The Calibration Unit for 4MOST is providing hundreds of highly stable sharp spectral features with high power and mimicking the sky over the focal plane. The heart of the system is a combination of a bright broadband lamp and a Fabry-Perot etalon that provides a regular comb of spectral lines. 120 integrating spheres are distributed in 4 Light sabre linear arrays. These Light sabres are attached to the telescope spider struts and provide unvignetted illumination to the telescope focal plane. We describe the final design, the alignment, and the results of the testing.
4MOST is a new high-multiplex, wide-field spectroscopic survey facility under construction for ESO's 4m-VISTA telescope at Paranal, Chile. Its key specifications are: a large field of view of 4.4 square degrees, a high multiplex fibre positioner based on the tilting spine principle that positions 2436 science fibres in the focal surface of which 1624 fibres go to two low-resolution optical spectrographs (R = λ/Δλ ~ 6500) and 812 fibres transfer light to the high-resolution optical spectrograph (R ~ 20,000). Currently, almost all subsystems are completed and full testing in Europe will be finished in spring 2023, after which 4MOST will be shipped to Chile. An overview is given of instrument construction and capabilities, the planned science of the consortium and the recently selected community programmes, and the unique operational scheme of 4MOST.
We present an update on the overall integration progress of the WEAVE next-generation spectroscopy facility for the William Herschel Telescope (WHT), now scheduled for first light in early-2021, with almost all components now arrived at the observatory. We also present a summary of the current planning behind the 5-year initial phase of survey operations, and some detailed end-to-end science simulations that have been implemented to evaluate the final on-sky performance after data processing. WEAVE will provide optical ground-based follow up of ground-based (LOFAR) and space-based (Gaia) surveys. WEAVE is a multi-object and multi-IFU facility utilizing a new 2-degree prime focus field of view at the WHT, with a buffered pick-and-place positioner system hosting 1000 multi-object (MOS) fibres, 20 mini integral field units, or a single large IFU for each observation. The fibres are fed to a single (dual-beam) spectrograph, with total of 16k spectral pixels, located within the WHT GHRIL enclosure on the telescope Nasmyth platform, supporting observations at R~5000 over the full 370-1000nm wavelength range in a single exposure, or a high resolution mode with limited coverage in each arm at R~20000.
A status overview of 4MOST is presented, a new high-multiplex, wide-field spectroscopic survey facility under construction for ESO's VISTA telescope at Paranal. Its key specifications are: a large field of view of 4.4 deg2 and a high multiplex capability, with 1624 fibres feeding two low-resolution spectrographs (R = λ/Δλ ~ 6500), and 812 fibres transferring light to the high-resolution spectrograph (R ~ 20 000). The 4MOST system integration has commenced and the selection process for ESO community survey programmes has been started. This overview presents the expected performance of the instrument, the science the consortium expects to carry out, and the unique operational scheme of 4MOST.
We present an update on the overall construction progress of the WEAVE next-generation spectroscopy facility for the William Herschel Telescope (WHT), now that all the major fabrication contracts are in place. We also present a summary of the current planning behind the 5-year initial phase of survey operations, and some detailed end-to-end science simulations that have been effected to evaluate the final on-sky performance after data processing. WEAVE will provide optical ground-based follow up of ground-based (LOFAR) and space-based (Gaia) surveys. WEAVE is a multi-object and multi-IFU facility utilizing a new 2-degree prime focus field of view at the WHT, with a buffered pick-and-place positioner system hosting 1000 multi-object (MOS) fibres, 20 integral field units, or a single large IFU for each observation. The fibres are fed to a single (dual-beam) spectrograph, with total of 16k spectral pixels, located within the WHT GHRIL enclosure on the telescope Nasmyth platform, supporting observations at R~5000 over the full 370-1000nm wavelength range in a single exposure, or a high resolution mode with limited coverage in each arm at R~20000. The project has experienced some delays in procurement and now has first light expected for the middle of 2019.
Following a successful Phase A study, we introduce the delivered conceptual design of the MOSAIC1 multi-object spectrograph for the ESO Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). MOSAIC will provide R~5000 spectroscopy over the full 460-1800 nm range, with three additional high-resolution bands (R~15000) targeting features of particular interest. MOSAIC will combine three operational modes, enabling integrated-light observations of up to 200 sources on the sky (high-multiplex mode) or spectroscopy of 10 spatially-extended fields via deployable integral-field units: MOAO6 assisted high-definition (HDM) and Visible IFUs (VIFU). We will summarise key features of the sub-systems of the design, e.g. the smart tiled focal-plane for target selection and the multi-object adaptive optics used to correct for atmospheric turbulence, and present the next steps toward the construction phase.
WEAVE is the next-generation optical spectroscopy facility for the William Herschel Telescope (WHT). It shows two channels (blue and red) and two working modes, a low-resolution (R=3,000-7,500) and a high-resolution (R=13,000- 25,000). The dispersing elements of the spectrograph are Volume Phase Holographic Gratings (VPHGs), two for the lower resolution mode and three for the higher resolution mode. Such gratings have a large size (clear aperture > 190 mm) and they are characterized by some key features, i.e. diffraction efficiency, wavefront error and dispersion that affect the final performances of the spectrograph. The VPHGs have been produced by KOSI based on the WEAVE design. After that, the VPHGs have been characterized, showing interesting results in terms of diffraction efficiency that reached peak values of 90%. As for the wavefront distortion, which is one of the critical aspect in VPHG technology, a different behavior between medium and high resolution elements was found. A larger wavefront distortion have been measured in the high resolution elements, because of the higher aspect ratio. A polishing process on the assembled VPHGs has been performed in order to reduce the wavefront distortion. Here, the results are presented and the specific issues discussed.
A novel concept for the calibration of multi object fiber-fed spectrographs is described for the 4MOST instrument. The 4MOST facility is foreseen to start science operations in 2022 at the ESO VISTA telescope. The calibration system provides intensity, wavelength and resolution calibrations for the 4MOST spectrographs. The heart of the system is a combination of a bright broad band lamp and a Fabry-Perot etalon. The lamp is able to provide sufficient flux to illuminate the VISTA focal plane and the Fabry-Perot etalon provides a regular comb of spectral lines. The Fabry-Perot etalon can be moved in and out of the optical beam to choose between intensity and spectral calibrations. A fiber bundle of 156 fibers is guided to the VISTA spider arms where each fiber is connected to a small integrating sphere. The integrating spheres are attached to the bottom side of the four VISTA telescope spider struts and provide unvignetted illumination of the telescope. The exit port of the integrating spheres is projected on the VISTA focal plane with a small collimator lens. The integrating spheres assure a uniform illumination of the focal plane and are insensitive to FRD effects of the input fibers due to motion and stress during telescope movements. The calibration system illumination only originates from the telescope spiders and therefore the telescope pupil is not fully filled. The calibration system uses the azimuthal scrambling properties of the fibers that connect the telescope focal plane and the spectrometers to completely fill the spectrograph pupil.
