While conventional ellipsometry is only applicable to homogeneous sample areas large enough to cover the illumination spot, imaging ellipsometry, combining ellipsometry and microscopy, offers a solution to this. It enables the local examination of polarization properties, yet it is not widely used in metrology, mostly due to a lack of proper evaluation methods.
We discuss approaches for an advanced evaluation of imaging Mueller matrix ellipsometry for nanometrological applications. This encompasses ways to evaluate Mueller matrix images without 3D simulations, using techniques inspired by machine learning, as well as the algorithmic treatment of thermal instabilities. Also, we discuss the applicability of plasmonic lenses (PL) for the advancement of ellipsometric methods. We developed a new design for PLs to enable higher fabrication rates for possible applications. Simulations showed that PLs significantly enhance the sensitivity of ellipsometric measurements to subwavelength structures.
This project 20FUN02 “POLight” has received funding from the EMPIR programme co-financed by the Participating States and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
Nano-engineering is crucial in realizing compact photonic systems for light routing and conditioning with ever more complex optical functions. It also promises to elevate the precision of experiments in high-precision optical metrology to an unprecedented level, e.g., optical atomic clocks and gravitational wave detectors - the most precise experiments ever developed by humankind. In this contribution, I give an overview of the development and possibilities of nanophotonic devices for applications in precision optical experiments. I explain relevant physical phenomena of light-matter interaction and illustrate the role of material properties in these experiments.
We present theoretical and experimental results of low-noise microstructured mirrors based on silicon on silica for applications in ultrastable lasers. In particular, we show the experimental realization of a hybrid etalon containing microstructured and conventional mirrors. We address the measurement of reflectivity with cavity ringdown spectroscopy, the calculation of noise contributions, and scattered light measurements on the mirror.
Plasmonic lenses are metastructures that use the excitation of surface plasmon polaritons in metallic nanoslits to focus light to particularly small focal spots at arbitrary distances. This facilitates possibilities for improving nano-optical methods, for example in ellipsometry. We developed two- and three-dimensional plasmonic lenses with a new inverted design that complies the fabrication process. However, plasmonic lenses show chromatic aberrations. In this contribution, we explore different approaches and limitations to expand the inverted plasmonic lens design to achromatic applications. We use numerical simulations based on the Finite Element Method to investigate in different lens geometries.
Spectroscopic polarization measurement and control using channeled spectrum has several unique features and
is useful for various spectroscopic instruments. It utilizes the strong dispersion characteristics in polarization
retardation of high-order retarders so that the polarization modulation can be made without using mechanical
or active elements for polarization modulation. In this presentation, we describe its principle, basic features, and
several applications including a spectroscopic ellipsometer and ultrafast rotations of beam profile and polarization.
Using conventional Mueller matrix ellipsometry, the geometries of periodic nanostructures can be easily determined if the measurement fields are not smaller than the illumination spot size. Measurements on individual nanostructures smaller than this can be accounted for by imaging ellipsometry, which allows measuring all 16 Mueller matrix elements for each pixel in the camera of the imaging system. These so-called Mueller matrix images contain additional information about the spatial distribution of the sample’s polarizing properties that are useful in the characterization of individual nanostructures. We built an imaging Mueller matrix ellipsometry system for measurements in the visible regime. Our system allows for the analysis arm, which holds the CCD camera and the polarization state analyser, to be rotated freely around the sample. By this, measurements in reflection and in transmission can be performed at arbitrary angles of incidence between 37.5° and 90°. Additionally, we implemented a reflection mode for 0° angle of incidence. Using this setup, our goal is to characterize the shape of individual nanostructures much smaller than the illumination spot using the additional information from the Mueller matrix images. Thus, we designed and fabricated a sample containing various individual nanostructures with different geometrical features. The structures are of square or circular shape, ranging in size from 5 µm to 50 nm. Additionally, the square structures feature corner rounding with different radii for a transition between circle and square. With these structures, we systematically measure the influence of the shape on the Mueller matrix elements. We also investigate in using Mueller matrix images for the characterization of subwavelength sized features significantly smaller than the resolution limit of our microscope system at about 800 nm. First results show clear distinctions between opposing edges of the nanostructures in off-diagonal Mueller matrix images.
