Presentation + Paper
11 March 2024 Inverse model for semiconductor optical amplifiers in the short-pulse regime
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Semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) are key building blocks in photonics. Given the large interest in the use of SOAs for ultrashort pulse amplification, it is important to adequately model the SOA operation while including the nonlinear effects taking place in these components. To increase the SOA performance, it would also be useful to have an inverse model that calculates the required input pulse to obtain a targeted output. However, to the best of our knowledge, no inverse models have been developed so far that consider the many nonlinear effects critical for ultrashort pulses. Here, we introduce a generic inverse SOA model that calculates the required input pulse including its shape and phase to obtain a desired output and that takes into account the effects of band filling, carrier heating, spectral hole burning, two-photon absorption, and the associated free carrier absorption. Our model will enable a more efficient and well-targeted design of SOA-based photonic systems, while also allowing better performance control.
Conference Presentation
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
David De Vocht and Nathalie Vermeulen "Inverse model for semiconductor optical amplifiers in the short-pulse regime", Proc. SPIE 12880, Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XXXII, 1288009 (11 March 2024);
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Pulse signals

Systems modeling

Semiconductor optical amplifiers

Gaussian pulse

Performance modeling

Photonic integrated circuits

Nonlinear dynamics


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