Mr. Moore’s research interests are in the areas of atomic and molecular physics and quantum optics with a focus on laser design and development, spectroscopy, and optical systems. However, Mr. Moore’s research experience is quite broad including such diverse applications as energetic containment analysis, pipeline hydraulics, flow visualization, risk and reliability analysis, root cause failure analysis, and computational methods. His work is primarily within the energy and defense sectors including a significant number of interdisciplinary projects. Mr. Moore has a background in theoretical and experimental physics as well as visualization and numerical simulation.
Recent work includes development of integrating cavity enhanced spectroscopy methods, integrating cavity enhanced Raman spectroscopy (iCERS) technique development, laser driven flyer plate experiments, and high speed image based spray characterization studies. Other notable project work includes the development of a dual wavelength ring laser immune to acoustic noise, SLM tunable diode lasers, ultra-high speed imaging of shockwave propagation, and PIV measurements including spectroscopic measurements of medical diagnostic equipment for FDA qualification. In 2011, Mr. Moore founded Southwest Research Institute's Center for Applied Optics and Photonics to coordinate optics and photonics work between research divisions at the Institute.
Recent work includes development of integrating cavity enhanced spectroscopy methods, integrating cavity enhanced Raman spectroscopy (iCERS) technique development, laser driven flyer plate experiments, and high speed image based spray characterization studies. Other notable project work includes the development of a dual wavelength ring laser immune to acoustic noise, SLM tunable diode lasers, ultra-high speed imaging of shockwave propagation, and PIV measurements including spectroscopic measurements of medical diagnostic equipment for FDA qualification. In 2011, Mr. Moore founded Southwest Research Institute's Center for Applied Optics and Photonics to coordinate optics and photonics work between research divisions at the Institute.
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