MOSAIC is a concept for a multi-object spectrograph for the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). It is planned to cover the wavelength range from 460 nm to 1800 nm with 5 visible spectrographs and 5 near-infrared spectrographs. The ELT is far from diffraction limited in the visible wavelength range. Rather than developing a large and complex AO system, it was decided that the instrument will be seeing limited in the visible. Spot sizes are therefore about 2.8 mm in diameter in the ELT focal plane, and need to be sampled by multiple fibers with large core diameter. As a result, large optics is required to achieve the science requirements on spectral resolution, bandwidth and multiplex. We work in close collaboration with manufacturers to design an instrument that is feasible and meets the scientific requirements.
Product Assurance is an essential activity to support the design and construction of complex instruments developed for major scientific programs. The international size of current consortia in astrophysics, the ambitious and challenging developments, make the product assurance issues very important. The objective of this paper is to focus in particular on the application of Product Assurance Activities to a project such as MOSAIC, within an international consortium. The paper will also give a general overview on main product assurance tasks to be implemented during the development from the design study to the validation of the manufacturing, assembly, integration and test (MAIT) process and the delivery of the instrument.
We present an overview and status update of the 4MOST project at the Final Design Review. 4MOST is a major new wide-field, high-multiplex spectroscopic survey facility under development for the VISTA telescope at the Paranal Observatory of ESO. Starting in 2022, 4MOST will deploy 2436 optical fibres in a 4.1 square degree field-of-view using a fibre positioner based on the tilting spine principle. The fibres will feed one high-resolution (R~20,000) and two low-resolution (R~5000) spectrographs that all have fixed configuration, 3-channel designs with identical 6k x 6k CCD detectors. Updated performance estimates will be presented based on components already manufactured and pre-production prototypes of critical subsystems.
The 4MOST science goals are mostly driven by a number of large area, space-based observatories of prime European interest: Gaia and PLATO (Galactic Archeology and Stellar Physics), eROSITA (High-Energy Sky), and Euclid (Cosmology and Galaxy Evolution). Science cases based on these observatories, along with wide-area ground-based facilities such as LSST, VISTA and VST drive the ten Consortium Surveys covering a large fraction of the Southern sky, with bright time mostly devoted to the Milky Way disk and bulge areas and the Magellanic Clouds, and the dark/gray time largely devoted to extra-galactic targets. In addition there will be a significant fraction of the fibre-hours devoted to Community Surveys, making 4MOST a true general-purpose survey facility, capable of delivering spectra of samples of objects that are spread over a large fraction of the sky.
The 4MOST Facility Simulator was created to show the feasibility of the innovative operations scheme of 4MOST with all surveys operating in parallel. The simulator uses the mock catalogues created by the science teams, simulates the spectral throughput and detection of the objects, assigns the fibres at each telescope pointing, creates pointing distributions across the sky and simulates a 5-year survey (including overhead, calibration and weather losses), and finally does data quality analyses and computes the science Figure-of-Merits to assess the quality of science produced. The simulations prove the full feasibility of running different surveys in parallel.
When combined with the huge collecting area of the ELT, MOSAIC will be the most effective and flexible Multi-Object Spectrograph (MOS) facility in the world, having both a high multiplex and a multi-Integral Field Unit (Multi-IFU) capability. It will be the fastest way to spectroscopically follow-up the faintest sources, probing the reionisation epoch, as well as evaluating the evolution of the dwarf mass function over most of the age of the Universe. MOSAIC will be world-leading in generating an inventory of both the dark matter (from realistic rotation curves with MOAO fed NIR IFUs) and the cool to warm-hot gas phases in z=3.5 galactic haloes (with visible wavelenth IFUs). Galactic archaeology and the first massive black holes are additional targets for which MOSAIC will also be revolutionary. MOAO and accurate sky subtraction with fibres have now been demonstrated on sky, removing all low Technical Readiness Level (TRL) items from the instrument. A prompt implementation of MOSAIC is feasible, and indeed could increase the robustness and reduce risk on the ELT, since it does not require diffraction limited adaptive optics performance. Science programmes and survey strategies are currently being investigated by the Consortium, which is also hoping to welcome a few new partners in the next two years.
WEAVE is the new multi-object spectrograph for the William Herschel Telescope on La Palma. The culmination of prime focus, the large number of fibers and the wide resolution range has required a stringent optical design, which in turn demands a spectrograph with tight positional tolerances and large final focal plane. To capture this focal plane each of the two cryostats has two e2v 6k × 6k CCDs mounted as a mosaic. As well as being cooled to 150K via liquid nitrogen, the positional tolerances for the sensitive areas are flatness 60μm p-v over the entire image area, rotation around X and Y axis ±50 arcmin, translation in X, Y and Z ± 50 micron. We have used a Stil confocal measuring head mounted on two Thorlab translation stages to create a X,Y mount, controlled by a Raspberry Pi that is capable of recording measurements in Z to better than 1μm accuracy. This is used to measure the flatness and deformation of the image area under vacuum, and when cooled to 150K and the overall tip and tilt of the image plane to ensure they meet specification and are repeatable. In addition to this measuring system, we use a Thorlabs CMOS camera with a Navitar 50mm lens to ensure each CCDs image area is within specification with regards X and Y translation. In order to satisfy the above requirements, we designed the CCD mount to be adjustable (on initial setup), correctly constrained, isolated from liquid nitrogen boil-off vibration, and thermally insulating.
During the last ten years, Astron has been a major contractor for the design and manufacturing of astronomical instruments for Space- and Earth based observatories, such as VISIR, MIDI, SPIFFI, X-Shooter and MIRI. Driven by the need to reduce the weight of optically ultra-stiff structures, two promising techniques have been developed in the last years: ASTRON Extreme Lightweighting [1][2] for mechanical structures and an improved Polishing Technique for Aluminum Mirrors. Using one single material for both optical components and mechanical structure simplifies the design of a cryogenic instrument significantly, it is very beneficial during instrument test and verification, and makes the instrument insensitive to temperature changes. Aluminum has been the main material used for cryogenic optical instruments, and optical aluminum mirrors are generally diamond turned. The application of a polishable hard top coating like nickel removes excess stray light caused by the groove pattern, but limits the degree of lightweighting of the mirrors due to the bi-metal effect. By directly polishing the aluminum mirror surface, the recent developments at Astron allow for using a non-exotic material for light weighted yet accurate optical mirrors, with a lower surface roughness (~1nm RMS), higher surface accuracy and reduced light scattering. This paper presents the techniques, obtained results and a global comparison with alternative lightweight mirror solutions. Recent discussions indicate possible extensions of the extreme light weight technology to alternative materials such as Zerodur or Silicon Carbide.