We present an analytical model for the dynamical self-heating effect in air-cladded optical microring resonators (ORRs). The spatially and time resolved temperature field is calculated by integrating the corresponding boundary value problem of the heat equation. It turns out that the self-heating amplitude is approximately proportional to the total absorbed power and anti-proportional to the thermal conductivity of the cladding material. Further, two-photon absorption plays a major role in the heating process, even for moderate input powers, due to the strong light confinement. Heating times are determined to be in the microsecond range and may limit the response time of ORR devices. The explicit formulas for the temperature fields allow a much faster determination of heating properties compared to elaborate finite element simulations. Thus, our model is predestinated for scanning large parameter spaces. We present such an analytical model for the self-heating effect in ORRs. For this purpose, we solve the heat equation on the ORRs geometrical domain. The heat source is caused by two effects, linear absorption from defect states and quadratic two-photon absorption (TPA). Due to the strong light confinement on resonance, very high light intensities are reachable in the resonator ring and the TPA might become a dominant heat source even for low excitation powers. We utilize insulating Neumann boundary conditions to calculate the temperature increase in the substrate region as a convolution between heat source and the corresponding Greens function. The temperature field in the ring structure is calculated by solving the corresponding eigenvalue problem that arises from a separation ansatz. The result is discussed in terms of maximum self-heating, response time and power dependence for ORRs with very high Q-factors of over 100 000. Finally, we compare the analytical calculations of the self-heating effect with finite element computations.
To precisely characterize nanostructures while keeping the advantages of optical measurements, modern methods are still being refined. Plasmonic lenses, which are designable with less computational effort than dielectric metalenses, are promising. Simulations showed that sub-wavelength sized focal spots in arbitrary distances are achievable. We describe our simulations of the lens-sample interaction with plasmonic lenses with working distances up to 1 mm combined with single and periodic nanostructures using finite element method. Scanning the focal spot over the sample, we examine transmission and reflection in the far field, the field-structure interaction in the near field, and the applicability in Mueller ellipsometry.
In this study we present the novel approach of GaN-based high-contrast grating (HCG) mirrors as highly reflective top mirrors in GaN vertical-(external)-cavity surface-emitting lasers [V(E)CSELs]. These mirrors can well be integrated into a conventional process flow for GaN-based VECSEL devices – in contrast to conventional Bragg mirrors. Results of thorough growth experiments performed to reliably fabricate high quality cavity structures with well-defined and fine-tuned optical properties will be reported. The properties of HCG mirrors have been calculated by extensive optical device simulations. Properties of HCG structures have been analyzed experimentally by reflection measurements and results will be discussed with a focus on HCG design, potential material combinations, compatibility with existing process steps in GaN technology and the various ways of integration into VECSEL structures.
A non-invasive optical measurement system based on a broadband light source and color filters has been developed for determining pulse rate and arterial blood oxygen saturation (SaO2). In contrast to classical pulse oximetry using red and infrared LEDs to measure the peripheral capillary oxygen saturation (SpO2), we use color filters in our system. Spectral analysis of human tissue can be easily achieved by combining a tiny color filter matrix and a commercial CMOS/CCD image sensor. During system operation, white LED light illuminates our tissue (e.g., a finger), while a CCD sensor covered by filters detects the light transmitted through that tissue. The CCD sensor is controlled by a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and a microcontroller. The detected photoplethysmographic (PPG) signal is transferred to a host computer and analyzed with MATLAB. After sensor system calibration, pulse rate and SpO2 can be simply extracted from the PPG signal. The heart rate and SpO2 of different volunteers are then measured simultaneously by commercial pulse oximetry and the proposed sensor system, in which results from both devices show good agreement. To integrate more functions into system, nanostructured color filter matrix containing 15 filters for different wavelengths is designed and fabricated. This filter can be designed to provide transmission peaks over the visible and near-infrared range (i.e., the human tissue optical transparent window) and has a high potential to be fabricated directly on top of pixels of an image sensor.
