angle.
For the xenon LPP sources detailed data about the achieved source performance including component lifetime and optics lifetime are reported. The status of the integration of the sources with normal incidence collector optics is shown.
The potentials and limits of Z-pinch GDPP and LPP EUV source technologies to achieve high volume manufacturing specifications are discussed in this paper.
U. Stamm, J. Kleinschmidt, K. Gabel, G. Hergenhan, C. Ziener, I. Ahmad, D. Bolshukhin, V. Korobotchko, A. Keller, A. Geier, J. Ringling, C. Tran, B. Mader, R. de Bruijn, S. Gotze, J. Brudermann, G. Schriever
In the paper we report about the progress made at XTREME technologies in the development of EUV sources based on gas discharge produced plasma (GDPP) technologies as well as the integration of collector optics. Optics from different suppliers were integrated to the source and the performance of the radiation in the intermediate focus and in the far field behind the intermediate focus were determined using newly developed metrology tools.
To improve the source performance in the development program for beta exposure tools and high volume manufacturing exposure tools both tin and xenon have been investigated as fuel for the EUV sources. Development progress in porous metal cooling technology as well as pulsed power circuit design has led to GDPP sources with xenon fuel continuously operating with an output power of 200 W in 2π sr at 4500 Hz repetition rate. With tin fuel an output power of 400 W in 2π sr was obtained leaving all other conditions unaltered with respect to the xenon based source. The performance of the xenon fueled sources is sufficiently good to fulfill all requirements up to the beta tool level. The required power of 10-20 W in the intermediate focus region at etendue between 3 and 5 mm2sr was demonstrated by using a xenon based source.
The status of the integration of the sources with grazing incidence collector optics is discussed in detail. Images using visible light or EUV light in the intermediate focus region or in the far field behind the intermediate focus are presented for the first time. EUV pulse to pulse energy and stability has been measured out of the source and in the intermediate focus. Data on debris reduction show that lifetime expectations for beta-tools will be met.
The availability of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light sources, measurement tools and integrated test systems is of major importance for the development of EUV lithography for use in high volume chip manufacturing which is expected to start in 2009. The estimates of cost of an EUV exposure tool in combination with sophisticated throughput models leads to a throughput of 120 wafers per hour necessary for economic use of EUV lithography. Concluding from that light sources are necessary which deliver an EUV output power of 115 W at 13.5 nm at the entrance of the illuminator system. The power requirement in combination with the required lifetimes of source components and collector optics make the source technology the most critical issue to be solved when developing EUV lithography. The present paper gives an update of the development status of EUV light sources at XTREME technologies, a joint venture of Lambda Physik AG, Goettingen, and Jenoptik LOS GmbH, Jena, Germany. Results on both laser produced plasma (LPP) and gas discharge produced plasma (GDPP), the two major technologies in EUV sources, are given. The LPP EUV sources use xenon-jet target systems and pulsed lasers with 500 W average power at up to 10 kHz developed at XTREME technologies. The maximum conversion efficiency from laser power into EUV in-band power is 1.0% into 2π solid angle. 2.0 W EUV radiation is generated at 13.5 nm in 2π sr solid angle. The small source volume of < 0.3 mm diameter will allow large collection angles of 5 sr. The intermediate focus power is estimated to 1 W. Collector mirror lifetime tests showed 5 million pulses lifetime without debris mitigation. With debris mitigation in place lifetimes of more than 1 billion pulses are estimated. For the next generation of higher power EUV LPP sources a laser driver has been tested at 1.3 kW average laser power. This will lead to 5 W EUV power in intermediate focus. The GDPP EUV sources use the Z-pinch principle with efficient sliding discharge pre-ionization. Prototype commercial gas discharge sources with an EUV power of 35W in 2π sr were already delivered for integration into EUV microsteppers. These sources are equipped with a debris-filter which results in an optics lifetime exceeding 100 million discharges at 1 kHz repetition frequency. The same lifetime was achieved for the components of the discharge system itself. The progress in the development of high-power discharge sources resulted in an EUV power of 150 W in continuous operation at 4.5 kHz repetition rate by implementation of porous metal cooling technology. The EUV plasma has a FWHM-diameter of 0.5 mm and a FWHM-length of 1.5 mm. The intermediate focus power is calculated to be in the range of 15 W - 20 W, depending somewhat on the transmission of the optical path to the intermediate focus and on the etendue specification. The typical fluctuations of the EUV energy are standard deviation σ<5% without any active stabilization. Discharge sources with Sn as emitter were investigated as more efficient alternative to Xenon. Estimates regarding Sn sources reveal the potential of achieving 65 W intermediate focus power by using developed porous metal cooling technology. Improvement of cooling could open the path to 115 W of power for high volume manufacturing using EUV lithography. However, Sn-sources are technologically risky und much less advanced than Xe sources, since fuel-handling and debris mitigation is much more challenging in comparison to Xe-sources. GDPP and LPP sources still compete for the technology of high volume manufacturing sources for EUV lithography. Optimization potential of the etendue of the optical system of EUV scanners will certainly influence any technology decision for HVM sources.