We present an overview of the 4MOST project at the Preliminary Design Review. 4MOST is a major new wide-field, high-multiplex spectroscopic survey facility under development for the VISTA telescope of ESO. 4MOST has a broad range of science goals ranging from Galactic Archaeology and stellar physics to the high-energy physics, galaxy evolution, and cosmology. Starting in 2021, 4MOST will deploy 2436 fibres in a 4.1 square degree field-of-view using a positioner based on the tilting spine principle. The fibres will feed one high-resolution (R~20,000) and two medium resolution (R~5000) spectrographs with fixed 3-channel designs and identical 6k x 6k CCD detectors. 4MOST will have a unique operations concept in which 5-year public surveys from both the consortium and the ESO community will be combined and observed in parallel during each exposure. The 4MOST Facility Simulator (4FS) was developed to demonstrate the feasibility of this observing concept, showing that we can expect to observe more than 25 million objects in each 5-year survey period and will eventually be used to plan and conduct the actual survey.
The SPHERE (spectro-photometric exoplanet research) extreme-AO planet hunter saw first light at the VLT observatory on Mount Paranal in May 2014 after ten years of development. Great efforts were put into modelling its performance, particularly in terms of achievable contrast, and to budgeting instrumental features such as wave front errors and optical transmission to each of the instrument’s three focal planes, the near infrared dual imaging camera IRDIS, the near infrared integral field spectrograph IFS and the visible polarimetric camera ZIMPOL. In this paper we aim at comparing predicted performance with measured performance. In addition to comparing on-sky contrast curves and calibrated transmission measurements, we also compare the PSD-based wave front error budget with in-situ wave front maps obtained thanks to a Zernike phase mask, ZELDA, implemented in the infrared coronagraph wheel. One of the most critical elements of the SPHERE system is its high-order deformable mirror, a prototype 40x40 actuator piezo stack design developed in parallel with the instrument itself. The development was a success, as witnessed by the instrument performance, in spite of some bad surprises discovered on the way. The devastating effects of operating without taking properly into account the loss of several actuators and the thermally and temporally induced variations in the DM shape will be analysed, and the actions taken to mitigate these defects through the introduction of specially designed Lyot stops and activation of one of the mirrors in the optical train will be described.
We present the Final Design of the WEAVE next-generation spectroscopy facility for the William Herschel Telescope (WHT), together with a status update on the details of manufacturing, integration and the overall project schedule now that all the major fabrication contracts are in place. We also present a summary of the current planning behind the 5-year initial phase of survey operations. WEAVE will provide optical ground-based follow up of ground-based (LOFAR) and space-based (Gaia) surveys. WEAVE is a multi-object and multi-IFU facility utilizing a new 2-degree prime focus field of view at the WHT, with a buffered pick-and-place positioner system hosting 1000 multi-object (MOS) fibres, 20 integral field units, or a single large IFU for each observation. The fibres are fed to a single (dual-beam) spectrograph, with total of 16k spectral pixels, located within the WHT GHRIL enclosure on the telescope Nasmyth platform, supporting observations at R~5000 over the full 370-1000nm wavelength range in a single exposure, or a high resolution mode with limited coverage in each arm at R~20000. The project is now in the manufacturing and integration phase with first light expected for early of 2018.
SPHERE (Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet Research) is a second generation VLT instrument aimed at the direct detection of exo-planets. It has received its first light in May 2014. ZIMPOL (Zurich Imaging Polarimeter) is the imaging polarimeter subsystem of the SPHERE instrument. It's capable of both high accuracy and high sensitivity polarimetry but can also be used as a classical imager. It is located behind an extreme AO system and a stellar coronagraph. ZIMPOL operates at visible wavelengths which is best suited to detect the very faint reflected and hence polarized visible light from extra solar planets. During the SPHERE fourth commissioning period (October 2014) we have made deep coronagraphic observations of the bright star alpha Gru (mR = 1.75) to assess the high contrast polarimetric performance of SPHERE-ZIMPOL. We have integrated on the target for a total time of about 45 minutes during the meridian transit in the Very Broad Band filter (600 - 900 nm) with a classical Lyot coronagraph with 3 λ/D radius focal mask. We reduce the data by a combination of Polarized Background subtraction, Polarimetric Differential Imaging (PDI) and Angular Differential Imaging (ADI). We reach contrasts of 10-6 and 10-7 at a radial distances of respectively 7 and 14 lambda/D from the PSF core. At these radial distances we are respectively a factor of 10 and 2 above the photon noise limit. We discuss our results by considering the temporal and spatial speckle behavior close to the PSF core in combination with low order polarimetric aberrations.
WEAVE is a new wide-field spectroscopy facility proposed for the prime focus of the 4.2m William Herschel Telescope. The facility comprises a new 2-degree field of view prime focus corrector with a 1000-multiplex fibre positioner, a small number of individually deployable integral field units, and a large single integral field unit. The IFUs (Integral Field Units) and the MOS (Multi Object Spectrograph) fibres can be used to feed a dual-beam spectrograph that will provide full coverage of the majority of the visible spectrum in a single exposure at a spectral resolution of ~5000 or modest wavelength coverage in both arms at a resolution ~20000. The instrument is expected to be on-sky by the first quarter of 2018 to provide spectroscopic sampling of the fainter end of the Gaia astrometric catalogue, chemical labeling of stars to V~17, and dedicated follow up of substantial numbers of sources from the medium deep LOFAR surveys. After a brief description of the Fibre System, we describe the fibre test bench, its calibration, and some test results. We have to verify 1920 fibres from the MOS bundles and 740 fibres from the mini-IFU bundles with the test bench. In particular, we present the Focal Ratio Degradation of a cable.
4MOST is a wide-field, high-multiplex spectroscopic survey facility under development for the VISTA telescope of the European Southern Observatory (ESO). Its main science drivers are in the fields of galactic archeology, high-energy physics, galaxy evolution and cosmology. 4MOST will in particular provide the spectroscopic complements to the large
area surveys coming from space missions like Gaia, eROSITA, Euclid, and PLATO and from ground-based facilities like VISTA, VST, DES, LSST and SKA. The 4MOST baseline concept features a 2.5 degree diameter field-of-view with ~2400 fibres in the focal surface that are configured by a fibre positioner based on the tilting spine principle. The fibres feed two types of spectrographs; ~1600 fibres go to two spectrographs with resolution R<5000 (λ~390-930 nm) and
~800 fibres to a spectrograph with R>18,000 (λ~392-437 nm and 515-572 nm and 605-675 nm). Both types of spectrographs are fixed-configuration, three-channel spectrographs. 4MOST will have an unique operations concept in which 5 year public surveys from both the consortium and the ESO community will be combined and observed in parallel during each exposure, resulting in more than 25 million spectra of targets spread over a large fraction of the
southern sky. The 4MOST Facility Simulator (4FS) was developed to demonstrate the feasibility of this observing
concept. 4MOST has been accepted for implementation by ESO with operations expected to start by the end of 2020.
This paper provides a top-level overview of the 4MOST facility, while other papers in these proceedings provide more
detailed descriptions of the instrument concept[1], the instrument requirements development[2], the systems engineering implementation[3], the instrument model[4], the fibre positioner concepts[5], the fibre feed[6], and the spectrographs[7].