Accurate metrology of nanostructures gains more and more importance and for efficiency reasons optical methods play a significant role here. Unfortunately, conventional optical microscopy is subject to the well-known resolution limit. The necessity to resolve objects smaller than this limit led to the development of superresolution methods which however are barely used in metrology for practical reasons. Non-imaging indirect optical methods like scatterometry and ellipsometry however are not limited by diffraction and are able to determine the critical dimensions of nanostructures. We investigate the application of different approaches for specifically manipulated near-fields in Mueller matrix ellipsometry to achieve an enhanced sensitivity for polarization based sub-wavelength topological information. To this end, we present first numerical simulations of these approaches. To examine the relationship between structural properties and Mueller matrix elements we designed individual structures based on geometrical shapes of varying parameters as well as small arrays. They are realized by lithography as holes in PMMA resist. First, we characterize SEM images of the structures to validate the fabrication process. Numerical simulations of the Mueller matrices of the structures by finite element method are discussed. Results indicate that conventional Mueller matrix ellipsometry alone is unsuitable but the extension to imaging Mueller matrix microscopy is promising for the characterization of sub-wavelength features.
Collinear photothermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS) is a widely used method for the spatially resolved determination of the optical attenuation coefficient. In this work we rigorously model the signal contributions in PDS on semiconductors below the band gap energy. The dependencies of the PDS signal on selected experimental parameters (pump beam intensity, crossing angle, chopper frequency and distance from the pump beam focus) are computed and compared with previous calculation results that are based on simplified assumptions. We find that for high pump beam intensities and sample materials with high two photon absorption coefficients beside the mirage effect nonlinear absorption mechanisms have a strong impact on the signal. Furthermore, we show that angular deflection effects can significantly enhance the PDS signal. For example, the conical refractive index field due to the pump beam divergence leads to an angular deflection at readout points outside the pump beam focus. Considering these additional signal contributions is crucial to determine proper absorption properties.
The optical performance of wire grid polarizers crucially depends on the fabrication accuracy. Reducing the application wavelengths to the ultraviolet spectral range sets the challenge that structural deviations in the range of typically a few nanometers become comparable to the feature sizes of the structure. In this contribution we present a concept to determine structural parameters and structural deviations of DUV wire grid polarizers fabricated with self-aligned double patterning. To this end, we evaluate the properties (i.e the spectral positions, the angular dependence of the spectral positions and widths) of asymmetry induced resonances in the transmittance spectra which occur at wavelengths larger than 380 nm. We derive requirements for measurement setup for nanoscale determination of the structural properties. Our results indicate that the investigation of the angular dependent transmittance at only two different wavelengths and one polarization state is sufficient to determine structural deviations with uncertainties of ±1:7nm for the effective shift of the ridge and ±0:34° for the effective tilt. Thus, the proposed method allows us to retrieve deep subwavelength structural information at the nanoscale with easily accessible transmittance measurements in the visible spectral range.
Controlling the polarization of light is crucial in numerous applications such as spectroscopy, ellipsometry, photo
lithography or industrial vision. Polarization control can be realized by wire grid polarizers (WGPs), which are large
aspect ratio, zero order gratings. These elements provide an anisotropic transmittance depending on the polarization
direction of the incident light. WGPs’ high attractiveness originates from their large free aperture, while simultaneously
being extremely thin. Furthermore, these elements can be easily integrated into other nano-optical devices. Recently,
such elements were successfully developed for applications down to the deep ultra violet spectral range. However, at
shorter wavelengths the influence of roughness of the structures poses a severe limitation on the feasible optical
performance. To tackle this problem, we numerically simulated the impact of line edge roughness on the polarization
properties of WPGs. Therefore, we generated edge position data of rough grating lines by means of the Thorsos method
and calculated the resulting optical response by finite difference time domain method. With this procedure the influence
of standard deviation, correlation length, Hurst exponents and wavelength was investigated. We find that for standard
deviations of 2.5 nm and 5.0 nm the polarization contrast is reduced by a factor of 3 and 7, respectively. The polarization
contrast shows a minimum for intermediate correlation lengths, while virtually no impact of the Hurst exponent is
observed. This is explained by several mechanisms occurring for different ratios between the spatial frequency of the
roughness and the frequency of incident light. Our theoretical findings correlate well with experimental results we
retrieved with measured roughness parameters of fabricated elements.
