13 February 2025 Customized virtual liver tumor resection surgery simulation
Ning Wang, Shiyu Jia, Jingli Zhang, Wenli Xiu
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Proceedings Volume 13539, Sixteenth International Conference on Graphics and Image Processing (ICGIP 2024); 135392G (2025)
Event: Sixteenth International Conference on Graphics and Image Processing (ICGIP 2024), 2024, Nanjing, China
Due to variations in the size, shape, and location of liver tumors among individuals, surgical plans for liver tumor resection differ significantly. Traditional simulators use relatively uniform models in terms of size, position, and shape, which cannot replicate the patient's true anatomical structure. Through 3D reconstruction technology, a customized liver simulation scenario can be quickly established for each patient using a 3D surface model reconstructed from their medical imaging data. This scenario allows for the simulation of different surgical plans. Initially, a 3D surface model is reconstructed based on the actual medical imaging data of each patient's liver. Since 3D reconstruction technology cannot reconstruct the ligaments of the liver, virtual ligaments and virtual ligament envelopes are reconstructed on the liver surface according to its anatomical structure. Next, these components are assembled in a volume model generator, where boundary conditions are set on the virtual ligament envelopes to generate the volume model scenario. Finally, a simulator is used to perform surgical simulations on the patient's customized volume model scenario. Simulation results indicate that the customized virtual liver scenario can produce realistic deformation, collision, and cutting effects. The simulation frame rate meets real-time requirements, allowing surgical simulations based on the patient's pathological characteristics, thereby greatly simulating real surgery.
(2025) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ning Wang, Shiyu Jia, Jingli Zhang, and Wenli Xiu "Customized virtual liver tumor resection surgery simulation", Proc. SPIE 13539, Sixteenth International Conference on Graphics and Image Processing (ICGIP 2024), 135392G (13 February 2025);
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Data modeling

3D modeling

Computer simulations

Virtual reality



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