The 4MOST[1] instrument is a concept for a wide-field, fibre-fed high multiplex spectroscopic instrument facility on the
ESO VISTA telescope designed to perform a massive (initially >25x106 spectra in 5 years) combined all-sky public
survey. The main science drivers are: Gaia follow up of chemo-dynamical structure of the Milky Way, stellar radial
velocities, parameters and abundances, chemical tagging; eROSITA follow up of cosmology with x-ray clusters of
galaxies, X-ray AGN/galaxy evolution to z~5, Galactic X-ray sources and resolving the Galactic edge;
Euclid/LSST/SKA and other survey follow up of Dark Energy, Galaxy evolution and transients. The surveys will be
undertaken simultaneously requiring: highly advanced targeting and scheduling software, also comprehensive data
reduction and analysis tools to produce high-level data products. The instrument will allow simultaneous observations of
~1600 targets at R~5,000 from 390-900nm and ~800 targets at R<18,000 in three channels between ~395-675nm
(channel bandwidth: 45nm blue, 57nm green and 69nm red) over a hexagonal field of view of ~ 4.1 degrees. The initial
5-year 4MOST survey is currently expect to start in 2020. We provide and overview of the 4MOST systems: optomechanical,
control, data management and operations concepts; and initial performance estimates.
WEAVE is the next-generation optical spectroscopy facility for the William Herschel Telescope and aims at
spectroscopic follow-up of ground-based (LOFAR) and space-based (Gaia) surveys. WEAVE places in the re-fitted
prime focus either 1000 fibres, 20 fibre-coupled mini-IFUs or a single large 600 fibre IFU. A spectrograph on the
Nasmyth platform analyses the light and supports, in a single exposure, either R~5,000 observations over the full 366-
975 nm wavelength range or simultaneous R~20,000 observations over two out of three pre-specified bands within this
wavelength range. This paper describes the requirements, optical design and mechanical design of the WEAVE
KEYWORDS: Control systems, Spectrographs, Telescopes, Sensors, Picture Archiving and Communication System, Camera shutters, Computer programming, Actuators, Switches, Space telescopes
This work describes the hardware control system of the Prime Focus Corrector (PFC) and the Spectrograph, two of the
main parts of WEAVE, a multi-object fiber spectrograph for the WHT Telescope. The PFC and Spectrograph control
system hardware is based on the Allen Bradley’s Programmable Automation Controller and its modules. Mechanisms,
sensors and actuators of both systems are summarized and their functionality described, showing how they meet the
instrument requirements.
SPHERE (Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet Research) is a new instrument for the VLT aimed at the direct
detection of exo-planets. It has received its first light in May 2014. ZIMPOL (Zurich Imaging Polarimeter) is the
imaging polarimeter subsystem of the SPHERE instrument. It's capable of both high accuracy and high sensitivity
polarimetry but can also be used as a classical imager. It is located behind an extreme AO system and a stellar
coronagraph. ZIMPOL operates at visible wavelengths (600-900 nm) which is best suited to detect the very faint
reflected and hence polarized visible light from extra solar planets. It has an instantaneous Field of View of 3 x 3 arcsec2
(extendable to 8 arcsec diameter) with an angular resolution of 14 mili-arcsec. We discuss the results that are obtained
from the full SPHERE-ZIMPOL system testing. In particular the optical, polarimetric and high contrast performance.
MOONS is a new Multi-Object Optical and Near-infrared Spectrograph selected by ESO as a third generation
instrument for the Very Large Telescope (VLT). The grasp of the large collecting area offered by the VLT (8.2m
diameter), combined with the large multiplex and wavelength coverage (optical to near-IR: 0.8μm - 1.8μm) of MOONS
will provide the European astronomical community with a powerful, unique instrument able to pioneer a wide range of
Galactic, Extragalactic and Cosmological studies and provide crucial follow-up for major facilities such as Gaia,
VISTA, Euclid and LSST. MOONS has the observational power needed to unveil galaxy formation and evolution over
the entire history of the Universe, from stars in our Milky Way, through the redshift desert, and up to the epoch of very
first galaxies and re-ionization of the Universe at redshift z>8-9, just few million years after the Big Bang. On a
timescale of 5 years of observations, MOONS will provide high quality spectra for >3M stars in our Galaxy and the
local group, and for 1-2M galaxies at z>1 (SDSS-like survey), promising to revolutionise our understanding of the
The baseline design consists of ~1000 fibers deployable over a field of view of ~500 square arcmin, the largest patrol
field offered by the Nasmyth focus at the VLT. The total wavelength coverage is 0.8μm-1.8μm and two resolution
modes: medium resolution and high resolution. In the medium resolution mode (R~4,000-6,000) the entire wavelength
range 0.8μm-1.8μm is observed simultaneously, while the high resolution mode covers simultaneously three selected
spectral regions: one around the CaII triplet (at R~8,000) to measure radial velocities, and two regions at R~20,000 one
in the J-band and one in the H-band, for detailed measurements of chemical abundances.
We present an overview of and status report on the WEAVE next-generation spectroscopy facility for the William
Herschel Telescope (WHT). WEAVE principally targets optical ground-based follow up of upcoming ground-based
(LOFAR) and space-based (Gaia) surveys. WEAVE is a multi-object and multi-IFU facility utilizing a new 2-degree
prime focus field of view at the WHT, with a buffered pick-and-place positioner system hosting 1000 multi-object
(MOS) fibres, 20 integral field units, or a single large IFU for each observation. The fibres are fed to a single
spectrograph, with a pair of 8k(spectral) x 6k (spatial) pixel cameras, located within the WHT GHRIL enclosure on the
telescope Nasmyth platform, supporting observations at R~5000 over the full 370-1000nm wavelength range in a single
exposure, or a high resolution mode with limited coverage in each arm at R~20000. The project is now in the final
design and early procurement phase, with commissioning at the telescope expected in 2017.
Direct imaging of exoplanet is one of the most exciting field of planetology today. The light coming from exoplanet orbiting their host star witnesses for the chemical composition of the atmosphere, and the potential biomarkers for life. However, the faint flux to be imaged, very close to the huge flux of the parent star, makes this kind of observation extremely difficult to perform from the ground. The direct imaging instruments (SPHERE [1], GPI [2]) are nowaday reaching lab maturity. Such instrument imply the coordination of XAO for atmospherical turbulence real-time correction, coronagraphy for star light extinction, IR Dual band camera, IFS, and visible polarimetry. The imaging modes include single and double difference (spectral and angular). The SPHERE project is now at the end of AIT phase. This paper presents the very last results obtained in laboratory, with realistic working conditions. These AIT results allows one to predict on-sky performance, that should come within the next weeks after re-installation at Very Large Telescope at Paranal.