With the development of micro- & nanofabrication technology, micro- & nanostructures have been widely used in many fields, including spectroscopy, coding, sensor, subwavelength element, etc. With phase masks realized by a combination of electron beam lithography (EBL), near field lithography (NFH) has great potential to fabricate versatile nanostructures, because it combines the advantages of both lithographic methods. Currently, subwavelength structures attract much attention due to their various functions, such as antireflection, polarization beam splitter and filter. In this presentation, aiming at reducing the interface reflection of a fused silica mask of NFH at a wavelength of 441.6 nm and incidence angles of either 0° or 32°. First, we will compare the difference of antireflection property of one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) subwavelength structures with line density of 3600 lines/mm by simulation. Then, the optimized 1D and 2D subwavelength structures with 3600 lines/mm will be fabricated by using EBL-NFH method. Finally, the antireflection property of these 1D and 2D subwavelength structures will be characterized at the wavelength of 441.6 nm.
Soft x-ray varied line spacing grating (VLSG), which is a vital optical element for laser plasma diagnosis and spectrometry analysis, is conventionally fabricated by holographic lithography or mechanical ruling. In order to overcome the issues of the above fabrication methods, a method based on electron beam lithography-near field lithography (EBL-NFH) is proposed to make good use of the flexibility of EBL and the high throughput of NFH. In this paper, we showed a newly designed soft x-ray VLSG with a central groove density of 3600 lines/mm, which is to be realized based on EBL-NFH. First, the optimization of the spatial distribution of line density and groove profile of the VLSG was shown. As an important element in NFH, a fused silica mask plays a key role during NFH in order to obtain a required line density of VLSG. Therefore, second, the transfer relationship of spatial distribution of line densities between fused silica mask and resist grating was investigated in different exposure modes during NFH. We proposed a formulation about the transfer of line density to design of the groove density distribution of a fused silica grating mask. Finally, the spatial distribution of line densities between the fused silica mask, which is to be fabrication by using EBL, was demonstrated.
Nano-optical wire grid polarizers to control the polarization, a fundamental property of light, are of great importance in many optical applications. This importance originates from several advantageous properties, such as large acceptance angle, large clear aperture and simple integration into optical systems. However, due to fabrication and material requirements at short wavelengths particularly in the ultraviolet spectral range the realization is sophisticated. In this contribution we demonstrate the design and fabrication of a titanium dioxide wire grid polarizer for the wavelength range from about 190 nm to 280 nm. Thereby, an unprecedented extinction ratio of 384 and a transmittance of 10 % is achieved at a wavelength of 193 nm and an extinction ratio of 774 and a transmittance of 16% at a wavelength of 248 nm, respectively. Furthermore, the correlation between the polarization performance and a specific feature in the transmittance of transverse-magnetic light which occurs at a wavelength of about 370 nm, i.e. well above the application wavelength, is discussed. The characterization of this feature enables a performance prediction without performing elaborate polarimetry in the far ultraviolet. This facilitates a simple inline or even insitu fabrication process control.
Experiments in the field of high precision metrology such as the detection of gravitational waves are crucially limited by the thermal fluctuations of the optical components. In this contribution we present the current state of knowledge of high contrast gratings (HCGs) as low-noise elements for gravitational wave interferometers. We discuss how the properties of HCGs can be tailored such that beside highly reflective mirrors also diffractive beam splitters can be realized. Further, we show the impact of such gratings on the sensitivity of future gravitational wave detectors which can pave the way for the new field of gravitational wave astronomy.
