Presentation + Paper
7 April 2023 RUPNet: residual upsampling network for real-time polyp segmentation
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Colorectal cancer is among the most prevalent cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide. Detection and removal of polyps at an early stage can help reduce mortality and even help in spreading over adjacent organs. Early polyp detection could save the lives of millions of patients over the world as well as reduce the clinical burden. However, the detection polyp rate varies significantly among endoscopists. There is numerous deep learning-based method proposed, however, most of the studies improve accuracy. Here, we propose a novel architecture, Residual Upsampling Network (RUPNet) for colon polyp segmentation that can process in realtime and show high recall and precision. The proposed architecture, RUPNet, is an encoder-decoder network that consists of three encoders, three decoder blocks, and some additional upsampling blocks at the end of the network. With an image size of 512 × 512, the proposed method achieves an excellent real-time operation speed of 152.60 frames per second with an average dice coefficient of 0.7658, mean intersection of union of 0.6553, sensitivity of 0.8049, precision of 0.7995, and F2-score of 0.9361. The results suggest that RUPNet can give real-time feedback while retaining high accuracy indicating a good benchmark for early polyp detection.
Conference Presentation
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Nikhil Kumar Tomar, Ulas Bagci, and Debesh Jha "RUPNet: residual upsampling network for real-time polyp segmentation", Proc. SPIE 12465, Medical Imaging 2023: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 124651L (7 April 2023);
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Cancer detection

Image segmentation


Colorectal cancer

Network architectures

Deep learning

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