SPHERE (Spectro-Polarimetric High Contrast Exoplanet Research) is one of the first instruments which aim for the direct detection from extra-solar planets. SPHERE commissioning is foreseen in 2013 on the VLT. ZIMPOL (Zurich Imaging Polarimeter) is the high contrast imaging polarimeter subsystem of the ESO SPHERE instrument. ZIMPOL is dedicated to detect the very faint reflected and hence polarized visible light (600-900 nm) from extrasolar planets. It is located behind an extreme AO system (SAXO) and a stellar coronagraph. We present the first high contrast polarimetric results obtained for the fully integrated SPHERE-ZIMPOL system. We have measured the polarimetric high contrast performance of several coronagraphs: a Classical Lyot on substrate, a suspended Classical Lyot and two 4 Quadrant Phase Mask coronagraphs. We describe the impact of crucial system parameters – Adaptive Optics, Coronagraphy and Polarimetry - on the contrast performance.
The 4MOST consortium is currently halfway through a Conceptual Design study for ESO with the aim to develop a wide-field ( < 3 square degree, goal < 5 square degree), high-multiplex ( < 1500 fibres, goal 3000 fibres) spectroscopic survey facility for an ESO 4m-class telescope (VISTA). 4MOST will run permanently on the telescope to perform a 5 year public survey yielding more than 20 million spectra at resolution R∼5000 (λ=390–1000 nm) and more than 2 million spectra at R~20,000 (395–456.5 nm and 587–673 nm). The 4MOST design is especially intended to complement three key all-sky, space-based observatories of prime European interest: Gaia, eROSITA and Euclid. Initial design and performance estimates for the wide-field corrector concepts are presented. Two fibre positioner concepts are being considered for 4MOST. The first one is a Phi-Theta system similar to ones used on existing and planned facilities. The second one is a new R-Theta concept with large patrol area. Both positioner concepts effectively address the issues of fibre focus and pupil pointing. The 4MOST spectrographs are fixed configuration two-arm spectrographs, with dedicated spectrographs for the high- and low-resolution fibres. A full facility simulator is being developed to guide trade-off decisions regarding the optimal field-of-view, number of fibres needed, and the relative fraction of high-to-low resolution fibres. The simulator takes mock catalogues with template spectra from Design Reference Surveys as starting point, calculates the output spectra based on a throughput simulator, assigns targets to fibres based on the capabilities of the fibre positioner designs, and calculates the required survey time by tiling the fields on the sky. The 4MOST consortium aims to deliver the full 4MOST facility by the end of 2018 and start delivering high-level data products for both consortium and ESO community targets a year later with yearly increments.
Polarimetry is a particularly powerful technique when imaging circumstellar environments. Currently most telescopes include more or less advanced polarimetric facilities and large telescopes count on it for their planet-finder instruments like SPHERE-ZIMPOL on the VLT or EPICS on the future E-ELT. One of the biggest limitations of this technique is the instrumental polarization (IP) generated in the telescope optical path, which can often be larger than the signal to be measured. In most cases this instrumental polarization changes over time and is dependent on the errors affecting the optical elements of the system. We have modeled the VLT and E-ELT telescope layouts to characterize the instrumental polarization generated on their optical paths using the M&m's code, an error budget and performance simulator for polarimetric systems. In this study we present the realistic Mueller matrices calculated with M&m's for both systems, with and without the setups to correct for the IP, showing that correction can be achieved, allowing for an accurate polarimetric performance.
ZIMPOL is the high contrast imaging polarimeter subsystem of the ESO SPHERE instrument. ZIMPOL is dedicated to
detect the very faint reflected and hence polarized visible light from extrasolar planets. ZIMPOL is located behind an
extreme AO system (SAXO) and a stellar coronagraph. SPHERE is foreseen to have first light at the VLT early 2013.
ZIMPOL is currently integrated in the SPHERE system and in testing phase.
We describe the alignment strategy and the results of the ZIMPOL system and the related alignment of ZIMPOL into
SPHERE by the aid of an alignment unit. The field selecting tip/tilt mirror alignment and it’s requirement for
perpendicularity to the two detectors is described. The test setup of the polarimetric components is described.
SPHERE is an instrument designed and built by a consortium consisting of IPAG, MPIA, LAM, LESIA, Fizeau, INAF,
Observatoire de Genève, ETH, NOVA, ONERA and ASTRON in collaboration with ESO.
MOONS is a new conceptual design for a multi-object spectrograph for the ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT)
which will provide the ESO astronomical community with a powerful, unique instrument able to serve a wide
range of Galactic, Extragalactic and Cosmological studies. The instrument foresees 1000 fibers which can be
positioned on a field of view of 500 square-arcmin. The sky-projected diameter of each fiber is at least 1 arcsec
and the wavelengths coverage extends from 0.8 to 1.8 μm.
This paper presents and discusses the design of the spectrometer, a task which is allocated to the Italian National
Institute of Astrophysics (INAF).
The baseline design consists of two identical cryogenic spectrographs. Each instrument collects the light from
over 500 fibers and feeds, through dichroics, 3 spectrometers covering the "I" (0.79-0.94 μm), "YJ" (0.94-1.35
μm) and "H" (1.45-1.81 μm) bands.
The low resolution mode provides a complete spectrum with a resolving power ranging from R'4,000 in the
YJ-band, to R'6,000 in the H-band and R'8,000 in the I-band. A higher resolution mode with R'20,000 is
also included. It simultaneously covers two selected spectral regions within the J and H bands.
ZIMPOL is an imaging polarimeter for the high-contrast SPHERE/VLT "planet finder" instrument using fast
polarization modulation and demodulating CCD detectors. The polarimetric performance of the ZIMPOL instrument
depends on the polarimetric alignment and quality of the polarization components. This paper gives an overview on the
polarimetric concept and the calibration plan of ZIMPOL. We discuss in particular the alignment of the polarimetric
calibration components and the polarimetric properties of the ferro-electric liquid crystal (FLC) modulator package used
in ZIMPOL. Our measurements demonstrate the good broad-band performance of the modulator. Faint targets, like
extra-solar planets, require mainly a high polarimetric efficiency while for detailed studies of bright targets a good
characterization of the modulator package is essential. Therefore we quantify in detail the wavelength dependence of the
polarimetric efficiency and the cross-talk effects which have to be taken into account in the calibration and data
reduction process of high S/N measurements.
MOONS is a new conceptual design for a Multi-Object Optical and Near-infrared Spectrograph for the Very Large
Telescope (VLT), selected by ESO for a Phase A study. The baseline design consists of ~1000 fibers deployable over a
field of view of ~500 square arcmin, the largest patrol field offered by the Nasmyth focus at the VLT. The total
wavelength coverage is 0.8μm-1.8μm and two resolution modes: medium resolution and high resolution. In the medium
resolution mode (R~4,000-6,000) the entire wavelength range 0.8μm-1.8μm is observed simultaneously, while the high
resolution mode covers simultaneously three selected spectral regions: one around the CaII triplet (at R~8,000) to
measure radial velocities, and two regions at R~20,000 one in the J-band and one in the H-band, for detailed
measurements of chemical abundances.