In this contribution we discuss configurations of stacked silicon high contrast gratings (HCGs) which are separated by a thin silicon dioxide grating such that they are coupled via their near-fields. For a given configuration altering incidence angle allows to either benefit from the optical performance of two separated HCGs or one single grating with enhanced thickness. This effect can serve to realize filters with tailored optical properties and for diffractive cavity couplers. We experimentally demonstrate the coupling effect on a stack of two HCGs for a wavelength of 1550nm and transverse-magnetic polarization. The investigated structure provides a nearly angular independent high reflectance.
We present novel filter elements with an asymmetric angle dependent transmission based on high-contrast gratings.
Asymmetric means a different efficiency for positive and negative incidence angles. Our approach provides the realization of asymmetric direction selective filters by using blaze-like grating structures combined with subwavelength
high contrast gratings respectively grating periods in the resonance domain. We also discuss the influence of the effective medium theory on the transmission function depending on the angle of the incident light. For realization of those high contrast gratings Silicon is chosen as material with high refractive index and adequate compatibility with semiconductor fabrication.
Experiments in the field of high-precision optical metrology are crucially limited by thermal noise of the optical components such as mirrors or beam splitters. Amorphous coatings stacks are found to be a main source for these thermal fluctuations. In this contribution we present approaches to realize coating free optical components based on resonant high contrast gratings (HCGs) made of crystalline silicon. It is shown that beside classical cavity mirrors the concept of HCGs can also be used for reflective cavity couplers. We compare the advantages and challenges of these HCG reflectors with distributed Bragg reflectors made of crystalline coatings for applications in optical metrology.
We report on experimental etching techniques to trim the efficiency of high-contrast gratings based on silicon and
silica. We show that the resonance wavelength and hence the reflectivity can be tuned by means of selectively
etching the silica grating. In order to realize a well-defined adjustment of the grating profiles the etching rates of
silica layers with hydrofluoric acid were determined. Coatings deposited by different techniques such as electron-beam
evaporation, ion plating and thermal oxidation are compared and the influence of structuration on the
etching is investigated, as well. This work basically helps to improve the maximum reflectivity that can be
realized with these high-contrast reflectors and tune the resonance to a required wavelength.
We report on novel concepts for reflective diffractive elements based on high-contrast gratings. To demonstrate
the possibilities for such devices reflective cavity couplers with three output ports are investigated. A diffracting
period is superposed to a highly reflective subwavelength grating in order to realize diffractive elements. This
superposition can be realized with a periodic depth, fill factor or period modulation of the reflector. Further, to
limit the total transmission of the device it is necessary to enhance its angular tolerance. We discuss different
approaches in order to realize this increased reflectivity in broad range of the angular spectrum. The contribution
focuses on the material combination silicon-silica, but the presented concepts also hold for other material
combinations with large index contrast and even for monolithic silicon structures.
In this work we present a wire grid polarizer with a working range down to 300 nm based on an amorphous silicon
grating. For the fabrication of gratings with periods of 120 nm and 140 nm electron beam lithography and ICP
etching were used. Furthermore the influence of the grating period on the optical properties was investigated.
The measured maximum value of the extinction ratio for a period of 140 nm and 120 nm is 177 at a wavelength
of 418 nm and 324 at a wavelength of 394 nm, respectively.
We introduce concepts for direction selective transmission filters based on dielectric high-contrast gratings. The
devices act as angular bandpass filters at an incidence angle of 45° with a total transmission of 68% and a full
width at half maximum of 20°. Since the filters are based on a material combination of silicon and silicon dioxide
they provide an excellent compatibility to well established fabrication processes in semiconductor industry. The
results of measurements on fabricated samples are presented and the performance of the components is compared
to that of metallic gratings. It is found that the latter can basically provide similar filter properties, however the
feasible transmission efficiency is significantly lower than for the dielectric gratings. The presented configurations
are applicable in the field of sensors and detectors.
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