Semiconductor chip manufacturers are expecting to use extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography for high volume manufacturing of DRAMs and ICs starting by the end of this decade. Among all the technologies and modules which have to be developed EUV sources at 13.5 nm are considered to be the most critical issue. Specifically the required output power of 115 W at the entrance of the illuminator system in combination with the required lifetimes of source components and collector optics make the source technology critical for EUV lithography.
The present paper gives an update of the development status of EUV light sources at XTREME technologies, a joint venture of Lambda Physik AG, Goettingen, and Jenoptik LOS GmbH, Jena, Germany. Results on both laser produced plasma (LPP) and gas discharge produced plasma (GDPP), the two major technologies in EUV sources, are given.
The LPP EUV sources use xenon-jet target systems and pulsed lasers with 500 W average power at up to 10 kHz developed at XTREME technologies. The maximum conversion efficiency from laser power into EUV in-band power is 1.0 % into 2p solid angle. 2.0 W EUV radiation is generated at 13.5 nm in 2p sr solid angle. The small source volume of < 0.3 mm diameter will allow large collection angles of 5 sr. The intermediate focus power is estimated to 1 W. Collector mirror lifetime tests showed 5 million pulses lifetime without debris mitigation. With debris mitigation in place lifetimes of more than 1 billion pulses are estimated. For the next generation of higher power EUV LPP sources a laser driver has been tested at 1.3 kW average laser power. This will lead to 5 W EUV power in intermediate focus.
The GDPP EUV sources use the Z-pinch principle with efficient sliding discharge pre-ionization. Prototype commercial gas discharge sources with an EUV power of 35W in 2p sr were already delivered for integration into EUV microsteppers. These sources are equipped with a debris-filter which results in an optics lifetime exceeding 100 million discharges at 1 kHz repetition frequency. The same lifetime was achieved for the components of the discharge system itself.
The progress in the development of high-power discharge sources resulted in an EUV power of 150 W in continuous operation at 4.5 kHz repetition rate by implementation of porous metal cooling technology. The EUV plasma has a FWHM-diameter of 0.5 mm and a FWHM-length of 1.5 mm. The intermediate focus power is calculated to be in the range of 15 W - 20 W, depending somewhat on the transmission of the optical path to the intermediate focus and on the etendue specification. The typical fluctuations of the EUV energy are standard deviation s<5% without any active stabilization.
Discharge sources with Sn as emitter were investigated as more efficient alternative to Xenon. Estimates regarding Sn sources reveal the potential of achieving 65 W intermediate focus power by using developed porous metal cooling technology. Improvement of cooling could open the path to 115 W of power for high volume manufacturing using EUV lithography. However, Sn-sources are technologically risky und much less advanced than Xe sources, since fuel-handling and debris mitigation is much more challenging in comparison to Xe-sources.
GDPP and LPP sources still compete for the technology of high volume manufacturing sources for EUV lithography. Optimization potential of the etendue of the optical system of EUV scanners will certainly influence any technology decision for HVM sources.