The grasp of the 8.2m Very Large Telescope (VLT) combined with the large multiplex and wavelength coverage of
MOONS – extending into the near-IR – will provide the observational power necessary to study galaxy formation and
evolution over the entire history of the Universe, from our Milky Way, through the redshift desert and up to the epoch
of re-ionization at z<8-9. At the same time, the high spectral resolution mode will allow astronomers to study chemical
abundances of stars in our Galaxy, in particular in the highly obscured regions of the Bulge, and provide the necessary
follow-up of the Gaia mission. Such characteristics and versatility make MOONS the long-awaited workhorse near-IR
MOS for the VLT, which will perfectly complement optical spectroscopy performed by FLAMES and VIMOS.
We present the preliminary design of the WEAVE next generation spectroscopy facility for the William Herschel
Telescope (WHT), principally targeting optical ground-based follow up of upcoming ground-based (LOFAR) and spacebased
(Gaia) surveys. WEAVE is a multi-object and multi-IFU facility utilizing a new 2 degree prime focus field of view
at the WHT, with a buffered pick and place positioner system hosting 1000 multi-object (MOS) fibres or up to 30
integral field units for each observation. The fibres are fed to a single spectrograph, with a pair of 8k(spectral) x 6k
(spatial) pixel cameras, located within the WHT GHRIL enclosure on the telescope Nasmyth platform, supporting
observations at R~5000 over the full 370-1000nm wavelength range in a single exposure, or a high resolution mode with
limited coverage in each arm at R~20000.
The imaging polarimeter ZIMPOL is one of three focal plane instruments of the SPHERE / VLT planet finder. ZIMPOL
measures the linear polarization based on a fast modulation – demodulation principle using a charge-shifting technique
on a masked CCD for separating the photons with opposite polarization direction. This paper describes the on-chip
demodulation and the different detector read-out modes which are implemented for the ZIMPOL polarimeter. Test
results are presented which allow an evaluation of the performance of the ZIMPOL CCD detectors. The achievable
polarization efficiency is close to expectation and the charge trap correction with the two-phase demodulation mode
works well. Other detector effects like bias level variations and read-out patterns can be corrected in the data reduction
process. The tests demonstrate that the demodulating CCDs fulfill the requirements for the SPHERE project.
Throughout the history of telescopes and astronomical instrumentation, new ways were found to open up unexplored
possibilities in fundamental astronomical research by increasing the telescope size and instrumentation complexity. The
ever demanding requirements on instrument performance pushes instrument complexity to the edge. In order to take the
next leap forward in instrument development the optical design freedom needs to be increased drastically. The use of
more complex and more accurate optics allows for shorter optical trains with smaller sizes, smaller number of
components and reduced fabrication and alignment verification time and costs.
Current optics fabrication is limited in surface form complexity and/or accuracy. Traditional active and adaptive optics
lack the needed intrinsic long term stability and simplicity in design, manufacturing, verification and control. This paper
explains how and why active arrays literally provide a flexible but stable basis for the next generation optical
instruments. Combing active arrays with optically high quality face sheets more complex and accurate optical surface
forms can be provided including extreme a-spherical (freeform) surfaces and thus allow for optical train optimization and
even instrument reconfiguration. A zero based design strategy is adopted for the development of the active arrays
addressing fundamental issues in opto-mechanical engineering. The various choices are investigated by prototypes and
Finite Element Analysis. Finally an engineering concept will be presented following a highly stable adjustment strategy
allowing simple verification and control. The Optimization metrology is described in an additional paper for this
conference by T. Agócs et al.
SPHERE (Spectro-Polarimetric High Contrast Exoplanet Research) is one of the first instruments which aim for the
direct detection from extra-solar planets. The instrument will search for direct light from old planets with orbital periods
of several months to several years as we know them from our solar system. These are planets which are in or close to the
habitable zone. ZIMPOL (Zurich Imaging Polarimeter) is the high contrast imaging polarimeter subsystem of the ESO
SPHERE instrument. ZIMPOL is dedicated to detect the very faint reflected and hence polarized visible light from
extrasolar planets. The search for reflected light from extra-solar planets is very demanding because the signal decreases
rapidly with the orbital separation. For a Jupiter-sized object and a separation of 1 AU the planet/star contrast to be
achieved is on the order of 10-8 for a successful detection. This is much more demanding than the direct imaging of
young self-luminous planets. ZIMPOL is located behind an extreme AO system (SAXO) and a stellar coronagraph.
SPHERE is foreseen to have first light at the VLT at the end of 2012. ZIMPOL is currently in the subsystem testing
phase. We describe the results of verification and performance testing done at the NOVA-ASTRON lab. We will give an
overview of the system noise performance, the polarimetric accuracy and the high contrast testing. For the high contrast
testing we will describe the impact of crucial system parameters on the contrast performance. SPHERE is an instrument
designed and built by a consortium consisting of IPAG, MPIA, LAM, LESIA, Fizeau, INAF, Observatoire de Genève,
ETH, NOVA, ONERA and ASTRON in collaboration with ESO.
SPHERE, the extra-solar planet imager for the Very Large Telescope is a program that has been running since 2006. The
instrument is now nearing completion and it is in the final integration stage. The 3 science instruments of SPHERE are
now complete and have passed the internal acceptance review while the complex common path with the extreme
Adaptive optics system, the coronographs and the calibration module is aggressively progressing. This paper reviews the
performance of the Common Path (CP) and three science instruments of SPHERE: IRDIS, the dual band imager; IFS, the
integral field spectrograph and ZIMPOL, the imaging polarimeter. We also present an outlook at the final system
MATISSE (Multi AperTure mid-Infrared SpectroScopic Experiment) will be a mid-infrared spectro-interferometer
combining the beams of up to four telescopes of the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
Interferometer (ESO VLTI), providing phase closure and image reconstruction. Matisse will produce interferometric
spectra in the LM and in the N band (2.3 to 13.5 micron) and is as such a successor of MIDI. The instrument will be
developed by a consortium consisting of Observatoire de Nice (warm optics), NOVA-ASTRON (cold optics), MPI-A
(cryostats) and MPIfR (detectors).
Beams of up to four Unit Telescopes or Auxiliary Telescopes (UT - AT) pass the warm pre-optics and in the cold optics
all beams recombine on the detector where they create a spectral interference pattern.
An innovative MAIT plan drastically shortens the MAIT phase and therefore reduces cost. The MAIT plan comprises the
assembly and alignment procedure of about 220 cryogenic optical components for which a mirror mount clip has been
developed. Alignment accuracy and stability specifications are of the order of nanometers and arcsec, which requires
over 50 degrees of freedom in cryogenic alignment mechanisms for e.g. Tip/Tilt and detector Tip/Tilt/Focus. The design,
realization and test results of these mechanisms are presented. A cryogenic electrical switch significantly reduces the
complexity of the electronic cabling and improves reliability.
