9 December 2022 Filtering processing of belt scale signal based on MATLAB
Xin Zhang, Xiaoguang Xu, Xuyao Hao, Rui Liu, Bangrong Hu
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Proceedings Volume 12492, International Workshop on Automation, Control, and Communication Engineering (IWACCE 2022); 1249208 (2022)
Event: International Workshop on Automation, Control, and Communication Engineering (IWACCE 2022), 2022, Wuhan, China
The weighing accuracy is an important index of electronic belt scale. It is difficult to achieve accurate measurement due to the influence of environmental temperature and humidity, belt tension and mechanical vibration. The filtering algorithm is introduced into the belt scale data acquisition and processing system. By filtering the collected data can eliminate or reduce the system error and improve the weighing accuracy. By studying the composition structure, weighing principle and error source of belt scale weighing system to analyze and test three filtering algorithms. By comparing the experimental data, an improved adaptive filter algorithm can play a better role and improve the weighing accuracy. It is important to improve the dynamic weighing accuracy of electronic belt scale and reduce the error.
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Xin Zhang, Xiaoguang Xu, Xuyao Hao, Rui Liu, and Bangrong Hu "Filtering processing of belt scale signal based on MATLAB", Proc. SPIE 12492, International Workshop on Automation, Control, and Communication Engineering (IWACCE 2022), 1249208 (9 December 2022);
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Filtering (signal processing)

Electronic filtering

Digital filtering

Error analysis


Signal processing



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