RHAPSODY is an intensity profile reconstruction code built to handle 2D centro-symmetric structures using interferometric data. RHAPSODY has been built to provide the community with a code requiring less parameters than classical image reconstruction code. This has as consequence leading to less solution non-uniqueness problems, a better convergence, and a better dynamic range assuming a centro-symmetric source at all wavelengths. RHAPSODY main steps are organized as following: In the first place, at each wavelengths, the code build a unique 1D structure made of concentric discrete uniform rings. Then, it applies the Hankel transform to reconstruct the equivalent visibility profile. Next, a change of coordinate is used on the 1D visibility profile to simulate the inclination and the rotation of the structure in the 2D Fourier plane. After a fitting process on the interferometric observations based on a χ2 and Bayesian method, RHAPSODY apply an inverse Fourier transform and reconstruct the equivalent structure in the 2D image plane. According to preliminary tests made on RHAPSODY, the code is able to well reproduce 1D and 2D centrosymmetric structures up to a dynamic range of 0.5%.