OPTIMOS-EVE (OPTical Infrared Multi Object Spectrograph - Extreme Visual Explorer) is the fiber fed multi object
spectrograph proposed for the E-ELT. It is designed to provide a spectral resolution ranging from 5000 to 30.000, at
wavelengths from 0.37 μm to 1.70 μm, combined with a high multiplex (>200) and a large spectral coverage. The
system consists of three main modules: a fiber positioning system, fibers and a spectrograph.
The OPTIMOS-EVE Phase-A study, carried out within the framework of the ESO E-ELT instrumentation studies, has
been performed by an international consortium consisting of institutes from France, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Italy
and Denmark.
This paper describes the design tradeoff study and the key issues determining the price and performance of the
ZIMPOL is the high contrast imaging polarimeter subsystem of the ESO SPHERE instrument. ZIMPOL is dedicated to
detect the very faint reflected and hence polarized visible light from extrasolar planets. ZIMPOL is located behind an
extreme AO system (SAXO) and a stellar coronagraph. SPHERE is foreseen to have first light at the VLT at the end of
2011. ZIMPOL is currently in the manufacturing, integration and testing phase. We describe the optical, polarimetric,
mechanical, thermal and electronic design as well as the design trade offs. Specifically emphasized is the optical quality
of the key performance component: the Ferro-electric Liquid Crystal polarization modulator (FLC). Furthermore, we
describe the ZIMPOL test setup and the first test results on the achieved polarimetric sensitivity and accuracy. These
results will give first indications for the expected overall high contrast system performance. SPHERE is an instrument
designed and built by a consortium consisting of LAOG, MPIA, LAM, LESIA, Fizeau, INAF, Observatoire de Genève,
ETH, NOVA, ONERA and ASTRON in collaboration with ESO.
OPTIMOS-EVE (OPTical Infrared Multi Object Spectrograph - Extreme Visual Explorer) is the fibre fed multi object
spectrograph proposed for the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT), planned to be operational in 2018 at Cerro
Armazones (Chile). It is designed to provide a spectral resolution of 6000, 18000 or 30000, at wavelengths from 370 nm
to 1.7 μm, combined with a high multiplex (>200) and a large spectral coverage. Additionally medium and large IFUs
are available. The system consists of three main modules: a fibre positioning system, fibres and a spectrograph.
The recently finished OPTIMOS-EVE Phase-A study, carried out within the framework of the ESO E-ELT
instrumentation studies, has been performed by an international consortium consisting of institutes from France,
Netherlands, United Kingdom and Italy. All three main science themes of the E-ELT are covered by this instrument:
Planets and Stars; Stars and Galaxies; Galaxies and Cosmology.
This paper gives an overview of the OPTIMOS-EVE project, describing the science cases, top level requirements, the
overall technical concept and the project management approach. It includes a description of the consortium, highlights of
the science drivers and resulting science requirements, an overview of the instrument design and telescope interfaces, the
operational concept, expected performance, work breakdown and management structure for the construction of the
instrument, cost and schedule.
SPHERE, the ESO extra-solar planet imager for the VLT is aimed at the direct detection and spectral characterization of
extra-solar planets. Its whole design is optimized towards reaching the highest contrast in a limited field of view and at
short distances from the central star. SPHERE has passed its Final Design Review (FDR) in December 2008 and it is in
the manufacturing and integration phase. We review the most challenging specifications and expected performance of
this instrument; then we present the latest stage of the design chosen to meet the specifications, the progress in the
manufacturing as well as the integration and test strategy to insure gradual verification of performances at all levels.
The ESO planet finder instrument SPHERE will search for the polarimetric signature of the reflected light from
extrasolar planets, using a VLT telescope, an extreme AO system (SAXO), a stellar coronagraph, and an imaging
polarimeter (ZIMPOL). We present the design concept of the ZIMPOL instrument, a single-beam polarimeter
that achieves very high polarimetric accuracy using fast polarization modulation and demodulating CCD detectors.
Furthermore, we describe comprehensive performance simulations made with the CAOS problem-solving
environment. We conclude that direct detection of Jupiter-sized planets in close orbit around the brightest nearby
stars is achievable with imaging polarimetry, signal-switching calibration, and angular differential imaging.
Direct detection and spectral characterization of extra-solar planets is one of the most exciting but also one of the most
challenging areas in modern astronomy. The challenge consists in the very large contrast between the host star and the
planet, larger than 12.5 magnitudes at very small angular separations, typically inside the seeing halo. The whole design
of a "Planet Finder" instrument is therefore optimized towards reaching the highest contrast in a limited field of view and
at short distances from the central star. Both evolved and young planetary systems can be detected, respectively through
their reflected light and through the intrinsic planet emission. We present the science objectives, conceptual design and
expected performance of the SPHERE instrument.
This paper presents the specifications, design, construction and evaluation of a piezo-driven tip/tilt/focus mechanism
which can align a detector or any other optical component in a cryogenic environment. Even with a no-adjustment design
philosophy, usually one or two components have to be adjusted in order to compensate for the total of optical and
mechanical tolerances in an optical cryogenic instrument. Normally these adjustments are made by means of shims or
stiff screw mechanisms and are applied at room temperature. In order to adjust the particular component(s), mostly by
just a few microns, the high-risk and time-consuming operation of opening a cryostat is required. For a large cryostat the
typical cycle of cooling, testing, warm-up, opening, adjustment, closing and cooling again, takes roughly two weeks.
Often the cycle needs to be repeated a few times before the required position is obtained. ASTRON developed a piezo
driven tip/tilt/focus mechanism which can adjust a detector or any other optical component in both the ambient and
cryogenic (<100 K, vacuum) environment. Only during adjustment the system is active, for the rest of time it is a passive
robust system with a high stability. The main specifications are a stroke of ± 0,6 mm and tip/tilt of ±1,2 mrad.
During the last ten years, Astron has been a major contractor for the design and manufacturing of astronomical
instruments for Space- and Earth based observatories, such as VISIR, MIDI, SPIFFI, X-Shooter and MIRI. The
collaboration between optical- and mechanical designers at Astron led to new design philosophies and strategies. Driven
by the need to reduce the weight of optically ultra-stiff structures, two promising techniques have been developed in the
last years: ASTRON Extreme Lightweighting for mechanical structures and an improved Polishing Technique
for Aluminum Mirrors. Using one single material for both optical components and mechanical structure simplifies the
design of a cryogenic instrument significantly, it is very beneficial during instrument test and verification, and makes the
instrument insensitive to temperature changes. Aluminum has been the main material used for cryogenic optical
instruments, and optical aluminum mirrors are generally diamond turned. The application of a polishable hard top coating
like nickel removes excess stray light caused by the groove pattern, but limits the degree of lightweighting of the mirrors
due to the bi-metal effect. By directly polishing the aluminum mirror surface, the recent developments at Astron allow
for using a non-exotic material for light weighted yet accurate optical mirrors, with a lower surface roughness (~1nm
RMS), higher surface accuracy and reduced light scattering. This paper presents the techniques, obtained results and a
global comparison with alternative lightweight mirror solutions.