Uwe Stamm, Imtiaz Ahmad, Istvan Balogh, H. Birner, D. Bolshukhin, J. Brudermann, S. Enke, Frank Flohrer, Kai Gäbel, S. Götze, G. Hergenhan, Jürgen Kleinschmidt, Diethard Klöpfel, Vladimir Korobotchko, Jens Ringling, Guido Schriever, C. Tran, C. Ziener
Semiconductor chip manufacturers are expecting to use extreme UV lithography for production in 2009. EUV tools require high power, brilliant light sources at 13.5 nm with collector optics producing 120 W average power at entrance of the illuminator system. Today the power and lifetime of the EUV light source are considered as the most critical issue for EUV lithography. The present paper gives an update of the development status of EUV light sources at XTREME technologies, a joint venture of Lambda Physik AG, Goettingen, and Jenoptik LOS GmbH, Jena, Germany. Results on both laser produced plasma (LPP) and gas discharge produced plasma (GDPP), the two major technologies in EUV sources, are given. The LPP EUV sources use xenon-jet target systems and pulsed lasers with 400 W average power at 10 kHz developed at XTREME technologies. The maximum conversion efficiency form laser power into EUV in-band power is 0.75% into 2π solid angle. With 300 W laser average power at 3300 Hz repetition rate up to 1.5 W EUV radiation is generated at 13.5 nm. After a collector of 5 sr this corresponds to 0.6 W in intermediate focus without spectral purity filter and 0.5 W in intermediate focus with spectral purity filter. The direct generation of the EUV emitting plasma from electrical discharges is much simpler than LPP because the electrical energy has not to be converted into laser radiation before plasma excitation. XTREME technologies' Xenon GDPP EUV sources use the Z-pinch principle with efficient sliding discharge pre-ionization. The plasma pinch size and the available emission angle have been matched to the etendue of the optical system of 2-3 mm2 sr, i.e. no additional etendue related loss reduces the usable EUV power from the source. In continuous operation at 1000 Hz the GDPP sources emit 50W into 2π solid angle are obtained from the Z-pinch sources. Spatial and temporal emission stability of the EUV sources is in the range of a few percent. Debris shields for EUV sources have been developed which give improvement of the collector optics lifetime by several orders of magnitude.
A coherently coupled vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) array, based on injection locking, was realized with master and slave lasers being integrated on the same monolithic chip. The radiation of the emitters is collimated by a micro lens array. The mechanical stability is achieved by a proprietary optical module, consisting of the laser array, micro lens array, heat sink with Peltier element and a pin grid array for individual electric connections. For frequency and phase adjustment the individual operating currents have to be tuned with an accuracy of better than 0.1 %. This could be realized with a laser-trimmed array of micro resistors on a chip comparable in size to the laser chip. With 21 slave lasers nearly 90 % of the theoretically possible increase of the peak power density could be achieved. The coherent superposition is stable for hundreds of hours of operation. The small size of the micro resistors allows their integration on the laser chip thus reducing the number of connectors to only two - independent of the number of lasers.
Stable phase-locking of a VCSEL array of N equals 16 emitters with the master laser on the same chip is demonstrated. To accomplish the injection-locking a very small portion of the master radiation is seeded frontally into the 16 slave lasers. All VCSELs are driven by one voltage source with small individual series resistors to compensate for frequency differences. The beams are collimated by a microlens array and are commonly focused. A factor 14 increase of the peak power density of the superimposed beams compared to the unlocked operation is achieved (overall system coherence 85%) without any phase control. The coherent operation is stable for hours without any sophisticated voltage or temperature control. By slightly varying the current of each emitter within the locking range a maximum phase shift of (pi) can be achieved for each emitter. In this way residual phase differences between the individual beams can be compensated. The fraction of the master power necessary to lock one slave laser is below 10-3. Therefore, scaling to very large arrays is possible. Apart from simply increasing the peak power density of the chip, a promising perspective for data transmission applications is the GHz-modulation of the system coherence. The locking of the array can be switched by a very small (2%) modulation of the master current thereby switching the peak power density by a factor of nearly N.
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