13 December 2024 Polarization retention characteristics of linearly polarized light through concentric spherical particles on forward transmission
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Proceedings Volume 13504, AOPC 2024: Atmospheric and Environmental Optics; 1350402 (2024)
Event: Applied Optics and Photonics China 2024 (AOPC2024), 2024, Beijing, China
This study examines the polarization retention of linearly polarized light during forward transmission through concentric spherical microparticles. By using silica-encapsulated water and oil-encapsulated water-encapsulated silica as examples, the study explores the effects of wavelength, particle size, refractive index variations, different distributions, and double/triple-layered spheres on polarization retention in forward transmission. The research identifies polarization-preserving channels at specific wavelengths. Polarization retention characteristics vary with particle size. For silica-encapsulated water spheres with radii of 1μm, 2μm, 5μm, 10μm, and 20μm, distinct intervals exhibit rapid declines in polarization retention. In contrast, silica-encapsulated water spheres with radii of 0.2μm and 0.5μm show no intervals of rapid polarization retention decline. Each silica-encapsulated water sphere exhibits a unique depolarization interval under varying refractive index conditions. As the forward transmission angle increases under different distributions, superior polarization retention characteristics shift from monodisperse to normal and log-normal distributions. For double-layered and triple-layered concentric spherical microparticles, both silicaencapsulated water and oil-encapsulated water-encapsulated silica exhibit distinct depolarization intervals.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jing He, Yi Duan, Dong Wang, Xiaoqian Li, Gang Li, and Xiangwei Zeng "Polarization retention characteristics of linearly polarized light through concentric spherical particles on forward transmission", Proc. SPIE 13504, AOPC 2024: Atmospheric and Environmental Optics, 1350402 (13 December 2024);
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Optical spheres


Spherical lenses


Refractive index

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