The SPHERE is an exo-solar planet imager, which goal is to detect giant exo-solar planets in the vicinity of bright stars
and to characterize them through spectroscopic and polarimetric observations. It is a complete system with a core made
of an extreme-Adaptive Optics (AO) turbulence correction, pupil tracker and interferential coronagraphs. At its back
end, an Infra-Red Dual-beam Imaging and Spectroscopy science module and an integral field spectrograph work in
the Near Infrared (NIR) Y, J, H and Ks bands (0.95 - 2.32μm) and a high resolution polarization camera covers the
visible (0.6 - 0.9 μm) region. We describe briefly the science goals of the instrument and deduce the top-level
requirements. This paper presents the system architecture, and reviews each of the main sub-systems. The results of the
latest end-to-end simulations are shown and an update of the expected performance is given. The project has been
officially kicked-off in March 2006, it is presently undergoing Preliminary Design Review and is scheduled for 1st
light in early 2011. This paper reviews the present design of SPHERE but focuses on the changes implemented since
this project was presented the last time to this audience.
X-shooter, the first 2nd generation VLT instrument, is a new high-efficiency echelle spectrograph. X-shooter operates at the Cassegrain focus and covers an exceptionally wide spectral range from 300 to 2500 nm in a single exposure, with an intermediate spectral resolving power R~5000. The instrument consists of a central structure and three prism cross-dispersed echelle spectrographs optimized for the UV-blue, visible and near-IR wavelength ranges. The design of the near-IR arm of the X-shooter instrument employs advanced design methods and manufacturing techniques. Integrated system design is done at cryogenic working temperatures, aiming for an almost alignment-free integration. ASTRON Extreme Light Weighting is used for high stiffness at low mass. Bare aluminium is post-polished to optical quality mirrors, preserving high shape accuracy at cryogenic conditions. Cryogenic optical mounts compensate for CTE differences of various materials, while ensuring high thermal contact. This paper addresses the general design and the application of these specialized techniques.
Multi-object instruments provide an increasing challenge for pick-off technology (the means by which objects are selected in the focal plane and fed to sub-instruments such as integral field spectrographs). We have developed a technology demonstrator for a new pick-off system. The performance requirements for the demonstrator have been driven by the outline requirements for possible ELT instruments and the science requirements based on an ELT science case. The goals for the pick-off include that the system should capable of positioning upwards of one hundred pick-off mirrors to an accuracy better than 5 microns. Additionally, the system should be able to achieve this for a curved focal surface -- in this instance with a radius of curvature of 2m.
This paper presents the first experimental results from one of the approaches adopted within the Smart Focal Plane project -- that of a Planetary Positioning System. This pick-and place system is so called because it uniquely uses a combination of three rotation stages to place a magnetically mounted pick-off mirror at any position and orientation on the focal surface. A fixed angular offset between the two principal rotation stages ensures that the pick-off mirror is always placed precisely perpendicular to the curved focal plane. The pick-off mirror is gripped and released by a planar micromechanical mechanism which is lowered and raised by a coil-actuated linear stage.
The Planet Finder instrument for ESO's VLT telescope, scheduled for first light in 2010, aims to detect giant extra-solar planets in the vicinity of bright stars and to characterise the objects found through spectroscopic and polarimetric observations. The observations will be done both within the Y, J, H and Ks atmospheric windows (~0.95 - 2.32μm) by the aid of a dual imaging camera (IRDIS) and an integral field spectrograph (IFS), and in the visible using a fast-modulation polarization camera (ZIMPOL). The instrument employs an extreme-AO turbulence compensation system, focal plane tip-tilt correction, and interferential coronagraphs. We describe briefly the science goals of the instrument and deduce the top-level requirements. The system architecture is presented, including brief descriptions of each of the main sub-systems. Expected performance is described in terms of end-to-end simulations, and a semi-analytic performance-estimation tool for system-level sensitivity analysis is presented.
The GLAS (Ground-layer Laser Adaptive-optics System) project is to construct a common-user Rayleigh laser beacon that will work in conjunction with the existing NAOMI adaptive optics system, instruments (near IR imager INGRID, optical integral field spectrograph OASIS, coronagraph OSCA) and infrastructure at the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope (WHT) on La Palma. The laser guide star system will increase sky coverage available to high-order adaptive optics from ~1% to approaching 100% and will be optimized for scientific exploitation of the OASIS integral-field spectrograph at optical wavelengths. Additionally GLAS will be used in on-sky experiments for the application of laser beacons to ELTs. This paper describes the full range of engineering of the project ranging through the laser launch system, wavefront sensors, computer control, mechanisms, diagnostics, CCD detectors and the safety system. GLAS is a fully funded project, with final design completed and all equipment ordered, including the laser. Integration has started on the WHT and first light is expected summer 2006.
The PRIMA facility will implement dual-star astrometry at the VLTI. We have formed a consortium that will build the PRIMA differential delay lines, develop an astrometric operation and calibration plan, and deliver astrometric data reduction software. This will enable astrometric planet surveys with a target precision of 10μas. Our scientific goals include determining orbital inclinations and masses for planets already known from radial-velocity surveys, searches for planets around stars that are not amenable to high-precision radial-velocity observations, and a search for large rocky planets around
nearby low-mass stars.
Producing extreme light weighted structures by combining a new design concept with the most recent production machines and production software tools. Weight reductions of up to 50% compared to the traditional techniques are feasible with the same stiffness performance. Suitable for standard materials like aluminium and steel, for single construction parts out of mono material and with a single production process. Astronomical instruments for space applications and ground-based applications require more and more extreme light and extreme stiff structures. The traditional technique like 3-axis or multisided machining of metal parts seems limited and not suitable for the next generation instruments. New materials with new production technologies are used more and more with all their specialties and restrictions. ASTRON developed a new structural design of traditional materials with heritage optimized for production with the most recent milling machines. The structural shapes are closely linked to the extremes of 5-axis simultaneous milling. The design and production process is patented and now free for publication.
In this paper, we present the status of VISIR, the mid-infrared instrument to be installed in 2003 at the Cassegrain focus of MELIPAL, one of the four 8-meter telescopes of the European Very Large Telescope. This cryogenic instrument, optimized for diffraction-limited performance in both mid-infrared atmospheric windows (N and Q band), combines imaging capabilities over a field up to about 1x1 arcmin2, and long-slit (0.5 arcmin) grating spectroscopy with various spectral resolutions up to R=25000 at 10 μm and 12500 at 20 μm. The contract to design and build VISIR was signed in November 1996 between the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and a French-Dutch consortium of institutes led by Service d'Astrophysique of Commissariat l'Energie Atomique (CEA). A key step in the project has been passed in December 2001, with the first infrared images in the laboratory and in April 2002 with the first infrared spectra in the laboratory. We present the results of the laboratory tests of the instrument, which is scheduled to be shipped to Paranal at the end of 2002.
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