13 June 2017 The research on surface characteristics of optical lens by 3D printing technique and precise diamond turning technique
Chien-Yao Huang, Chun-Ming Chang, Cheng-Fong Ho, Tai-Wen Lee, Ping-Hung Lin, Wei-Yao Hsu
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Proceedings Volume 10449, Fifth International Conference on Optical and Photonics Engineering; 1044910 (2017)
Event: Fifth International Conference on Optical and Photonics Engineering, 2017, Singapore, Singapore
The advantage of 3D printing technique is flexible in design and fabrication. Using 3D printing technique, the traditional manufacturing limitations are not considered. The optical lens is the key component in an optical system. The traditional process to manufacture optical plastic lens is injection molding. However injection molding is only suitable for plastics lens, it cannot fabricate optical and mechanical components at same time. The assembly error of optical system can be reduced effectively with fabricating optical and mechanical components at same time. The process of printing optical and mechanical components simultaneously is proposed in previous papers, but the optical surface of printing components is not transparent. If we increase the transmittance of the optical surface, the printing components which fabricated by 3D printing process could be high transmission. Therefore, precise diamond turning technique has been used to turning the surface of 3D printing optical lens in this paper. The precise diamond turning techniques could process surfaces of components to meet the requirements of optical system. A 3D printing machine, Stratasys Connex 500, and a precise diamond turning machine, Precitech Freeform705XG, have been used in this paper, respectively. The dimension, roughness, transmission and printing types of 3D printing components have been discussed in this paper. After turning and polishing process, the roughness of 3D printing component is below 0.05 μm and the transmittance increase above 80 %. This optical module can be used in hand-held telescope and other system which need lens and special mechanical structure fabricated simultaneously.
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Chien-Yao Huang, Chun-Ming Chang, Cheng-Fong Ho, Tai-Wen Lee, Ping-Hung Lin, and Wei-Yao Hsu "The research on surface characteristics of optical lens by 3D printing technique and precise diamond turning technique", Proc. SPIE 10449, Fifth International Conference on Optical and Photonics Engineering, 1044910 (13 June 2017); Logo
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3D printing

Optics manufacturing

Diamond turning



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